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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by ∂an

  1. sure, but i still thought i would mention this possebilety. am i'm right to say, if i sence some prodective vibes of you ? something on the lines like, "how can you do a thing like cremating a perfectly innocent mushroom" ? it certainly speaks volumes of your love and appreciation of those most incredible creatures!


    haha ok I admit I am totally in love with mushrooms :wub: it was more the mixing with benzos part to make a weed substitute that irked me... thought I'd put my opinion out there to make people reading it think twice is all.

    i was told that story, by two different locals, one definately mentioned roo poo, the other one said, "found them along the fire track, growing out of the soil" (and i have never seen other animals there, than roo's). but maybe sometimes, grazers strolled around ther in the past, maybe it's again another shroom.

    but the source said they were active.


    very interesting, another animals shit to pay attention to! I have seen cubes growing out of horse and elephant dung, but thats not such a big leap from cattle really. I am constantly amazed at how tenacious psilocybe mushrooms are, they seem to be the ultimate survivor, being able to adapt to many new environments and changing climates - often aided by human contact. it seems pretty obvious to me these mushrooms have been following humans around since forever.

  2. some of the stem(s) in the 2nd pic had been brused and showed some blueing, some mates in my area clained they managed to introduce this fungi into there own backyard, simply by shifting paddock manure.


    hmmm it looks to me like there are two different species in the second pic. also it looks like there is bluing on all of them, got any more pics?? these are interesting... they look more like variants of c. cyanescens and p. cubensis to me, rather than subbalteatus.

    the locals in my area are said to crush those shrooms after drying, and than smoke them, in times when there is no mj available. another thing they do is, to mix them with benzos, obviously an attempt to reduce the maybe unwanted effects of the shroom.


    that sounds like possibly the worst thing you could do with a perfectly good mushroom.

    aswell i heard rumours that this species is sometimes found in the bush growing out of roo poo! :)


    really?!? any more info/stories?!?

  3. :lol: Officials are now saying the military buried him at sea at an undisclosed location within 24 hours of killing him.


    I reckon they still have the body, but have officially announced that the body has been 'buried' at sea within 24 hrs of death in accordance with to islamic tradition to allay outrage amongst muslims.

  4. if you read the comments and letters to any of the murdoch press your soon realise that Australia is pretty much populated by a large group of total fuckwits who'd sooner hate on welfare recipients or minorities than take on any of the real and scary issues.


    That pretty much sums it up I think. The media is only responding to the desires of the public, and the Australian zeitgeist is becoming more and more apathetic towards the 'real and scary' issues we should be facing. I think deep down, most people know we aren't taking the global predicament seriously enough, so they resort to consuming news reports featuring Tony Abott in speedos or Obama's birth certificate as a distraction.

  5. I have 10 acacia phlebophylla seeds that I would like to swap for obtusifolia seeds. Current location is not conducive to growing phlebs, so only going to hold onto a couple of them, and would like to swap the rest for something that will grow in coast QLD. PM me if interested.

  6. Interesting article indeed.. I actually know a guy who takes a sub-active (no pun intended) dose of psilos every morning because he believes them to be a natural antidepressant..


    yeah I've heard stories of people taking small doses as a dietary supplement. It would be very interesting to monitor how ones neurochemistry and brain activity changes as a result of daily psilocybin doses. IME larger doses with a good few weeks in between is also an effective anti-depressent, the post-trip glow lasts at least a week.

  7. What a great way to spend ANZAC day! Don't know about native truffles, or this one:

    which yielded the most exciting discovery of the day: a very rare Amanita roseo-ochraphylla, which, to Teresa’s knowledge, was unrecorded in NSW


    searching for Amanita roseo-ochraphylla comes up with zip.... very rare indeed. How is the prefix "roseo" used in mycology? A reddish variant or something?

  8. A well researched article in New Scientist regarding fMRI measurements made during psilocybin trips, although they went for a seemingly "negative" headline where it could have just as easily been "Psychedelic drug increases the expression of genes and signalling proteins associated with nerve growth and connectivity".

    Psychedelic drug cuts brain blood flow and connections

    The mention of psilocybin as a possible treatment for depression is especially interesting.

  9. this only had one stage. that was just the morning dubstep set. was psy all night with SPACE TRIBE and MERKABA!


    merkaba has some killer new tracks! rock on zenon...

  10. hi hoot, welcome! thanks for sharing your experiences, I'm sure many people here can relate to some extent to what your going through.

    sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time in Brisbane mate. I can understand what you mean about Brisbane being an unfriendly place at times, there is a bit of a conservative/redneck streak amongst the people. But I found West End to be a great mecca of alternative culture and attitudes... you certainly wouldn't be out of place walking down Boundary St without any shoes, probably 10% of the locals do! There is a strong community vibe with the saturday markets, festivals, and friendly locals that is difficult to find elsewhere in the city.

    Although I haven't gone through schizophrenia, I have had quite severe depression and anxiety in the past. In my experience I had to remove myself from the environment that was causing me the stress, namely my job and sharehouse I was living in. Along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, a healthy sleep pattern began to resume and the anxiety started to diminish. For me good natural sleep (ie without sleeping tablets, weed, booze, kava etc) was the key to my recovery. seems to be something about deep REM sleep really healing and re-energising your soul. the world can seem a dark and twisted place when you aren't getting enough quality sleep... everything and everyone seems pitted against you.

    hang in there mate, try and stay positive and the world around you will respond accordingly.

  11. the paddocks I pass by from time-to-time have produced some cubes this spring/summer, but not as many as last year. the torrential rain probably drowned alot of the mycelium that had formed in the run into summer, with the occassional well sheltered cow pie producing any fruits.

    I would say you have just had bad luck with location and timing. its really fascinating to see how these fungi respond the changing climate through the seasons. depending on geography and the type of vegetation in the area different fields will fruit at different times, IME.

    After years of reliable hunting, this year I have not found one cube and very few of the usual non-actives. Wondering if it's just my area?

    Let's face it it has been a different season, floods and I suspect way cooler ground temperatures. What has been the experience of others in SE QLD/Nth NSW ?

