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Everything posted by poisonshroom

  1. poisonshroom

    Quick P. Viridis Question

    Possibly too much sun or a nutrient deficiency. Mine used to do that even though they were in the shade. Have they only started doing it or was it also happening during winter? Do you fertilize?
  2. poisonshroom

    WANTED: Trichocereus bridgesii and peruvianus!

    I have 2 t. Bridgesii cuttings available as well as tbm and a few others. If your interested, check out my recent thread
  3. poisonshroom

    Cacti, cuttings and seedlings for sale

    Still plenty left people =]
  4. poisonshroom


    They flower first then the petals drop of and the ovary thats left develops into a fruit if it was pollinated (some cacti are self fertile and dont need pollen from another plant, others do). Sounds like flower buds to me.
  5. poisonshroom


    Any of the hylocereus (dragonfruit) or selenecereus (yellow dragonfruit) are good, and apparently cereus, pachycereus and opuntia are decent too although i havnt tried them yet. Loph fruits are supposed to be fairly sweet (but very small) along with mammilaria sp. Most cacti fruit are only slightly sweet, often with a light flavour and some sour overtones. Of the fruit iv tried the red dragonfruit are the best so far
  6. poisonshroom


    Yeah SAB and herbalistics both have a good selection of sacred cacti as well as some other interesting ones that have other uses (ornamental and fruit producing) id suggest taking a look there. You wont find any crests, but some of them are pretty cool anyway
  7. poisonshroom


    I have a TBM pup left for sale if you want that?
  8. poisonshroom

    Wanted Ephedra and Khat Will Pay Good $

    I have traded with (sold to) acacia king this week and all went smoothly.
  9. poisonshroom

    voacanga Africana

    Im 5'11''. Without the pot it would be about shoulder height or taller
  10. poisonshroom

    First steps into A. Phlebophylla

    I also got some of those seeds - Ill be interested to see how you go =] Im going to wait till it cools down a bit before I start mine (I live in the tropics, and its about 32*C every day at the moment, and this species is fairly cold loving). Your techniques should work - Im guessing germination is similar to most other acacias. As far as Iv read, germination isnt the hard part - its getting them to live more than 3 years thats difficult for some reason. Good luck
  11. poisonshroom

    What is your fastest growing Trichocereus?

    Thought Id update on my terscheckiiXpsycho0 =] This picture was taken a week or 2 ago and its already grown a few cm bigger!
  12. poisonshroom

    voacanga Africana

    No flowers or seeds yet - Its only about a year and a half old at the most. I had it in a 20cm pot for a while (maybe 6months), then it started to get taller pretty quickly, so I put it in a big pot (id say ~40-50cm) and its growing pretty fast, putting out new leaves every week or so and its starting to show dichotomous branching (ie, the main stem split in two, then those two split in two etc etc), which seems characteristic for these and similar plants (iboga, tabernaemontana spp, fangipani etc). I cant wait till it flowers though - there is a big one in our botanic gardens (queens gardens in Townsville) thats probably 10m + tall that regularly has flowers and seeds, but I think they pick up any fallen seed pods, because Iv never seen any on the ground around it, but it looks amazing and is a really nice shade tree
  13. poisonshroom

    voacanga Africana

    I have a Voacanga africana thats about as tall as me. They start off growing fairly slowly, but when it gets hot they take off, so you might not see much growth till spring. I would use more than sharp sand and perlite. Mines in premium potting mix, a bit of compost, a bit of sand and some garden soil, and it seems to like it. I think when they are small they like a bit more shade, but once they start growing they can be moved slowly into pretty much full sun, which is where mine is. They also like a fair bit of root space. As for alkaloids, dont really know - Im more growing it just to look at and as an interesting shade tree
  14. poisonshroom

    Anxiety Reduction in reducing/quitting Cannabis

    Erythrina sp. (coral trees) arent too bad. The effects are comparable to mild valium. Valerian and kava are also pretty good as alice mentioned. Green tea is a decent way to reduce stress and anxiety, but it has a fair bit of caffeine in it so for some (like myself) drinking it too late in the day can make it hard to sleep, which will worsen any anxiety and cause other problems. And as chilli said - exercise will always help. It releases endorphin, which is like a high by itself, I always find I feel a lot less stressed and accomplished after a good work out. Good luck
  15. poisonshroom

    Mimosa Hostilis Flowers!

    They dont look like MH flowers to me unfortunately. From what I'v seen they are supposed to be longer. Then again seed I'v recieved as M. hostilis looked like that (with the same flowers)
  16. poisonshroom

    Pink thing shoots out just before flowering on loph

    Cut them open and it should be filled with little black seeds and edible pulp. You should be able to pull it off fairly easily when its ready. As for keeping the ants away, you just need to get to it before they do, but I dont think they will eat the seeds anyway.
  17. poisonshroom

    Legal status - Plants in QLD

    Im pretty sure all lophs are illegal in QLD, but everything else on your list is fine.
  18. poisonshroom

    (Dumb) Question about Caapi

    Yeah, its not a dumb question... mine have always taken months to do pretty much anything, and my climate is pretty much ideal. Once they start twining they very suddenly grow extremely fast. It took less than 6 months for mine to cover a lattice thats about 2.5-3m high and about the same wide and now its pretty much out of control. Im pretty sure they appreciate lots of root space too and lots of food and water.
  19. poisonshroom

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    Yes please =] Next gets L. Williamsii (unknown locality), T. BridgesiiXSS02, Acacia longifolia and maidenii and some R. corymbosa (all seed)
  20. poisonshroom

    Sethomopods Vietnamese Vege Patch Blog Thing

    Looking good man =] Its a shame we didnt catch up while you were here (unless you're still here?) - you could have some extra stuff to plant in there Whats the climate like in that part of 'nam?
  21. poisonshroom

    Terscheckii Monstrose - ever seen one?

    Interesting... It looks a bit like crested saguaro's Iv seen pictures of. Very cool indeed
  22. poisonshroom

    bush apples????

    Sounds almost like datura, which is known as a thorn apple. Common names sometimes get mixed up as well as the actual species concerned.
  23. poisonshroom

    Look what I got in the mail today

    They could be some kind of hybrid, some of my hybrids have upward pointing spines, and they look a little fatter than your average bridgesii.
  24. poisonshroom

    Tricho plants for sale

    Agreed! Those terscheckiiXpsycho0 are really awesome - mine is about waist height now and when I got it a year and a half- 2yrs ago it was about 15cm tall or less.
  25. poisonshroom

    Acacia seed giveaway

    Yes please! XD pm'ed