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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Distracted

  1. Never seen one.

    Lived in what we belived was a haunted house when I was growing up... things like my brothers room would be ice cold in the heat of summer, things constantly being pushed off shelves when we were trying to sleep, curtains in my room used to wave about when the windows were all closed.

    I remember hearing someone play a trombone solo once in my room... when I came to get my family to listen it stopped... soon as they went away it came back again.


    could all this have been a group shared paranoia, one's paranoia feeding another persons? who knows? It was a creepy old house that a few people had died in... one of the main reasons why were decided to move to somewhere else.

  2. This thread reminds me of


    Texting error leads to lockdowns at West Hall middle, high schools Message should have said "gunna" as in "going to" but changed to "gunman"
    By Lee Johnson [email protected]
    POSTED: March 1, 2012 12:21 a.m.

    An auto corrected text message, accidentally sent to the wrong number, was the catalyst to lockdowns Wednesday at West Hall middle and high schools.

    Just before noon, law enforcement and school officials issued the lockdowns after a West Hall community member reported a threatening text message.

    The text, saying "gunman be at west hall today," was received and reported to police around 11:30 a.m. But after police tracked the number, they learned the auto correct feature on the new cellphone changed "gunna" to "gunman."
    The message being sent to the wrong number added to the confusion.

    As law enforcement learned of the text message, the schools were notified to go into lockdown as authorities investigated the origins of the message.

    "The school system always relies on law enforcement for school safety and anytime they request a lockdown we go with that request," said Gordon Higgins, Hall County Schools spokesman. "We always take every precaution concerning a potential threat or danger."

    Authorities say the person who received the message "did the right thing."

    "It was a combination of odd circumstances," said Sgt. Stephen Wilbanks of the Hall County Sheriff's Office. "We want to emphasize that the recipient did the right thing in reporting the message."

    Hall Superintendent Will Schofield said in a statement that locking down the campuses was "standard procedure" and he was pleased with the handling of the situation.

    "I am extremely proud of our school team members as they handled a challenging situation well," he said. "While this event caused a great deal of anxiety among students, staff and parents, be assured that we will always err on the side of caution when it comes to the safety of our boys and girls."

    School officials say safety is their top priority and that giving information to parents as it becomes available is essential.

    "What we try to do is give parents the best information when we have it," Higgins said.

    The lockdown was eventually lifted around 1:45 p.m.

    This event comes just days after three students were killed at Chardon High School in Ohio, adding to an already stressful situation.

    Higgins said the time frame between the two events could have had an impact on today's events and the way they were handled.

    He also said threats happen at schools, but generally come from students. This, he said, was the first time in recent memory that a community member reported a threat.

    • Like 1

  3. Yeah but educated people don't vote for right wing nut jobs (unless they are psychopathically wealthy of course)

    I've met fuckloads of educated morons.

    btw, 25% of people in SA voted for an independent to run for senate, liberals got 26%.

    There's hope!

    • Like 1

  4. Poor woman, she's obviously not angry at the fact she can't get nuggets but something else in her life, poor staff who had to deal with her too... but something has upset her a whooole lot... she came to maccas to calm down with some nuggets and not being able to calm down has set her off.

    Here's another one but this one is justified... maybe not for calling 911 but mcdonalds fucked up big time by not having nuggets from her.

    Chicken nuggets are serious business.


  5. I'm guessing this would make us a potential target for foreign intervention? Better ramp up the military industrial complex, we're going to need a better army. Let's start by pitting ourselves against the hapless refugees, that'll get us primed. No coincidence?

    Needless to say, that shit needs to stay IN THE GROUND to prevent runaway climate change.

    America sent over a bunch of troops 2 years ago to protect our resources, read about it in a financial newspaper.. certainly wasn't printed in any tabloid.

    • Like 1

  6. It's not a hard document to find on the internet but it is copyrighted material.

    Here's an Australian government report from 1965 which led to Scientology being banned... before they got back in in the early 70s.due to a name change, then officially state by state in the 80s.


    Here's a list of all the FBI files that are on L. Ron Hubbarb, or at least all the letters he sent the FBI, some including original notes by the agents that read it including calling him crazy as he denounces all his members that he has disagreences with as communists, even his own wife after they pull Operation Snow White (the biggest infiltration of the US government in history) and she gets caught.


    Here's an interview done with L. Ron Hubbard Jnr. and Penthouse back in the day... as they were the only publication not afraid of speaking the truth for fear of litigation, talks about Hubbard's obsession with trying to create a moonchild, a child of Satan and the mental abuse of his followers.


    Warning though... I found reading about cults and their use of control to be quite depressing... we are all very bad people, just to different degrees.
