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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by vual

  1. CLICK --> HERE<-- TO CHAT NOW!!!

    (Online IRC Client, Preset up for #thelab room on AustNet)

    Just type "/nick YOURNICK" once in.

    Before in the past a IRC channel,now i do a search and i cant find the information, does the chat room still exist? is it active?

    IF not can we recreate it? I sponsor the egg-drop to sit in the channel if need be.... would probably be willing to sponsor a vps to stick a server on if you don't wanna use public servers.

    Yes?? no ???


    Q: Does it do both 12 and 24 volts?

    A: yes its 12 or 24 auto selection,

    Q: How does one connect it?

    A: See manual, all installations are different, stop switch and circuit breaker are recommended, depending on how you will be using it.

    Q: Was it dammaged by the floods?

    A: No its brand new, 0 damage, comes with warranty!

    If your question inst answered above post here, also here is manual for your browsing:


  3. I have been doing well selling some wind turbines, i have a exclusive deal with the manufacture.

    These are the last of the current line, the next time is much the same but has powder coasting and my company logo on the box.

    I spoke to some people and they figured it was ok to advertise here due to what it was, so here it is:

    Aussie Seller!



    1 year limited warranty

    12/24, 400watt Professional Wind Turbine Generator






    wind generator,Output voltage :12V/24V auto. distinguish

    build in MPPT controller,

    small size,big power


    build in MPPT charge controller


    Rotor Diameter: 46.1 in(1.17m)

    Weight 7.75KG

    Shipping Dimensions 24*15.7*7.5 in(610*400*190mm)

    Mount 1.5 in schedule 40 pipe 1.9 in (48.26mm)OD

    Start-up wind speed 8.5mph(3.8m/s)

    Output voltage 12V/24V auto. distinguish

    Rated power 400W at 29mph(13m/s)

    Turbine Controller w/a battery voltage (12/24V) adaptive and MPPT controller

    Body cast aluminum

    Blades 3-Carbon fiber composite

    Overspeed Protection Electronic torque control

    Kilowatt Hours per Month 40Kwh/mo at 12mph(5.5m/s)

    Survival wind Speed 112mph(50m/s)

    Warranty 1 year limited warranty

    Noise level (decibel) ≤60db

    Main features:

    Blades Diameterr: 1190mm (3.9 ft)

    Blades Material:CFRP

    Net Weight: 6.3kg (13.9 lb)

    Radiator: Cooling Fins

    High-speed control: Hysteresis Braking (slow down)

    Over-speed Protection: Hysteresis Braking (shut down)

    Electrical Voltage: DC 12V & DC 24V (Voltage Smart Change)

    Rated Power: 400Watts(12V) 24V(600Watts)

    Max Power: 550Watts(12V) 750Watts(24V)

    Start up wind speed: 3m/sec (6.7 mph)

    Start Charging wind speed: 2.5m/sec (5.6 mph)

    Rated wind speed: 12.5m/sec (28 mph)

    Incision wind speed: 25m/sec (56 mph)

    Survival wind speed: 60m/sec (134mph)

    What are you waiting for, Start your journy to get off the grid for only $499 !!! $490 for SAB members!!

    Thanks for looking, i know you will love it, remember if you are unhappy I offer a 14day money back guarantee!! Happy customers are return customers!!

    And remember this product comes with a 1 year warranty, If at any time something goes wrong contact us and we will be happy to help you.

    etc etc etc :P

    I have sold 20 - 30 of these beauties so far, and not one unhappy customers (Sorry there was 1 when they removed it from box at warehouse to test they forgot to but manual back in, i just scanned manual and sent to him, he was happy.)

    If you are interested PM me or post here, They currently reside in wharhouse and take 10days to get to you.

    Postage is free.


  4. Its that time of the year again, i have been 4 years in a row and must admit its a great, great time, i wait all year for this festival, one of my favorites.

    Show your support, attend the hemp Olympics buy a t-shirt and march in the protest, every year they are getting closer and closer to the goal.

    Info below:


    Hope to see you there ;)



    The MardiGrass Organising Body has met with Lismore Council and everything is on track officially for the 2011 annual weekend of cannabis law reform activities. The MOB meets every friday from 5pm at the Embassy (enter thru the HEMP Bar) and everyone is welcome.

    We are always keen for new ideas and input and especially local volunteers.

    We plan on being better organised with volunteers this year and we may even have 'Team Leaders', or perhaps, 'Top Buds'. Local knowledge is critical to guide the hordes of often non English speaking backpackers who want to help out and locals wanting to be part of this please register early at the Embassy. Same with Jungle Patrollers.

    Recycling at least the cans must happen this year and we are looking for a club or non profit local group who will help take this on and get the profits.

    We also want to hear from creative souls who want to do street theatre over the weekend. And remember the Happy High Herbs Float Awards are on again.

    A Mardigrass Comedy Cabaret on Saturday night is planned for the Town Hall. We are hopeful Bob Dylan will judge the Buskers Comp but he is not confirmed. The Bluesfest and Easter is the weekend before Mardigrass this year so we expect quite a few people to attend both.

    Pot Art entries can be brought into the HEMP Bar (if they fit!) and will be displayed in cafes around the village.

    The Big Question? We inspected Peace Park, the Home of the Hemp Olympix, and expect no dramas fitting in with the new skatepark which should be well and truly finished by then. It looks like a MardiGrass Skatecomp will in fact become a new Hemp Olympix Gold Medal event though we havn't quite worked out the details! Is there a Nimbin Skaters Club? Please come to a MOB meeting!

    The Peace Park Main Stage will be repositioned closer to Sibley Street we expect. So far the music line up is: OKA, Anarchist Duck, King Farook, CC The Cat, Nathan Kaye, elseWhere, Bertha Control, The 50 bags, Irie Knights, Pagan Love Cult, Kaptan Reefer, Nigel Mctrustry, A French Butler Called Smith, Fyah Walk, John dourvis, Johny Ganja and a few more to throw in the mix bowl..

    MardiGrass 2011 has been inspired by Proposition 19 in California. Even though the vote was lost, cannabis law reform got a lot of attention and we will be doing our best this year to bring Australia up to date with what's happening in North America.

    Dr Bob Melamede will be at MardiGrass again with new evidence on cannabis eradicating cancer and another director from Cannabis Science Inc.

    Activists Alison Myrden, Lisa “Mamakind” Kirkman from Skunk Magazine and Englishman Frank Kirk are booked in as is Sandra Kanck, former leader of the Democrats in SA Parliament. Regular supporters Dr's Alex Wodak, Paul Wilson and Andrew Katelaris are all coming and we hope to have some local industrial hemp crops to play with and hear about now NSW farmers can plant hemp seed.




    $50 Weekend MardiGrass Golden Bud Pass gives entry to all events Friday, Saturday and Sunday

    $50 per person for a Campsite with toilets and showers for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights

    Extra nights camping $15 each

    One Day MardiGrass Bush Pass for Sat or Sunday events $25


    Mardi Grass 11



  5. It would be the Ergine fungus causing the effects?

    or a by product of the Ergine fungus causing the effects...

    or is Ergine a chem found in the fungus... 0_o

    I think all proof leads to it being a living fungus.

    To be honest i thought LSA was just a code name for "we dont fucken know"....

    Apparently they are synthing it now, close reports have confirmed the sedative effects mentioned above from synthed.

    But are the sedative reports from extracted natural lsa or synthetic, the synthed lsa just dosnt have natures spark.

    So that would explain the killing of the effect with using fungicide.

    I assume the natives had more fungus on there seeds.

    Some sources say Ergine is the fungus , some say its in the fungus.... 0_o

  6. Notice they drink the san pedro threw there nose??

    Also this soma is the first time i have heard of it the ancient long lost drug of the aryans, sounds like the most hallucinogenic substance in the world.

  7. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/ancient-drugs/

    Watch above for free.


    Join Dr. Andrew Weil and other leading physicians and scholars in this often-surprising look at the long history of drug use in different cultures worldwide.Since mankind’s beginning, in every civilization, human beings have found ways to alter their consciousness in search of something greater than everyday reality.To this end, we have indulged in and experimented with all manner of frightening, toxic, even potentially lethal substances, in many different rituals.Ancient Drugs delves into mankind’s psyche in search of the key to our pervasive drive to experience something beyond. Psychologists and physicians, including Dr. Andrew Weil, world-famous author of the bestselling Spontaneous Healing, offer insight into the physical and mental mechanisms and motivations behind this universal desire.Historians and spiritualists explore the ancient rituals of cultures worldwide that have sought visions and truth through altered consciousness, and illuminate the terrifying, exquisite visions that are revealed to those who journey beyond the constraints of the conscious mind.


    Watch it for free its a youtube playlist in 10min blocks,


    Thought i should share, its something free you can watch now.


  8. I wanna bump this thread.... Very interesting thread that didnt really go no where...

    Any news since 09?

    i will have alot of fresh seeds ready soon, watering is done by rain so there shouldn't be any chlorine, ready for the testing.

    Some things to ponder:

    For the chlorine to kill the "lsa" it would be when applied to the seed pods killing the fungus that is on the seeds?

    If applying tap water directly to the roots do you think it would effect it so much?

    Judging by what was said in regards to the freezer killing the fungus, that leads me to believe that the "lsa" is actually a product of the fungus.

    Ie: Yeast eats suger and pisses out ethanol ...

    Ie: Bacteria eats seeds.. and pisse's out lsa?

    Just some crazy things to ponder.


    My healthy plant.


    Post some pics of your vine today mutant please.
