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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by CβL

  1. That would be instantly integrated too - similar to the member trading thread. But it still puts the editing of the information (the word part) into the hands of the topic originator - in the case of further information. For example if we had incomplete information regarding Juul's Giant - then some new evidence comes back (i.e. the DNA study), and the original topic creator has left the forum - then the new information would be at the back of the thread, which could be now 10 pages long. So to get a quick idea of the plant in the future, could take a lot of reading. :)

    Would be nice if this forum software allowed to make topics that could be edited by anyone of a certain member level (make a new member class for editing these kind of topics). That would be even better. Maybe this feature already exists? Maybe the editors could be promoted to moderators of only that subforum without any other moderator priveledges?

  2. We think our dog was severely affected by oral prednisone treatment (which was prescribed for a skin condition... - only later did we find that a prednisone cream relieves his skin problems without the risk) - we think it resulted in his pancreatitis (he was probably at high risk from his diet to begin with, eating leftover scraps and licking plates and bowls). A quick google shows others share the same concern - so be careful if you want to go the steroid route. :)

    As a result of his pancreatitis, he no longer can have the fatty meat he used to enjoy. He has turned into a ninja dog, and will raid any and all bins that contain scraps. Even raids the compost heap for carrots. :innocent_n:

  3. I actually think that the CC Cuzco is basically Peruvianus hybrid (maybe with cuzco), and the CC Bridgesii is basically Cuzco (maybe with bridgesii). I think they came as seed from KK.

    Secondly - that's unbelievable you have so many flowers! My only flowerbuds actually dropped off. :(
    I think my fertilizer mixture is basically keeping them in veg mode (it's high phosphorus and nitrogen).

  4. Cereus peruvianus (85% sure) - congratulations. :)

    First of all, thanks for checking that thread. Even if it didn't solve your problem, it shows you're at least trying. :P

    Secondly, the ribs on a Tricho - despite getting extremely thirsty, will generally never get anywhere near the shape of a Cereus (I've got a 18 month old cutting that is still, mostly fat, despite growing like 3-4 pups that kept getting knocked off). The Cereus shape is really distinctive, and you can't really miss it.

    The side-profile, where it seems to bounce from each areole to the next - is a characteristic of a C. Peruvianus. Lastly, C.P. is one of the more common Cereus plants around people's homes (being a garden centre plant), so I think that it's very likely on statistics alone to be one.

    • Like 1

  5. I have a honey bunny... in the Netherlands. :|
    I figure it's worth keeping the candle lit in the meantime, unless/until I find someone else. So I wrote her an acrostic poem of her name, about our first kiss. :)

    I hope that regardless of the name of the day, everyone enjoyed it otherwise. :D

    And ww - there's never a bad time to bring up sad topics. I wish you all the best, and I hope that the details don't bring any more pain.

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  6. Excuse me? Petroleum-based licorice?!?!?! :puke:

    I notice licorice produces a mood elevation in me - perhaps on par with dark chocolate. It's also really bad to eat it during pregnancy IIRC - they did a study in perhaps Denmark, and found that it was bad, for some reason.

    But other than that, it seems fine for me - so I occasionally eat it. :)
    I ALSO notice, that it produces satiation/fullness in me. I'm one of those people who don't feel a strong "fullness" after eating sugar or carbs - I can just keep eating them (unless I've been exercising heavily lately) - I also have an extremely hard time just "saving" it for next time, so I prefer to avoid them altogether. But I found with dark chocolate, or licorice - I feel full well before I would otherwise. So when I eat sugar, I try to restrict it to these two, as they produce fullness feelings. :)

  7. That's quite a beautiful song (the first 'un).

    As I say - "only fear the untimely death."

    I entered this planet on borrowed energy - I don't own the matter and energy I'm composed of any-more than the swathes of bacteria that will resume them after my mortal existence ends. If everyone was selfish, and held onto their matter and energy before me - then I would never exist. Similarly, I can't be selfish and not return my borrowed resources back to the planet - I think of it as a great honour actually. Kind of like being given your dad's old watch - that his dad gave to him, and then one day, after years of protecting it - giving it to your own son, who you hope, will do the same.

    Secondly, the thing that makes you, you - is not the atoms, or the individual cells. They're practically the same in everyone. It's the pattern that these cells make, the woven tapestry of neuron connections and synapses - that make you, yourself. So, is there any reason that this pattern, couldn't exist elsewhere (say, as a backup)?
    I believe there is not - that your own pattern of neurons and synapses - can exist anywhere, that can create the pattern. How do they get there? Well, you'll need a scanner, and a good sharp knife. <joke>.

    I think that by being a kind human - reaching out to people, animals and plants alike - understanding them, listening, sharing - your pattern begins to weave into theirs. That your own pattern is woven from all the people you met and enjoyed life with, your grandfather, your grandmother - their voices softly in your head - you're actually carrying pieces of their pattern with you. You're not a microphone recording their sound waves, but you've actually taken some of their patterns - and as we've established, it only matters that the pattern is there - not which cells are making it. Their patterns (which are your loved ones) live within you. I can only say that I believe this to be profoundly and overwhelmingly true.

    If you're a wonderful human being - then you live forever - your pattern being passed down through generation and generation. If you were kind to yourself, and lived in a cave - all alone - then your pattern is snuffed out unceremoniously as your last breaths escape your cool body.
    I think when we die, we end our conscious life - but us - our essence - can live forever. Until the last stars grow cold and the fabric of spacetime can't even hold itself together.

    Here's the first song I thought of (short and beautiful)

    And another (with accompanying translation of the poem it's set to):


    When streams turn pink in the setting sun,
    And a slight shudder rushes through the wheat fields,
    A plea for happiness seems to rise out of all things
    And it climbs up towards the troubled heart.
    A plea to relish the charm of life
    While there is youth and the evening is fair,
    For we pass away, as the wave passes:
    The wave to the sea, we to the grave.

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  8. Apparently there have been ethnic African popes sometime before the last millenia - but as to whether or not they 'looked Roman' - I don't know. Their portraits are certainly different to the stereotypical African faces (nappy hair, large nose, very dark skin), but perhaps they were done afterwards (I'm not sure if there are any 1500 year old portraits?)
    I'm sorry I have no sources - Catholic history isn't high on my list of things to give cares about. :P

  9. I think it would be nice to have a system where different people growing the same clone can put all their images in one place. The best thing I can think of (at the moment), would be a wiki (users and passwords requested by SAB members, to then edit the wiki). This way there can be a bunch of photos (helping to show that the same clone can look completely different in different environments), and there'd be no bottleneck in terms of editing (wouldn't be a big job for any one person).

    • Like 4

  10. It looks like Getafix also thinks his Validus is sexy - a bottle of wine and a beach towel, obviously off for a romantic evening at the beach. ;)

    Today I got back from a 4-day hike, and most of my plants are alive, and seem to be doing well :D
    The base of one of my Taqs has rotted through, and it fell over - which is a bit shit - I think it was because it's current home is essentially a clay bucket full of soil - it filled up with water over winter and didn't dry out. I thought it might happen, but dismissed the idea. So drainage trenches, drainage trenches, drainage trenches - is the take-home. I think he'll survive, but from memory I sent a pup to centipede, so hopefully even if this fellah fully dies, the line lives on. :)

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  11. If she's not consciously thinking of her actions as stealing, then you might want to try a 'roadmap approach'. Basically, just break down what's she's doing into smaller chunks, that aren't huge leaps. Like 'things have gone missing, and we found them in your stuff (or we saw you)'.

    Those were other people's things, and you didn't ask for them and just took.

    That hurt their feelings.

    This is the definition of stealing ("taking without asking" or whatever it says in the dictionary) - are you doing that?

    Something that is like what chnt wrote, but without the word 'stealing' or 'theft', (because certain words trip defenses - if you tip-toe around the words. Maybe. :P

    Ultimately you are the person who has the best idea of what to say, and even then - there's no one right way to do it, there are thousands. :)

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  12. I wish I knew how to show people they need to change, but as far as I know, it's always very difficult and time consuming. I would be careful in the future confronting her, because I've noticed that confrontations with my own mother about her not-so-good habits - never end well. She just changes the subject, and stops talking about it, or pretends to listen. Then it seems the next day or so as if I've never said anything, and it just seems to be moving backwards. The best approach I've had is to talk to my mum in a place other than the home, somewhere newish and comfortable (i.e. we went to the beach). That way the subconscious idea of hiding, isn't there (you feel you can hide at home, physically as well as mentally). Me and my brother talked to her there, and we tried to explain how her thoughts were hurting us. We also asked a lot of questions - asking questions is a way to keep the other person from shutting their brain down (if they feel threatened - even if you're telling the 100% truth, they will often stop listening and go into defense mode, where it's about "winning arguments" to them). And we got a lot further than usual, but nothing revelatory.

    Ultimately if you can get her to admit that her behaviour is selfish, mean, and that she cannot control herself and needs help - then that's a really good outcome, as you can latch onto it, and if you can make sure she never forgets it - that'll go a long way towards getting better.

    Another approach would be to gather some "material evidence", which is really undeniable. This would probably be video footage in your case. I'm unsure if it's a good idea or not - some people would take it as a personal attack, others would see that you had to go to such great lengths to show them their own behaviour, and realize that enough is enough (kind of how Lance Armstrong only decided to confess when he heard his son defending him).

    Something strange I thought of is to try and get her to give away a lot of her stuff. Or even destroying it. Hoarding too many things keeps you stuck on the ground, and getting rid of them - is extremely empowering. I think that if you have nothing by the time you die, because you gave it all away as you got older - is a definition of success. You actually don't have "nothing", you traded things for happiness and memories. Considering you're dead when your will gets read out, why not give it away yourself so you can see the joy? It's also more meaningful to be given something, than to take it from a dead body (essentially).

    I hope you manage to sort it out. But the biggest advice I can give is to keep calm, and don't get angry (you can get upset, but getting angry will turn on her defence systems). Good luck, and I hope you can come to some agreement with your mum. :)

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