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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by solomon

  1. thanks for the replies

    i have it quarantined and im i think i will try washing it off with warm water tomorrow. if that doesn't do it i will follow up using the above advice.

    edit: actually i think might do it right now

  2. posted a while ago about a loph which i thought was putting out a double flower..

    is it usual to have what looks like multiple fruit under the flower? there are three little pink fruits that look the same as fruit on other my other cacti. whats the deal here?

    how/when does one go about harvesting the fruit for seed.






  3. i just received this cacti, i am unsure of the species.

    notice this white fuzz covering parts of it, had a look at pictures of mealy bug and thought it looked similar, can any one identify this as mealy bug or any other bug?



    edit: finally got pics to work



  4. There is not one report on erowid, maybe you can give us a brief description. It does sound intriguing, the only place i could find seed was ebay in chile.


    haven't tried ingesting due to the lack of information and that im sure i read somewhere that it was a deleriant .. i could be getting confused with something else tho.

    will have a go smoking some leaf in the next few days.

  5. i have plenty of salvia growing but i want seeds rather than more clones of what i already have for the sake of genetic diversity.

    i guess i will have to grow them in the ground and try and get them to flower.

    sanp: there were seeds on tm a while ago.
