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The Corroboree

mr me

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Posts posted by mr me

  1. If you are finding that your P subpeltatum has brown edges and yellowing patches throughout, then have a good look for aphids. They seem to love eating my plants and the little bastards blend in very well. My plants do well by the window and they spring back to life when drooping with a decent watering.

  2. Because they were fucking saving lives! Thats why NO1 should go to jail. The law is intended to be used when ness, not when able.


    Of course they are saving lives. I'm not out calling for blood and I imagine that this law probably popped up and everyone thought business as normal. Part of the point I was making was that if I was doing the same thing, (minus the airplane) I would be going to jail ignorance or not. The RFDS is not a government entity, so why are some people more equal than others?

  3. The War on Drugs is a failure for soooo many reasons. Many people have had their lives totally ruined because the government has banned something innocuous only to have it replaced for some soul destroying poison.

    "You'll see the signs of chemical containers and drums and waste products being moved in and out of the property. Other things like hoses and pipes and a range of things like that."

    Hoses and pipes on a property.. - you guys are f'ing morons. That could be anyone's backyard.

  4. Don't get me wrong I fully support the mission/role of The Flying Doctors, but shouldn't someone be going to jail over this. I mean they did break the law...

    We need to change the words on a piece of paper so that others may live/be comfortable etc.


    Absolutely agree man, if I have the ways and means to help someone out and if it is their decision to self medicate, then gov should stay out of it.

  5. This is not new. If you have a passport after 2006 then your biometrics are already recorded on a govt database. Go to the middle page and feel the chip. When you enter an airport they can turn on a device and read the chip and check against your face. Wont be long before money and all ID is done this way...


    I had my passport taken in 2007 and it was still standard picture. My mate just had something done for the UK and they took three digital photos to compile a 3D view of his face and they also took his fingerprints. What we have is still a photo and RFID chip.

    You're right about money, there will be a massive terrorist incident, a proper GFC or perhaps even a false flag and governments will go cashless. It will start with countries smaller and more sophisticated countries like Sweden and Australia and move to larger populations as time goes on.

  6. I guess the Israeli's don't give a sh!t anymore. These guys have been pushed around for over 3000 years and they don't worry what other countries really think. Read about the Samson Option and you will realize how serious they are.

  7. If it rips houses to peices it can hardly be called a "mini" tornado in my veiw

    I hope everyone up there is OK and didn't find themselves in the path of it.


    I get what you mean, but a full-on trailer park smashing tornado is truly a site to behold and they don't just tear roofs off they obliterate whole houses. I guess that is why they are referring to NSW one as a mini.

    My thoughts also go out to anyone up there.

  8. A lot of the opposition in Oz seems to be from the loonier Christian right ---those crazy, filthy rich, evil Yank cults.

    Perhaps they are so rich because they are funded by the drug lords; who certainly don't want to see the law changed.

    Strange bedfellows.


    I don't see how you can blame religion on this one. Sure it could be a factor but look at China. It is essentially an atheistic country, but you would get death penalty for "drug dealing".

    Portugal actually deals with their addicts rather than dumping on the street corner once their jail sentences are over, which is what the US actually does. People just get caught up in a bad cycle.

    By the way there are many people that don't like Cato Institute as a source. I do however generally agree with your overall comments.
