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Posts posted by Distracted

  1. I'll get straight to the point too. No they are prohibited.

    here's a news article

    Man turns Safeway seeds to opium

    November 8 2002
    By Steve Butcher


    Homegrown opium poppies.

    A Victorian judge was shocked yesterday at how a drug addict was able to grow 230 opium poppies at home from seeds bought from the herbs section of a supermarket.

    Judge James Duggan was told it was possible that Ronald Mark Fiddes had bought untreated imported poppy seeds that produced the prohibited plants.

    Prosecutor Chris Ryan confirmed it was possible for someone to grow opium plants from untreated overseas seeds, whereas all poppy seeds grown in Australia were treated.

    The County Court heard that police found two crops weighing a total of 37 kilograms in the front and back yard of Fiddes' Lower Plenty unit on November 20, 2001.

    Mr Ryan said the capsules of some plants showed evidence of scoring from a sharp blade that meant the opium sap or resin had been harvested.

    Morphine formed about 1 to 3 per cent of the resin while Fiddes' crop would have produced a quantity of opium about half the size of a cricket ball, he said.

    It was accepted, he said, that Fiddes had not trafficked the opium and had grown it for personal use.

    Joe Toal, defending, said Fiddes, 40, had been "totally soaked" in drugs, mostly heroin, morphine or methadone, for about 20 years.

    Fiddes had been a methadone addict for 10 years from 1989 before he decided to get off it and start working as a labourer. After a serious back injury, he unsuccessfully applied to legally obtain morphine for pain relief. Then he had been told about growing poppies for opium.

    "He wanted to keep to himself and not bother anyone and try and create a situation that was physically tolerable for him," Mr Toal said.

    So Fiddes went to a Safeway store, selected two bags of poppy seeds from the herbs section, planted them, and "they took off", he said.

    Judge Duggan said he found such a scenario "mind-boggling".

    Fiddes got between 10 and 12 fingernail-sized balls of opium, which he swallowed with water, that helped with his morphine addiction and pain control.

    Fiddes, an industrial spray painter, of Main Road, Lower Plenty, pleaded guilty to cultivating a narcotic plant and to possessing marijuana.

    In his sentencing remarks, Judge Duggan said he was surprised that Fiddes had been able to "plant an illegal crop so simply". He jailed Fiddes for two years with one year suspended for 24 months.


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  2. Benzito it would have been better for you to have simply not answered their questions then to say you didn't remember.

    Same as your friends case, especially if the cops had already judged him guilty and were just trying to find the crime he committed.

    You need to make a judgement call early on as to how you're going to deal with your interaction, either give them as little information as possible while remaining polite, or give them nothing and let them puff their chest. Either way can be more beneficial than the other depending on your current circumstances.

    • Like 1

  3. ^^^ I think USA is flexing its muscles over china, and saying "look at us, AUS is our Ally, where is your base China?"

    Imagine the outcry not just by Australian citizens but by the western media if China was going to deploy 2500 troops in Australia.

    But if America wants to do it and you cry out you're a peace loving hippy that's living in a fantasy world.

    • Like 2

  4. Todays quote is brought to you by Gene Ray
    "Since I have informed you of Nature's Harmonic Time Cube 4-Day Creation Principle, your stupidity is no longer the issue. For now, the issue is just how evil you are for ignoring Life's Highest Order, and just how long the Time Cube will allow you to plunder Earth before inflicting hell upon you."

    • Like 2

  5. You only need a few hours of REM sleep a night, anymore than 8 hours sleep and you won't be gaining anymore REM sleep as you don't go into the deepest sleep cycle that is required for REM.

    You can definitely oversleep, it's called sleep inertia and it's why you feel so fucking tired after being asleep for 13 hours.

    There's a lot you can read up on about sleep written by much more eloquent people than I, sleep is a major part of your life people should know all they can about it :)

    Personally my sleep patterns depend on how much i'm working, if i'm working a lot between 4-6 hours sleep is enough for me easily. I can function on 3 hours sleep but it's much harder to concentrate.

    There is no universally perfect number of hours to sleep everybody is different and fuck anybody that says otherwise.

    Try and sleep when it gets dark and wake up when it gets bright, try to expose yourself to the sun as early as you can to trip your pineal gland to stop producing melatonin and try to keep as dark as possible at night to produce melatonin when you need it. Exposure to bright lights during 'sleep time' can trip your pineal gland and fuck up your circadian cycle.

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  6. As an Australian citizen you have the privilege to not self incriminate

    You don't have to tell them where you've been, where you're going or what you're doing. Telling them you're not going to answer their questions in a way that does not arise ' reasonable suspicion' is the difficult part especially when most officers are anything but reasonable.

    Good luck and loose lips sink ships.

  7. In SA

    Over a year ago a friend of mine was riding his shitty korean hyosung and happened to end up following a group of bikies, certainly not riding with them but he was the very next person behind them. An officer saw them and pulled them over, as well as my friend and got all their details down. The officer wouldn't listen to reason that my friend had no fucking idea who these people were and is now a registered 'associate' of that gang, whoever it was.

    Awesome job guys.

    • Like 1

  8. The compounds are betacyanins, and what is interesting about them is that the Order Cactales and some in the Order Caryophyllales (anyone know what these are?) have betacyanins instead of anthocyanins.. anyway, here's the text from Benson, 1982, pp 70 and 104. [Kari's comments in brackets]

    "In all but two orders of flowering plants, coloring ranging from near red to near blue (violet to purple) is due to pigments called anthocyanins [antho = flower, cyan = blue]. These change color from an acid to a basic medium just as litmus paper does [like the flowers of hydrangea]. Colors ranging from yellow to orange may be due to the related anthoxanthins [xanthus = yellow in latin]. During the last few years, a group of chemically unrelated pigments have been found, so far as investigated, to produce parallel results in most of the families of the Caryophyllales and in the Cactales. These are betalains -- betacyanins corresponding in color to anthocyanins and betaxanthins to anthoxanthins. However, the betalains containnitrogen; the anthocyanins and anthoxanthins do not. Anthoxanthins and betaxanthins often occur in the same species or individual, but the occurrence together of betacyanins and anthocyanins has been reported only once. The presence of betacyains rather than anthocyanins is a significant taxonomic character, because it is restricted to the Caryophyllales (except the Caryophyllaceae and the subfamily Molluginoideae of the Aizoaceae) and to the Cactales."

    further...about preserving/preparing specimens...

    "...betacyanins in cacti produce colors in the magenta series, and these are altered according to the acidity or alkalinity of the cell sap. Thus, they tend toward red in an acid medium and toward blue in an alkaline one. No matter how the pressing of a specimen has been done, these dissolved [water-soluble] pigments will not retain the original color; they turn to a dull blue. However, the presence of these pigments is indicated by the blue, even though it is altered from the original color."
