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Posts posted by souljourney

  1. Nice one blowng..thanks.....

    I see now though that no-one "makes" people

    fight with eachother because of differences in belief systems, religion etc.

    (and all the rest that people fight about)

    there is no victim...

    We are not victims of "the illuminati" or some super-power...

    When one finds love, and the power within;

    the inner voice/guidance;

    the ability to "go with the flow"

    allowing life's Mystery to reveal itself;

    seeing there is much we cannot control;

    giving up trying to control others and rather rejoicing

    in others finding and acting on the power within themselves...

    living with the awareness of the dissolution of this body

    and mind in every moment,the impermanence of it all and so

    living with no attachment...

    rather living in gratitude...


    this is freedom

    and all those guys causing suffering

    holding onto as much as they can

    living with greed

    harming others...they are losing...

    they are losing until they wake up...

    and find fearlessness within themselves...

    hmmm...so i am not angry at these people...

    they are way lost...lost the way...maybe never found it...

    hope they do...

    much love

  2. This is great...thanks Nabraxas..

    I haven't listened to J.Krishanamurti for many years

    and i find listening expands my mind...

    I love when he refers to living with no time (internally)...time is a useful tool

    to function on the outside, though not needed internally...

    living without time,internally...

    much love

  3. my interpretation of this phenomenon is that you are looking at the faces of god!



    all is manifestation/expression of God or Consciousness or Love ...

    Love Said to Me

    I worship the moon.

    Tell me of the soft glow of a

    candle light

    and the sweetness of my moon.

    Don't talk about sorrow,

    tell me of that treasure,

    hidden if it is to you,

    then just remain silent.

    Last night

    I lost my grip on reality

    and welcomed insanity.


    saw me and said,

    I showed up.

    Wipe you tears

    and be silent.

    I said, O Love

    I am frightened,

    but it's not you.

    Love said to me,

    there is nothing that is not me.

    be silent.

    I will whisper secrets in your ear

    just nod yes

    and be silent.

    A soul moon

    appeared in the path of my heart.

    How precious is this journey.

    I said, O Love

    what kind of moon is this?

    Love said to me,

    this is not for you to question.

    be silent.

    I said, O Love

    what kind of face is this,

    angelic, or human?

    Love said to me,

    this is beyond anything that you know.

    Be silent.

    I said, please reveal this to me

    I am dying in anticipation.

    Love said to me,

    that is where I want you:

    Always on the edge,

    be silent.

    You dwell in this hall of

    images and illusions,

    leave this house now

    and be silent.

    I said, O Love,

    tell me this:

    Does the Lord know you are

    treating me this way?

    Love said to me,

    yes He does,

    just be totally…

    totally… silent


    i'll add a doco/ vid...


  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdZfiwdZWxo

    this is must see for any tripper i reckon. not like a video can do justice to tripping but the way they do this is a reasonable emulation of looking at your face in the mirror, tripping. they seem to have taken several stills after the guy poses different reactions. then they modify these stills to differentiate them further, and morph from one still to the next.

    ok it would be far less convincing if he changed from an alien into a thing with a fucked up head, into a little girl, into another thing with a fucked up head, into a grizzled bushman, into another thing with a fucked up head, into a middle-aged woman with heavy make up, into another thing with a fucked up head, into another thing with a fucked up head........



    looks like he channels many spirits....

  5. This same joy relief and freedom is felt in my heart when I express my freedom to be.


    After this post I feel that we are on equal grounds and are inherently looking for the same things. Much love


    This is sweeeet!!!

    Yes...we are simply following what we feel is true...

    being true to ourselves...

    much love

    ...thought to add this great website/book...


    i just finished reading it....

    loved it...it reflected many of my own insights....

  6. I feel people should be allowed to marry/fuck/be with whoever and as many as they want or not.

    Just depends on what you want, but i do not see it relating to a higher spiritual awareness at all. I dont think the spirit cares much for the ways of the world, and so ppl are free to choose. It is untouched by the workings of the world.

    Global evolution, if i believed in such a utopian ideal (the idea that we are heading towards future perfection, ie a dream), would not be triggered by something as unimportant as to the context in which people build relationships with those around them.

    How can someone who is polyamorous(sp?) be more 'spiritually developed' (as if you could be more spritually developed than the person next to you) than someone who seeks a traditional marriage. I think everyone is equal in terms of the spirit.

    To clarify my point of view, it is true that I personally do not seek polyamourous realtionships.

    Ok after reviewing a few more post I still dont see how polyamory is somehow more intelligent and rebellious, because it has been practice since humankind began, as with the other relationship types.

    I see that it suits some people better but these supposed benefits like:

    -people in polyamorous relationships are less selfish and less jealous simply are not true.


    Yes....polyamory is not for everyone....

    nor does anyone try and fit into any system if it doesn't feel right

    from within....from insights coming from ones own experiences...

    Personally, being polyamorous, i have found that jealousy, trying to control another, fear of being alone, and sense of 'owning' another have all left my life....

    What a joy and relief....

  7. Whether an actual stooge or not (it seems likely) Alex Jones gets too fired up and it all seems a bit of an act, a cathartic vent for us all without any real action. Anger is a potent force, but here it seems misdirected, unfocused, ranty... sends off vibes of confused angry frustration which (if unconscious of it) leeches into your emotional state... some not too subtle emotional manipulation of the waking up masses, a hurdle on ones path to truth.

    here's some thoughts i wrote before.

    Knowledge is power.

    passion is weakness.

    inciting anger is leaching others' strength.

    blaming others shifts responsibility onto them thereby making you irresponsible and powerless.

    fear of an omnipotent big brother (super ego) resignates you to a little kid that needs shelter and food provided by the state and you must appease the big guy to get these presents (indoctrination starts with santa). Just like a teenage kid you will whinge and complain but never actually get a job and stop relying on your caretakers.

    Disconnecting from whichever elements of existence disturb you, will forever have that existing independently (apparently) to screw with you, as something external and beyond your control.

    Knowledge is power.

    mindfulness is strength

    promoting tolerance and understanding fosters inner peace and strength in oneself and others.

    looking for your reflection in others allows you to see how you manifest your own reality.

    Seeing this reptillian (primitive) aspect of reality and accepting this as your reflection, a part of you, allows integration and modulation, sharing a resonance that can lift the vibration.

    Re-connecting apparently disparate entities together into your being allows a communication among these aspects of self so that a harmonious integration may occur rather than dissonance.

    As Unity -> Seperation -> Bliss have come full circle the universe is evolved and may continue its next cycle.


    Just read your post again after some time...

    (and some good partying)...

    Yes!!! to all you wrote...

    the fog has lifted...


  8. I do not think of myself as intelligent, I am intelligent, big difference. I understand that this was not meant to be a debate...

    ‘There is little argument in the scientific community that a direct effect of doubling the CO2 concentration will be a small increase of the earth's temperature -- on the order of one degree. Additional increments of CO2 will cause relatively less direct warming because we already have so much CO2 in the atmosphere that it has blocked most of the infrared radiation that it can. It is like putting an additional ski hat on your head when you already have a nice warm one below it, but your are only wearing a windbreaker. To really get warmer, you need to add a warmer jacket. The IPCC thinks that this extra jacket is water vapor and clouds.’ Will Happer a Princeton physicist.

    There is no consensus in the scientific community, there never is on anything other than scientific laws obviously. The ‘consensus' amounts to a politicised agenda, ie. there is only consensus within the UN, which is headed by a railroad engineer; to reiterate the head of the IPCC is a railroad engineer.

    If you look at the UN climate change report from 1995 there is a Medieval Warm Period, that is hotter than today and the consensus is that it existed, even within the UN. Then in 2001 the UN ‘modified’ all there data until eventually the MWP disappeared. There are research papers available for this if you have access to your local uni, I assume this to be the case because you are a scientist as demonstrated with your impressive sine curve argument.

    Below is the UN’s calculations, although they use an incorrect model for radiative transfer, ie. all the UN and UN sponsored models assume that as the planet warms then radiative transfer decreases when in fact it increases, meaning that as the planet warms more heat is radiated off the face of the planet, just common sense really. This means the planet is less ‘climate sensitive’ then the UN would have you believe, a self equalising, balancing property of the earth as with all-nature. Prof Lindzen is a respected scientist who has researched the effect of radiation and temperature, he is an atmospheric physicist of 40 years, maybe you should give him a chance prof. torsten.

    But none the less here is a demonstration on how much warming we can expect per an amount of C02 based on your data, which is no longer available as raw data because it was ‘lost’ by the university of East Anglia; this was discovered during the ‘climategate’ scandal- look into this.

    Quote: ‘To conclude, let us assume that the UN's central climate sensitivity estimate is right. In that event, warming (at climatic equilibrium) of 4.7 times the Naperian logarithm of the proportionate increase in CO2 concentration is fancifully predicted to occur. Let us also assume that all of the 2 ppmv/year increase in CO2 concentration that has occurred at a linear rate over the past decade is attributable to the enterprises and industries of humankind. Armed with this information, plus the news that today's concentration of CO2 is approximately 388 ppmv, let us calculate just how much of a global temperature increase we can forestall if we shut down the entire world economy, overnight, sweeping all cars, trains, and planes off the planet, and flinging the entire working population out of a job, reducing the economy to the Stone Age but without the right even to light a carbon-emitting fire in our caves. How much warming would a whole year of this economic self-immolation forestall? Here is the answer –

    ΔTglobal = 4.7 ln(390/388) = 0.024 C/year.

    Yes, for each year that we shut down the entire economy, we shall prevent less than one-fortieth of a Celsius degree. We'd need to run a pre-Stone-Age economy, with incalculable loss of life and horrendous consequential environmental damage, for 41 years just to prevent 1 C of "global warming". And that's if the UN is right about the warming effect of CO2. But suppose – as most learned papers on climate sensitivity now conclude – that the UN has exaggerated around fivefold. Make that 200 years of zero carbon emissions, and all just to prevent 1 C of warming. Once you understand that this calculation is robust, you will realize how extravagantly pointless the present Copenhagen conference is. It would be orders of magnitude cheaper and more cost-effective to adapt to climate change (in whatever direction it occurs, and regardless of the very limited extent to which humanity is responsible) than to attempt to mitigate it by allowing an unelected, Communistic world government to control all formerly-free markets, to tax the West to extinction, and to interfere directly in the economic as well as environmental affairs of all nations. This is not mere rodomontade.’ Lord Monckton.

    It is also notable that there is no figure gievn in the latest UN climate change report on how much warming we can expect per an amount of C02 increase, this is rather unusual because this is what the whole alarmist view hinges on, that is, an extremely exagerated figure. One only needs to look at the predictions for how much the ocean will rise to see that this is the case, some had it at over 20m while Al Gore bought a house on the shore.

    If you provide an alternative estimate of this figure; warming per C02 increase, your arguments might have some merit.

    Finally you yourself accepted that there has been cooling, which as you stated, will be followed by a rising temp that you predict will be twice as fast. This is just an old 'end-of-the-world' fear and has no scientific basis, and is not supported by any sine curve. It is true that the world temps have been equalising and then decreasing in the last decade, this is also the case with ocean levels, which seems to provide support for Will Happers view.

    The climate may be changing but it is constantly doing so, and no man can seek to control it, because to do so would require the intelligence of great nature, which man does not possess at this point in time.


    I am very grateful for your posts..the intelligence you have and respect to others you show even though they may think differently...

    You clearly express what i more so feel in my gut..

    So I thank you for your posts...



  9. I am so totally bored with this argument. Go read a science book and let this thread get back to its original purpose.

    Anyone who quotes morons like monckton doesn't rate much higher than he does in my book and really isn't worth the argument. there are plenty of other threads here that cover all of this.


    Far out!! Why read it when you are bored...??? ...Why tell others what to do??? I don't get it...very interesting..if others do not share the same belief system or think as you do, then put them down...

    I am very interested in many perspectives in life,

    and there may be others who are also...

    BTW also Al Gore is not a scientist....

  10. Alex Jones is a bit of a chump personality wise, I admit that I find most americans this way.

    However I try and focus on the facts and point of view that people present, for example Kevin rudd and obama can put on a good smile but are liars and dicks behind the scenes. I do generally agree with the information alex jones presents and I like the people he interviews on his shows much of the time.

    Blowng, nice post thanks.

    I do not wish to start a flame war and acknowledge the strong view in my first post, but will try to respect others points if they disagree.


    Nice...yes..i also don't wish to start a flame war....

    and thanks Blowng..
