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Everything posted by poisonshroom

  1. poisonshroom

    Where does kratom grow in Thailand?

    Dont know any locations or anything, but if you have a link to the journal I may be able to access it for you. I like the look of that menu too
  2. poisonshroom

    Deleted :(

    Nice pictures man! I wish that weed grew like weeds here in Aus Looks like a great trip, and so much diversity in the plant life. Are these just from a couple of different places or all over the subcontinent?
  3. poisonshroom

    Phytoremediation; high radiation and plants

    Interesting idea - Its a similar concept to what Paul Stammets was/is working on with mushies. I wonder though how plants and fungi would do in radioactive soil (whether they will actually survive at least) and if they can take up the radioactivity, what they intend on doing with all the radioactive plant material? I would think all that would do is spread the radiation around - less concentrated, but more mass?
  4. Iv been called a few times too. The first time I got as far as allowing remote access, but I was also looking it up at the same time because it sounded fishy (im no computer expert, but now I realize Microsoft will NEVER call customers as part of their policy), so i pulled the plug on the computer, then turned the internet off before I turned the computer on again and removed the RA program and any spyware/malware that was on there. They called once more after that and we just told them to fuck off. havnt heard from them again. The worst thing is there is very little anyone can do to stop them (even the police and government), and considering a young relatively techno-savvy guy like myself can nearly fall for it Id hate to see how many old grannies and other people fall for it and give away their information and money.
  5. poisonshroom

    Iboga plant growing process question

    What Iv heard is its pretty much only frost or severely cold weather that will actually kill them, and most people in cooler climates usually keep them outside over winter in sheltered positions. The leaves will fall off though if the temperature stays below about 10*c for a little while. Mine dropped all their leaves last year, but they were still small and I had only had them for a few weeks by the time it got cool (it can get down to about 10*c here for short periods, and sometimes a bit colder - it was 7* a few weeks ago for a couple of nights). This year only some of the leaves have fallen and its flowering heavily at the moment. If your worried you could get one of those plastic greenhouses from bunnings (I think they are only about $30 for the smallest one) and put it over it during the winter and remove it after the last cold weather. I think in sydney though if you chose a good spot to put the pot you wont have any problems. Against a wall that gets warmed during the day that has some thick plants and stuff around it would be good to keep it warmer at night and away from any frost. Edit - probably should have read the thread a bit better. Where in Europe are you? All the info I provided still holds true though. Also I wouldnt expect to keep your Voacanga in a humidity tent for too long! mine went from a cutting as long as my forearm to taller than me in about 8months! Another thing I forgot to mention is drainage - one of mine did not like being in a glazed pot at all and had the yellowing leaf dropping thing. I moved it to a similar size unglazed terracotta pot and it came back better than ever in a couple of weeks
  6. poisonshroom

    Drinking too much coffee can make you hear voices

    Im not surprised either - if amphetamine and cocaine users can experience psychotic symptoms from excessive use then why wouldnt other stimulants. Caffeine is definitely not a mild stimulant, and as Blood trance said try taking a large dose and saying its mild - and I know what you mean about the comedown. I remember one day I was up all night, so I got those caffeinated mints they used to sell and ate about 5 or 10 of them... I was absolutely buzzed for several hours, but then I crashed and experienced migraines, violent mood swings and just a horrible feeling - I could probably compare it to the comedown from the one and only time I shot up morphine. It was unbearable... and this stuff is legal EDIT: im not giving up my coffee or tea any time soon though
  7. poisonshroom

    Slug and snail repellant plants

    Chooks like them I hear (not really a plant, but neither is copper tape). I personally dont think Iv ever seen a snail on a plant here. I sometimes see tiny ones under rocks, but never on or around plants. Maybe its just the climate here.
  8. poisonshroom

    Erythrina vespertilio tea

    Could be - I think Iv heard similar actually. Things that are poisonous to fish often arent poisonous to humans, so its possible.
  9. poisonshroom

    Erythrina vespertilio tea

    Wow that would have been a cool place to move into! Shame your didnt get it. Apparently aborigines used to eat the leaves even though it had a mild sedative effect, so I think they would be considerably less potent than the bark... they would probably taste a fair bit different though. And thats actually a pretty good idea zaka - ill have to find someone with some high vis clothes that i could borrow Not sure about the blood thinning, but possibly - a lot of anti-inflammatory things do that. The alkaloids you want are all poisonous to some degree as far as I know, its just the seeds are very potent, and are likely to have toxic effects (I think its a case of the desirable effects kind of have a 'ceiling' where they dont get much stronger, but more negative effects come in). E. vespertilio seeds are red, orange and brown and also used to make necklaces =]
  10. poisonshroom

    Erythrina vespertilio tea

    Nice - Iv been meaning to go out and get some bark myself to try out a tea, but I think scraping bark off a roadside tree looks a little sus
  11. poisonshroom

    Erythrina vespertilio tea

    In townsville I dont think you will have problems germinating the seeds at any time of the year. Also a bit of a note on consuming the seeds - I dont think thats very safe... they apparently can be pretty variable in their alkaloid content, and may be toxic (moreso than the bark), so care should be taken with that. Id personally stick to the bark - its plenty strong, and I hear the tea actually tastes quite nice.
  12. poisonshroom


    Bit hard to tell from the small pictures, but It doesnt look like khat... the leaves arent serrated enough around the edges
  13. being annoying and having a laugh at other people's expense usually (I think). People like that are usually just selfish, childish assholes with no life
  14. poisonshroom

    Sceletium and mesemb thoughts

    Not sure about that, but it does seem to keep me up (even if there arent any noticeable effects other than that), even if Im tired, so possibly. I havnt tried kava though so I couldnt compare. Just a side question on that note - is kava still legal to grow and use in QLD (i just dont really want to start a new thread for some thing with a simple yes or no answer)?
  15. poisonshroom

    Erythrina vespertilio tea

    Interesting info - although I think you may be referring to E. mulungu or crista-galli for the south american use (but they all apparently have very similar alkaloids). I know they lose their leaves in some places over the dry season, but Iv never heard of it growing anywhere cool (not too many people talk about this plant at all really)
  16. poisonshroom

    Sceletium and mesemb thoughts

    Extraction to a blotter sounds interesting - never hear of that. I have done an ethanol extraction before, which worked to some degree, but i got these weird cramps in my legs (which may or may not have been related). I can pretty much only get it to grow over the cool dry months here too, because as ph mentioned it really doesnt like a lot of water and humidity, and we get heaps of both of those here in summer. Cant say Iv ever had a problem with nematodes though - probably because I only ever grow it in small pots off the ground. I think Ill go out and make some more cuttings in a minute - thanks for the reminder =]
  17. poisonshroom

    Sceletium and mesemb thoughts

    I think Iv read that before, but its always good to read things again, because whenever I prepare scelly the quick way (crushed and dried in the oven) I tend to have the oven too hot, which seems to diminish the quality a bit. Crushed and fermented is always great though (unless it gets too funky and I get scared to try it), but I can confirm its different, but not much, which would be explained by the slightly different compositions of the two methods mentioned above. Also the seasonal variation is very significant, because all my plants are clones of probably 1 or 2 plants (I received a heap of cuttings a few years ago and have been using cuttings from the plants I grew from those to replace what I use), and some times I get almost no effect and other times its really noticeable (I only use it a few times a year, when other things arent available or I feel like something different) Im not sure about enhancing sexual pleasure (havnt tried it), but it definitely does make everything feel nice to touch, similar to MDMA actually, so I would imagine it would be pretty good for that purpose (or even just lounging around on something soft or with an interesting texture). It should be noted that Iv only ever smoked it, because the fermentation process is a bit off putting (smells nice when its finished, but looks and smells quite bad while its fermenting), so maybe next time I should try chewing (as the paper mentions the alkaloids would likely be different again when its burned)? Its winter here though, so that may have to wait till spring or summer when the alkaloid levels go back up and it starts to die off because of the humidity. Have you tried kougoed before archaea (or was that the point of posting)?
  18. I think what teotz means by hot is its being watched by some government(s) or their law enforcement agencies, but i think most ethno and drug forums are anyway.
  19. poisonshroom

    Looking for P. Cubensis print (for microscopy)

    Fair enough. If I still had some sterile ones left Id send you one (not for $50 though!!), unfortunately I traded most of mine a couple of months ago. good luck - there are plenty of members here who are into mycology, so im sure someone will help you out soon
  20. poisonshroom

    Rauvolfia tetrophylla

    Excellent thanks for the link - I must have missed that. Thats pretty much what I have done, so hopefully the ones I planted recently come up. Im pretty sure the GA-3 will help too
  21. poisonshroom

    Rauvolfia tetrophylla

    Hey all - tripsis sent me a heap of Rauvolfia tetrophylla berries a few months ago and I havnt had any luck getting the seeds to germinate so far. When I first got them I planted a few whole berries as a test, and none have popped up yet and the seed trays they are in have some kind of slimy green mold on top, so I doubt they are any good now. A few days ago (maybe friday?) I planted some that I cleaned the berry part off of (not completely because its really messy and a bit hard to get off) and nothing has happened yet, but I wouldnt expect anything quite yet. Now I have about 6 cleaned seeds soaking in 500ppm GA-3, so hopefully those will work well. Does anyone have any experience germinating these? Also just some general info about the species would be appreciated, because there doesnt seem to be very much out there about this spp and other rauvolfias out there Thanks =] EDIT: also I'm looking for R. serpentina seeds or small plants if anyone has any they want to trade or sell
  22. poisonshroom

    Looking for P. Cubensis print (for microscopy)

    fsre.nl is your friend (if you dont mind the slight risk) $50 is insanity
  23. poisonshroom

    ground cover for shaded, damp area

    Those things are cool =]
  24. poisonshroom

    Gotu Kola?

    Agreed. Close, but real gotu kola leaves arent as pointy. Ill upload a picture in the morning if you like
  25. poisonshroom

    ground cover for shaded, damp area

    I agree with zaka - mashi hiri is a good one, and so is gotu kola (but gotu kola is quite invasive)