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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by foolsbreath

  1. foolsbreath

    Happy Birthdays are in Order!

    Hey! its a day for Birthday's today!! Congratulations to Naja, Willbe and TransDiMentional!! Hope ya'll have a fab day and rediculously extravogant and extroverted evening!! I'll have a beer 3 beers for each of you!
  2. foolsbreath

    Penis enlargment??

    Have you some findings we should know about? maybe you are experiencing macro vision due to the shroom ingestion?
  3. foolsbreath

    Happy Birthdays are in Order!

    oh you! Well looks like I'm not going to have many beers at all Doesn't matter, I'm already having fun
  4. foolsbreath

    Tripped out!

    Yeah its not nice, but It does show that what mummy takes. baby gets too, as well as getting the metabolotes. There was a popular belief that this did not happen I know of at least one couple that believed the placental membrane wouldn't allow anything terribly harmful to cross (a bad excuse, I know). Strangely enough their kids are autistic.
  5. foolsbreath

    Human species 'may split in two'

    LOL I'm sure he would, and I really don't prescribe to those sentiments, just trying to get people thinking, as averyone is so ready to discount those conclusions But That "family" full of bad ugly people is a true family, I worked with the brightest member of the family. He was on a dissabled pension at the age of 17 for nervous disorders (shared by his whole family) and I believe brought on by the sheer innability to understand the simplest mechanics of this world, he was also working and getting paid quite handsomely under the table. as were other members of his family To get involved in a intellectual or political debate with them was quite something, SCARY. His perspective and values were based on riding the system, doing as little as possible to survive. He was school educated, but, I can't explain it, they hate the world for being more "able" for no better term. I did enjoy these debates, as it gave me an insight into a world I would never otherwise experience, but I was always astounded by the conviction he had. No matter how good an argument I put forward I could not change the views he held!! Hatred for governmnet of any sort, dislike for people who had a educated job etc etc. At work he could not follow the simplest instructions. like when hanging jiprock, you'd tell him to put a blob of glue on the beams, you'd come back and he would have glued the upper side of the beams in the roof, or ask him to cut a series of sheets of different length, write it down for him, come back 20 minutes later to find them cut all the wrong length, or cut vertically instead of horizontally or he had lost the piece of paper and hadn't done anything at all, or had gone to the shops for a pack of smokes and dissapeared for 2 hours cause he got lost, or lost his wallet. He would become quite upset when he couldn't get these things right, to the point of becoming violent, His mother would have to go to hospital after little arguments with his sister for stress related reasons. For his 18th birthday his sister, a prostitute, and a collegue gave him a "session", yes his sister! Whats more, he paid for it! Can you see I'm not talking about a physical or social barrier of seperation, but a mental barrier. I have some very good friends of different social classes, I have friends with severe mental problems (schizophernia, ADHD etc), this is not the seperation I am talking about. They will still be able to cross barriers because they are still smart, good looking, and able to function to some degree in the world ( with help from meds where needed) I can see exactly what this paper is refering to. This family were all short wide and kinda troll like in apperance, large forheads, long thickset arms etc. and suprise suprise, what friends they had were of a similar constitution. He only had this job because the boss felt kind a sorry and responsible for him. He would cost us time and money on every job (oh and he did not do any drugs of any sort including prescribed pharms). I'm not being mean, merely stating true observations. I do believe that there may well be a seperation of the human race based on these observations. I would not have believed it if I had not met these people. Just by looking at them it is not obvious. You really have to interact to understand there are differences. But I could be completely wrong?
  6. foolsbreath

    Human species 'may split in two'

    I didn't say through genocide Simply stopping them reproducing would do the job, but since these people seem to love procreating it would be hard to do so, But hey if you want to be surrounded with family's full of but ugly half wits, whores and drug adicts good on ya, let your kids hang out with them. I'll be joining the elitest, intelligent good looking stream
  7. foolsbreath

    Lettuce Opium?

    I do hope you are not condoning the rape and pillage of poor old ladies gardens? They will be so upset when they see all their lovely flowers missing they will probably have some kind of embolism When they mature take a pod and grow your own
  8. foolsbreath

    Human species 'may split in two'

    Oh I don't know? I've worked with some f*#ked up people, and they've managed to mate with some f#*ked up people (and they would not have attracted someone not so fucked up, I guarantee it, I wouldn't have gone there with a 10,000 foot pole) And then I have met their children and, well I don't have to explain do I? My thought was that people like this should be removed from the gene pool because I could see the long term ramifications of letting these genes continue to spread. I'm not being mean, just making an observation, the same one the author of this article did, if you can't see it, you havn't been to the wrong part of town after dark.
  9. foolsbreath

    ssri's and MDMA fatal?

    you can taste all of those things easy, you'de have to be pretty drunk not too, and that may be the problem?
  10. foolsbreath

    Help with my NL Khat

    Have you repotted lately or disturbed the roots? They (all khats) seem to take a long time to recover from repotting in my experience, and often gets dried leafs which then fall off. I water a couple of times a week and keep pretty well shaded and don't get any symtoms of overwatering (fresh leaf fall). I too find the plants to be sturdier with some shade, although you get a loss of vigour compared to full sun positions. If they run into problems when kept in full sun they deteriate quickly IMO
  11. foolsbreath

    Aloe vera

    Mine is in soil that holds lots of moisture, it is going well excepting snail attacks, it has full shade and enjoys being liberally watered every day, the soil never drys out
  12. People are obviously missing the point On 7 this morning a farmer was interviewed, he was crying, yes it was sad and he said, "This area is great for crops\" then "if you have irrigation", Government agencies have been trying to tell farmers, irrigators and the bodies that support them that they drastically need to reduce off stream water consumption. The farmers and their supporting bodies said that is completely untrue, there is more than enough water, we are the stewards of the land, we know whats best, wev'e been doing this for 150 years, just let us continue cause we do a good job and on and on and on. I went to a talk by the head of the Narrabri Irrigators. He carefully talked his way around any points that could be rebutted and when I made this observation at the end of his talk during the replies, he looked at me and quite rudely implied I had no idea what I was talking about If farmers can't take any responsibility for the shortage of water and lack of instream and ecological flows that is destroying our main river systems they don't deserve their land. If water saving practices had been developed and implimented decades ago (and this should have been helped by the government, they are by no way blame free, but even when such things were encouraged they were largely ignored) the present situation would not be as desperate as it has become. Leave the land Revegetate the hills and low lands reduce dryland salinity return the soil structure and in 50-100 years try again with improved technology and practices that don't devastate the environment
  13. foolsbreath

    bridgesoid ID please

    here she is, sorry bout the poor quality, broke my camera and now rely on my web cam The spines are also considerable shorter and stouter than the normal bridge
  14. foolsbreath

    bridgesoid ID please

    Mmm, looks similar to one that I have, 4-5 ribs lots of blueing on the new growth, less on the old much fatter/wider ribs than most. Heavily spinned no matter where she goes, spines out the top are green, red near the top and white on old growth She is my flag ship specimen, I have much respect for it. The aereols and surrounds on yours do look pach like though, so I think it may be a cross?
  15. foolsbreath

    Cosmic souvenirs

    You got it El D If you can extrapolate the laws of physics to the metaphysical state then one must be believe (as I do) that energy can not be lost, only changed. Energy can be channeled and this happens with or against our will depending upon the forces acting apon it
  16. foolsbreath

    Comparing Salv and Spice

    yeah sally gives me a prickly hot feeling at a low dose, and if I'm sitting up, I feel like im pulled back into a lyeing position against my will, less control over your physical being than spice.
  17. foolsbreath

    Comparing Salv and Spice

    ALthough they might take you to the same level of experience, The route is quite different in my opinion I'd say the action of spice is like a push, while sally is more like a pull if ya know what i mean For me spice wins hands down
  18. foolsbreath

    Importing cacti powder

    Yeah, in Australia the term preperation includes the drying and grinding of plant material. In many other countries, preperation reffers to chemical extraction,meaning that simply dried leaf/cactus etc is quite an acceptable form to be selling plants in.
  19. foolsbreath

    Cosmic souvenirs

    I believe the law that what is, is. If you find something once and believe it lost, it is not so, it has just manifested itself in a different, unrecognisable form. This allows one to continue the search/journey and to rediscover all that was lost at a different level, revealing itself to you with new and greater glory as you will now have found answers to more of your questions.
  20. foolsbreath

    free thread

    And make sure you can fill your trade. I still have one outstanding from the start of May. People will send their offer away in good faith that they will recieve something! It sucks when you don't!
  21. He's just writting and sharing, TMM hasn't asked to be or needs to be critiqued What you have managed to do is really fuck up this thread The Mod should remove all this negative crap so TMM can get on with his story
  22. foolsbreath

    I wonder who will notice first.....

    Yeah, I saw he had the mod tittle days ago, but wasn't listed as one below any forum tittles, now he is, nice one tripi, and couldn't think of anyone better for that appointment!!
  23. foolsbreath

    free thread

    Yeah, I think the current situation is ok. The thread sometimes gets stuck a bit, but some generous people often help it out of its funk and like auxin said, what is rare to some is not to others. And I have been waiting for some poppy seeds (viable) to pop up for a while now, cause I gave all of mine away. But when offering seeds please make sure they are viable ie not lyeing around for 2 years
  24. foolsbreath

    ssri's and MDMA fatal?

    It used to be all the rage to predose with St johns wart which is an SSRI, There are some reported casses of Serotonin syndrome, but rarely if ever fatal. If it was agood biccy and he wasn't a heavy user, he could well have been on the moon regardless
  25. I agree! That was fun though EDIT : funny how a different perception of a definition can cause a different view of opinions, when the endpoint is the same.