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Posts posted by vual

  1. fucken james randi all this anger has come from him, i must have a deep complex over him!!

    sorry to take my love/hate reation ship with james randi out on everyone here.... like i mentioned in spirituality thread i need think before i type.... i just spew negitive shit, anyway ill leave my posts up for my own sake, no point removing them, what is said has been said. :(

    I asked for your opinons and you gave them to me, becuae they didnt agree with me i attacked them, im sorry about that for what itsworth, thanks kindly for sharing your opinions on the subject with us :)

    borderline schitzophrenia MPD or something... i dont know....

  2. No worrys, thanks for joining in.

    I cant see how my PM was "superfluous", Yes i am studying a degree in homeopathy, yes it gives me a advantage over you in this subject... superfluous no, i was making it known to you that I to was educated in the feild, and i didnt wanna make it publicly known for people will link my account name to my university, i tend to use PM for private details to those i can trust....

    Aanyway thanks for taking it apon yourself to force me to make it public......or calling me out on a PM or whatever you thought you where doing..... either way its pritty untrust worthy to move something spoken about in a trusted PM to a public thread, i would dare say......

    Do you even know what superfluous means? what i did was the oposite of superfluous, expecially in a topic where education makes a difference, i was establishing my "credentials" with you, for you cared to establish "yours" with me... so on that logic you being a SO CALLED "physicist" is superfluous, and even more so for your statment about you being a physicist is a compleate lie, maybe a SELF TAUGHT student of physics would be more approriate? .....

    *enemys run of to google homeopathy higher education in australia, and troll for blog posts with the same bad spelling as mine....* <-- -

    In the above I ment to say daltons atomic theory not boyles... why didnt you point that out you are a physicist you mention?

    I assume you didint point it out because you didnt read it, or you didnt understand everything you read (*brain ticks over*)........

    I am not going to attack your physics reserach but what physics feild are you currently reseraching? Matter comes in many forms and size's. If you did answer the inital question from a physics point of view i wouldnt of minded, but that would be considering you had a NEWLY educated point of view, things change and it seems you havnt been keeping up with your feild.

    Fuck even a simply Google serach gives more infomation then you gave. If you are a Physics researcher like you claim it would of been apropriate to read the research and then anylise it for us.....???

    I perfect example is how einstein was wrong about alot of stuff in the field of "physics".....

    (ie: speed of light being the fastest and atomic particles being the smallest....)

    But it worked at that point in time, i honestly think schools should stop teaching old pseudoscience and concentrate on new reserach from a basic level as not to fuck up with peoples fundimentals they carry with them later in life....

    pseudoscience what a strange word.... essentialy all science is fake if looken at from a future prospective, AND NO SCIENCE CAN BE PROOVEN ONLY DISPROVEN, so the entire pretense behind this post IS A TRAP.

    I was refering to the physics papers and qunatum mechenics not the medical papers, but both are great examples of critical evidence based research, but like you yourself mentioned you are not even educated enough to continune the conversation past the point of where you dont understand, and that was a while back. Hense why i still miss the point of any of your replys....

    I hate to sound rude and i resepct your idea's but nothing is more anoying then someone saying "science" has no proof for something when to post they had to bypass the proof first, or they have a outdated understanding of science, or the fundimentals have changed along the way and they forgot to update there knowledge bank with new laws and theorys (daltons example). Science is so far away from a perfect study its not funny, and it tends to lead people to think of a "perfect science", science is just a CURRENT explanation of how things work and changes on a hourly basis all around the world as new papers are published and new experiments developed.

    Honestly do you have any paid subscriptions to any jornals?? but you call yourself a scientist (sorry a physicist).

    a real physicist would be peer reviewing as many articals as he can..... and a real physicist would take offence to that statment, maybe you are a student of physics but i would not say you are a reserache, I assume you have a university education in physics to make those bold statments but wouldnt you be dying to read new scientific litriture from your very field of study??

    we allready established at the start you dont read propaly or dont fully understand what you read, so this post i make i feel is in vein....

    The worst thing to happen to science is this new "skeptomania" movment of so called scientists going around attacking so called psudeoscience.... when the entire idea of science is just that, a good quote i once heard was.

    "If there is no point on changing someones opinion with a experiment, i cant see the reasion to experiemnet in the first place"

    Maybe wooddragon dosnt care to post for he knows for there is no point? or maybe he is busy with his quantum physics research, either way it would be awsome to have a qualified physicist's opinion on this subject, but i dont think a educated physicist would dare to comment for they could only backup my opinons after reviewing the litriture...........

    really though whats the fucken point, just frustrates me that you consider yourslef a man of science, but cant be fucked to do the reserach, anyway you have more important things to do then debate something that has to do with your own industry being physics and also the worlds second most widly used medical system that will persioanly effect your slef and family members in years to come....... meh who cares right, it works and thats all that matters.

  3. thats strange my local MX paper said brisbane was voted the worlds most livible city.... 0_o

    How can the nations most livible city be better then the worlds??? that dont make sense...

    typical media shit...


    are they trying to fuck with our heads!!!

    also cmon guys you all should know the laws in adelade has changed!!!

    its ont 100$ for a plant now its $5000 and 2 years jial... :bong: :bong:

    ohhh i just read it probaly sorry, it was adaliade people that voted for themself... how strange...

  4. Interesting podcast i will take a listen, thanks, but i understand placebo to not be a dirty word, ie: shamans heal with placebo for the tribal member starts the healing proccess on there walk to the shamans tent....

    But i cant see why you would post that here after seeing the papers i posted to say its more then a placebo?? same thing with dogs and cats they cant be subject to placebo?? anyway... thanks for they share.

    You guys would know this, but you can never proof a hypothisis you can only disproove one.

    ie: They have taken a photo of a atom now , and it is nothing like boyles moddle chemists or physics like to imagine, hense the idea of a atom has now been disprooven, but it never was prooven in the first place......

    Ballzac if you did read my posts you will see there is PHYSICAL proof, that being radiation.... and electronegitivity of the solutions...... it shits me when people post old infomation without reading the new infomation, and i say that in utter most respect, thanks for joning the conversation, but everything you mentioned had been dismissed a few posts up.... considering you have such a great understanding of science why is it that your family doctor still gives you unprooven treatments to this day?

    in regards to imunization, in the refrence to that im sure he was talking about how "homeopathy is understand to work right now" you see the industry is on a verge of changing with lots of new proof coming out, previously it was thought homeopathy worked simply becuase your body can only have one alliment at any given time so if you give the body a new posion it will concentrate on that posion and will forget about the old one... i can see how that got confused with the princibles of imunization.

    and remeber 50% of conventinal medicine right now is unprooven, does this mean that 50% of concentional medicine is alternative medicine!!! WHAT THE.. MIND FUCK!!!

    Panadol was only prooved HOW it worked 3 years ago, this didnt stop us using it for decades?? becuase it worked....

    .............Also i dont give a fuck how i spell if you need to attack my spelling it prooves your arguments are weak and you need to resort to logical fallacies to attack my integrity.... consider that before you correct my spelling.

    How is wooddragon going to assist he has a pHD in physics or is studying homeopathy at a university level??? 0_o

    Or he would actually read the proof from some of the worlds most respected science jornals before posting ???

    The most upsetting part about the entire topic is noone is reading the papers before posting...... just just skim over it, dont bother, then continue on to post there own opinions...

    anyway... i wonder where nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier is latly?? his input would be invaluble in this thread...

  5. well said paradox, let me continue....

    Anthoplogy tells us, A Shaman is a cultural figure head that everyone in the tribe trust's, a shaman is considered a healer of a tribe and also sometimes, but not always a elder. A shaman traditional is thought to use plant spirits to heal, but the healing proccess of a shaman is much deeper, a sharman is like a tribal phycologist, the ritual, fire, drugs, song and dance are all tools used to heal the problem, shamans try to get to the base of the problem and heal from the problem stems from with intense counciling sessions. 90% of a shamans power comes from the tribe, NOT from spirits and NOT from plants, simply becuase the tribe beleive is what gives the shaman power, most of the time a tribe member will start the healing proccess just by knowing they will go to the shaman.... (imagine it as a placebo effect for it was programed into you when you are born)

    Mix in intensive counciiling, some drugs, trust and the placebo effect and you have a shaman.

    Same goes for a mediceine man or a bush man.

    People here see A shaman visit as: "is a intensive counciling session with mind altering drugs to speed up finding the bloackages."

    A shaman is a tribal ... Natropath.

    shamans are much missunderstond and given alot more credit (in this culture) then they deserve.

    we have councilers, they have shamans...

    we have doctors ... they have shamans...

    we have herbalists.. they have shamans..

    we have science... they have.. shamans..

    there is no 1 relegion to cover shamans so why would one genralize them "they eat plants to see spirits".......

    There are many tribes with many shamans from many cultures, and so do many other religions have there same similar rituals, a shaman is no different from a catholic priest for a catholic priest was once our cultures accepted shaman and even in most cultures shamanism is institutionalised or requires a 7 year apprentiship that you will pay for with time=money, they are simply the spiritual and healing figurehead of the community.

    Many people link shamans to ethnogens but thats not the case, and it leads to alot of missunderstanding. a shaman is simply our doctor and our priests rolled into one becuase those cutures are behind on scienece and understanding (no offence please), i use the word "placebo" with lots of resepct, for u understand how healing really works, and the world placebo isnt a bad one, it just means the shaman helps the patient heal themself ;)

    Uneducated people may find this post offensive, simply pointing out the truth, shaman isnt a marketing ploy that cam be used to take drugs, to be a shaman first you must be accepted by your tribe........

    If you have a tribe over hear in austrlaia that trust you and come to you with the problems then congrats you are close to being a shaman, but i doubt it. People lable things they dont understand, here be dragons on the map where we dont wanna explore we dont understand it so we give it a lable "dragons on a map"....

    How did this guy help me... i dont understand common conuciling techniques... i dont understand that under intense drugs i am more open to conuciling... wow must be magik and must be spirits...

    Most the time the patient will simply council them self while high on ethno's....

  6. the children are the future, i cant see how handing flyers out to children is not good...

    children are easy to teach, absorbe infomation and take that home to there parents and debate it at dinner time..

    not only are you helping people by educating, even changing lives and thoughts you are spreading the word that there is a alternative to what they are doing.

    In regards to lifestyle i will be the first to admit my lifestyle is crap and i need to change it, am i enlightend..... no far from it, is anyone on this board enlightened.... no far from it.

    So i can not provide any example's with what i do to acheaive a balanced life, but i can tell you what i wish i did.... 0_o

    There is many things in my lifestyle that i need to change and know i will be a better man from changing it....

    Here are a few...

    - Known exactly every chemical in every food that enters my system.

    - Drink more water ( i only drink 1ltr tops a day, on average we need 4-6l a day, and its a huge difference in feeling simply drinking more water)

    - Walk when i dont have to drive

    - Treat others with the same amount of respect i deserve to be treated with (that i must learn to do more, by biggest downfall)

    - Spend more time with my family

    - Enjoy my work

    - Remove all stress (earthly or not earthly)

    - Manage free time better

    - Sleep less

    - Live more

    - Read more books

    - Take reserach and study more seriouse

    - Watch my mouth (Think before i speak)

    - Substances in more moderation

    - Get outside more

    ....just some things that i "NEED TO CHANGE", like i said my lifestyle is shit....

  7. my local dan murphys dosnt sell it :(

    strange they sell everything else!!!

    In regards to distillation and alkaloids....

    "In 1820 the first Bolivian coca leaf liqueur was manufactured by the De Medici in Bologna, Italy and sold throughout Europe. Rudyard Kipling said the powerful elixir as being made "from the clippings and shavings of angels wings". The product was removed from the market with the banning of cocaine as rudimentary distilling did not remove cocaine."

    and now we continue......

    "Today bales of Bolivian Coca leaf are shipped under armed guard to Amsterdam where they are distilled and an exact maceration and herbal extraction technique guarantee the removal of the cocaine to standards acceptable to European and US authorities. An extremely distinctive peppery herbal base is then blended with other herbs like guarana & ginseng to balance the taste and augment the effect."

  8. **fap fap fap fap**



    Ya i dont think you can distill them also, actually im sure of it.

    So alkaloids would be left in the mash after distillation of the liqeur, hense its all de-cocanised persay?

  9. @OOP i spose that makes sense, its legal for them to send sure :) but is it legal for you to receive :P

    its pritty easy to sort out, call up quaranten from a pay phone, ask them. ask them what paper work you would need to import said strain.....

    Posted 08 August 2011 - 04:13 AM by Torsten in http://www.shaman-au...showtopic=28790

    Psilocybe spores are quarantine prohibited. The fine for this is no longer $2000, but up to $65,000.

    Psilocybe spores are also customs prohibited. Import of any part of the plant [incl parts that do not ontain psilocybin] is illegal. A conviction for this would get you a federal drug imports conviction and criminal record.

    Psilocybe spores are also specifically scheduled in some states and territories. ACT comes to mind [simply because they have such ridiculous drug laws], but I am not sure about others.


    refrences could be found on quaranten website....

    *runs of to silkroad to order substances to my old boss's house in his name 0_o .....*

  10. I honestly think the brandy in minute doses was what people needed.Alcohol may be more potent than we realise...


    Interesting theory, alcohol is not a "essential" mineral/vitamin, but it does give the body energy in the form of calories.

    You theory is maybe they need that "energy" becuse maybe there food gives to much vitamins and not enough calorie, makes sense i spose.

    My thoughts are Herbs, Vitamins, Lifestyle, Attitude, Acupuncture etc all do work.

    Homeopathy after being in the industry for a number of years just doesnt cut it.


    Interesting you stuck acupuncture in there but not homeopathy, Also my understanding was homeopathy has been used in medicine for 200 years, not as long as TCM and Acupuncture i will admit that being 2500 - 5000.

    Evidence based practice, now I support that idea, so that seems why homeopathy is & will be the first "alternative/complementary " medicine to go from being taught in unis etc, which isnt that far off....


    Funny comment, I'd like to point out that almost 50% of conventional medicine has no evidence whatsoerver according to the BMJ


    so that means 50% of concentional medicine is alternative 0_o WHAT THE!!!! go tell randi that!!

    here is a number of high quality research papers into the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicine.


    nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier takes it seriouse....


    550 million users of homeopathy worlds wide have reported that it works for them... they are big ods...

    did you know it was only 3 years ago that we discovered how panadol(Paracetamol) works?? does that mean panadol was a placebo up to 3 years ago :P :P hehe (no shit)

    There are 160 clinical trials published in the highest peer review journals like the Lancet, Journal of Complementary Medicine, British Medical Journal or Pediatrics.

    hehe sorry for baiting and traping you ><

    it wasnt on purpose, and i respect your opinons.



    That is a very very interesting concept, its true that even today in chemistry at university level we are taught wrong things that have been rediscoverd/disprooven, IE: we dont learn the quantum atomic moddle.... IE: my chem lecture's says atomic particles like electrons and protons are the smallest thing known to man.... he dosnt like it when i mention neutrinos or quantum foam.

    remember you can never proove a hypothasis only disprove one....

    There will always be dinasaurs in science most the time its becuase they are to lazy to re-do there education.

    very very interesting analogy with the blue dye and water, thanks kindly for sharing, you may find some of the papers i posted of interest also.

    Can you please explain to me what you mean by " the visulization power of the mind" ? How can one train this? Do you mean simply using your imagination or acutally remote viewing into the molocule of some kind 0_o??

    Thanks again to eveyone who shared there 2 cents ^_^


  11. its austrlaia everything is illegal.

    we have crazy fucked up analog acts...

    if any molocule is similar to a molocule that is illegal it is AUTO SCHEDUALED!!!!

    aso we have fucked up laws where "If any substance does the same as a illegal substance it is AUTO illegal"

    Australia is one of th emost fucked up places to live in regards to freedoms like that, torsten should be along soon to call you a idiot and tell you UTSE!!!



  12. fuck whats not breaking the law no days anyway....

    sorry for my uneducated advice, australia law is so complex i dont think they even know whats going on anymore.

    cry feeman and dont worry about any of it!!

    but mort... you are fucked...




  13. Homeopathic vs Conventional Treatment of Vertigo A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Clinical Study" Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998;124:879-885 (AMA journal)

    you can google pubmed + homopathic yourself though.... hense why i didnt bother.

    also take a look at this , you may find it interesting:


    Your quote at the end of your post is misleading it would make one think traditional chinese medicine dosnt work 0_o.... it only got 5000 years of history.......but its considered "compilmetry / alternative".

    Bill Gray, MD: The Structure of Water, from Homeopathy, Myth or Science?


    Montaignier: Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences


    Elia: The Memory of Water: an almost deciphered enigma. Dissipative structures in extremely dilute aqueous solutions. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WXX-4P9YJKB-6&...


    The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy

    Rustum Roy, W.A. Tiller, Iris Bell, M. R. Hoover

    Materials Research Innovations 9:4, 577-608, (2005)


    1994 Ultra High Dilutions Physiology and Physics

    P.C. Endler and J. Schulte

    Presenting data on ultra high dilution (UHD) from physiological laboratories, this study evaluates physical theories, examines biochemical aspects, appraises the medical and historical context of current research and looks at future research prospects.


    G.S. Anagnostatos


    1998 High dilution effects on cells and integrated systems

    By P. Marotta, C. Taddei-Ferretti, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici

    On the Structure of High Dilutions According to the Clathrate Model

    G.S. Anagnostatos, Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Center for Scientific Research, Demokritos Aghia, Paraskevi, Attiki, Greece


    im on the fence, honestly i think its all horse shit, but i dont like when people blindly say theres no scientific proof for it just because james "the amazing" randi told them that or they heard it somewhere, i did mention in my OP i know avagardos number and i know homeopathy has nothing to do with chemistry....if there was no proof for it why would higher education board australia reconise it as a important subject and offer goverment fee help and goverment scholoships to study it?

    i spose what you are saying is its lucritive for them to but i just cant get my head around that :(

    For a uni to teach it they need to have a evidence based approach i assumed.....??

    cool stat: homeopathy is the 2nd largest used system of medicine in the world.

  14. Do orgasims make you feel good or think outside the box?? If so then theres a good chance its ilegal...

    thanks guys,

    Im going to order myself some, see if i notice any effects.

    I did just UTSE and found a post 4 years ago so maybe this post is warrented to bring it to the attention of new members.

    a quick google search shows its not de-cocainized intentially before the distillation unless the distillation and method of making the mash does decocanize it.

    • Like 1

  15. there are many articles on pubmed concluding its more then a placebo but you must wade threw the ones cocluding its not more then a placebo first. I'm rather disapointed people resonded without resarching the mentioned quantum mechenic idea and nano crystaloids....

    For a fact you can do a major in homeopathy at university level once you have a health degree.... So dosnt that mean that essentialy homeopathy is a science also 0_o... maybe its to early still to debate, a quick google search shows that randi has turned down many attempts to take his million including turning down some after signing agreement.

    interesting kinda:

    "Dielectric Strength Testing of Homeopathic Dilutions of HgCl2 (Mercuric Chloride) by Albert Brucato M.Sc. and James Stephenson, MD"

    Thanks for your input guys ^_^

    I am still on the fence for no new information has been brought to my attention with this topic :(

    Still who knows.......

    Obviously we dont, will be interesting to look back in 50 years and see how long we have come once quantum mechenics can evolve a bit :(

  16. Any one care to shed some light on this "new" liqueur i recently stumbled apon, its already found its way into australia.

    Agwa (Coca Leaf Liqueur)

    Known to give drinkers "sudden bursts of energy" lol 0_o


    Agwa De Bolivia Coca Leaf Liqueur is made from the finest Bolivian Coca Leaves. The coca leaves are shipped under armed guard from Bolivia and handcrafted in Amsterdam. Agwa is not just renowned for its unique and great taste but more for the secret energy that lies in all its drinks and cocktails. Dont forget to ask the bar man about the Bolivian Kiss and the Agwa Buzzginger and light herbal notes. Finishes with a sweet, citrus fruit glide and a noticeable, caffeine-like head rush a moment later. More versatile than Vodka, Agwa Coca Leaf liqueur opens up a world of adventure, great drinks, and cocktails. Try the Bolivian Kiss Lime Ritual and experience the Agwa buzz, really get yourself going with the Agwa Bomb, or add a bit of life to your favourite long drinks and cocktails. Whether its a mojito, a margarita, a caipirinha, or a bloody mary you can now have your cocktail in high definition with Agwa.

    This description of Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur may seem a little short but rest assured we are always looking to improve the information on our website. In the meantime, we recommend that you check out the Agwa website for more information about Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur and come back and see us if you decide that Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur 700ml is what you would like to buy and you want to buy Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur at a great price.


    Slightly bold.... a marketing ploy??? what do you guys think??

    40 grams of Coca Leaf In every bottle


    0_o i cant see this lasting long best try it now while you have the chance....

    really it has to be a marketing ploy right?

    reminds me of the "soon to be new" absinth....

