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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by solomon

  1. Found a couple of big bushes of these in a local garden, seem good for the climate here.

    Good to see that they take so readily from cuttings as I had tried growing from seed but flooded the tiny seedlings :(


    Heimia salicoflia roots


    Heimia myrtifolia

    Going to grow these out beside the H. salicifolia cuttings and note the any differences..

    smaller cuttings of around 10cm rooted quicker.

    left in a jar of water with a couple drops of rooting hormone, kept in a humidity tub at 25c for a few days

    no trouble hardening off the salicifolia from humidity/heat

    I'm sure this is overkill and they would strike in a glass of water on a windowsill.





  2. some similar memories to the posts above

    all in the age of 3 - 4 ish

    the door to a hotel in japan, it had a demon looking mask on it

    pigeons and statues in trafalgar square, different coloured squirrels running up a tree outside an old church, a hedgehog in the snow on xmas, a dragon statue in a playground, a swimming pool with a rock wall and ferns.

    splitting my head and seeing it in a bathroom which had every wall mirrored, getting bit on the ass by a chihuahua..


  3. Same problem, wasn't due to images being to large either.

    Tried both simple and the new uploader with firefox and arora.

    i think it's the same problem with the avatar uploader too..

    strange, it fails to upload the avatar but then uses it as the background picture for uploading an avatar.. behind all the text etc.

  4. Success!

    Tiny cutting I took a couple months back has thrown out a root :)


    Was put in a 50 50 mix of sand and rich soil, rooting hormone was applied a couple times.

    Kept at a pretty constant soil temp of 20 - 30 c


    Here is the seedling the cutting is from and is pictured in the first post. Just over a year old now.

    So stoked to have propagated it!





    • Like 2

  5. Similar situation here bro,

    well similar in that my ex is having a good time and living life to the fullest and im feeling shit and left behind. Because I fucked up things due to drugs etc if Im going to be honest.

    Can't imagine how heavy it must be with your kid involved.. even more reason to be the best dad you can, hard when there is love thats not returned.

    hit me up via pm if you wanna chat, im sure you can tell from this thread there are others who have been in a similar situ


    • Like 3

  6. Here are a few pics I took just now.

    The flowering plants leaves have gone a lot paler than their non flowering sisters over the last month, I wonder if they need a feed.. The flash makes it more apparent.

    Here is a new flower


    And a couple older ones




    so slow :wub:









    • Like 1

  7. Poor Snu, very sad to hear this.

    No one should have plants nicked whether it's joe bloggs or some urban shaman.

    But for this to happen to someone who has put so much into the community really makes me mad.

    Hope the scum responsible get the spiritual ass whooping they deserve and then some.

  8. "He evoked the words Tupac and Biggie, amongst others. Just crazy random things," Sgt. Rich Long of the Gwinnett County police said.

    Woah, woah, woah, he's namechecking rappers whilst trying to eat people and he didn't mention Big Lurch!?!

    Allegedly ate his room mate after doing angel dust.

    "I've never had to encounter somebody who acted like this before, so there's no telling what they may do when they are high on this drug," Hancock said.

    This and lots of the other stories sound like they are gearing up for new weapons or laws to combat zombies or bathsalts.. Maybe my tinfoil hat is malfunctioning..

    • Like 2

  9. Would be damn keen on some seeds of that cross, that Scop has some very interesting rib play going on.

    will rustle up some cool Trichocereus seeds in return if you're down for a swap

    Maybe we could all do some Scop pollen trading intended for scop x scop plants?
