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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Distracted

  1. It was someone else commenting on one of mine.



    Well you had the right idea then, they look nice like that!

    This is the topdown view of that profile shot!


    It was a great day to be out, I love going forest/bush walking it's just awesome to be out there :)















  2. also many folks believe that the majority ov the goodies are actually in the stem, in Amsterdam they grow Cubensis in conditions that cause them to have thumb thick stems w/very tiny caps.


    Wouldn't that just be Penis Envy?

    I've read a lot of anecdotal reports saying that Penis Envy is stronger than your average cube, never heard it rationalised like that before though.

  3. Really like the 1st pic B)


    I took that because I read someone in this thread say they liked the photos where they could see more subs in the background, was that you? :o

  4. Hmm, isnt exactly hard to identify that second pic

    how blue is it.

    Never seen one bruised up like that


    There were a few around in groups, the cap so bruised it looked green.

  5. Does anyone know how potent the stems are compared to the caps? I can't seem to find much info on it. can only find some info on cube etc. is it best to remove stems, dry and powder or leave them on? also is there any preffered drying method with subs or just regular dry?


    Treat subs like every other mushroom, dry whole, grind whole, consume in tiny tiny peices.

    Preferred drying will always be with a foodgrade dehydrator, otherwise infront of a fan for 24-48 hours depending, then inside a sealed dessicant box for 24-48 hours depending.

    Mushrooms wildly vary in potency simply from sample to sample, so the stem of one fruit may have more lovliness than the cap of another...

    Waste not want not imo

  6. Some council playgounds have finely chipped woodchips under the swings.

    If you pay rates you've already paid for it ! :innocent_n:


    There's a playground near where I live where the entire bark bed is covered in mycelium only an inch down. When kids get a bit too rough on the swings you can see splotches of white mycelium everywhere :D

    Never seen it fruit though :(

  7. I've been told to use hardwood sawdust as opposed to lighter woods.

    I'm not sure where you'd go about looking for hardwood sawdust in particular... it's a question i've been wondering myself.

  8. FOAF observed some in SA this morning, he said that most of the area looked picked already and he only saw about 12 small subs in the ground, all no bigger than a ten cent peice.

    He took some pictures for me though :), i'll have to convince him to let me post them.

  9. The news report I saw on TV last night said that women had attacked the soldiers, which is quite bizzare.

    Apparently now if an armed soldier lands on your boat it's considered an attack if you try to defend yourself when they are murdering your friends ?

    As far as it being illegal to boycott goods, one of the only rights we have left in this country is the right to consume and I'll consume what I want, not what big brother tells me to.

    How do they prove guilt of a boycott ? Do they raid your house and check for made in israel stickers ?

    I'm sure it would only be for people publicly organising the boycott.

    And yeah terrorism is terrorism no matter how you're dressed.


    An Israeli boycott? :o

    I hope this doesn't include psytrance as well!

    As far as the illegality of boycotting goods.... I thought the main idea of Capatalism is to vote with your dollar? :/

  10. Can someone be physically addicted to a pursuit such as sport or love or gambling as they can to heroin?


    Hell yes! There isn't a negative stigma attached to those sorts of addictions either which makes them harder to spot.

    Video games can be very addctive because of the ease at which you're able to achieve your predetermined goals. World of Warcraft has a loot system similar to that of the pokies, using positive reinforcement(i think... been awhile) to encourage people to keep playing.

    During my psych class in highschool I remember hearing of cases of active runners suffering depression if they discontinued their daily runnings.

  11. but wat I am observing is mycelium taken from wild patches and separated into tubs or just new earth. Still although separated by upto a few thousand km's or just a few hundred, fruit when their patch does and not when their species does nor when their close neighbours of same species do, only when that patch does in the wild.


    Possibly the pinning indicators of the wild batch was copied to the home patch when it was transplanted?

    This of course wouldn't explain it if there were considerable climate differences.

    By your logic though each body of mycelium would have a different consciousness wouldn't it?

    edit: Naja, if the mycelium in both spots is fruiting independantly on climate conditions an experiment might be to try some indoor cultivation and see if they still fruit.

  12. Not really. Stems of mine were white and blued quite, they were not brownish with fibres.

    whatever the case, thanks for the opinion :)

    btw I am such a lazy bastard I haven't sent specimens to noone yet. I have seen pics of similar specimens picked in the balkans though...


    This was a cool thread to read until I saw the outcome...

    You Disappointed me mutant :(

  13. I'm pretty sure the influx of police crime shows started because one was popular, and then the TV executives realised if they just put more on, they would have more popular shows! It worked.

    That's not to say the shows are not themselves propaganda peices they are, but not in the way you've described them, at least in my opinion.

  14. I don't think there is an easy answer.

    I'm a devout athiest that has no answers, and as such I take psychs and come to places like this in order to try and slowly peice things together.

    I've been known to a few friends of mine to say that LSD + NOS is the key to unlocking the universe though :)

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  15. I'm not so sure what you have in your backyard are cubes, particularly if you live in South Australia as I'm not sure they would be very common down that way particularly at this time of year...they love dung and grass fields and fruit in subtropical to tropical environments, not in backyards in winter is SA.


    It's from an aborted tub that somehow ended up in my backyard, not naturally occuring :)

    SA just got it's first single digit degree nights the last couple days, so hopefully in a few weeks it should get colder and we'll see some action. :D

  16. it's a seasonal thing. subs are happening during late autum early winter.. cubes as far as i know are december, january and feb. but i've never found them wild so i wouldn't really know... from what i've heard when the seasons are in full swing they are both prevalent if you know where to look.


    I have cubes popping up in my backyard, the colder temperatures mean it takes them a looong time to grow though like our subadelic friends.

    I personally enjoy weed with my trip just as I enjoy tripping during the daylight.

    Just the other day I dosed up on 2 tabs acid, 4g cubes and it was quite nice... infact as daylight hit my CEDs became incredibly realistic/lucid whereas during the night it took me a few minutes of concentrating to get them to that point.

    Fun times ;)

  17. Although they may look alike when wet/fresh upon drying it's more obvious they are not subs, as subs turn a different colour.

    I came across a patch last year that smelt like subs and had the same white stem but didn't bruise blue 5m away from a known patch that fruited two weeks earlier. Really annoyed me :(
