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The Corroboree

kapitän kamasutra

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Posts posted by kapitän kamasutra

  1. Don't really get the concept of a tomb stone eighter. Cant keep a monument for everyone passed, the space is needed for the living:)

    For me I remember the passed away without visiting their stones.

    Who knows when its my time for a stone maybe acrylic glas blocks with cheesy led background lighting are en vogue. I'll get one of them then :)

  2. Are the new green shoots cross sections quadrangular, and have the leaves aromatic smell?

    Could you post macro shots of a dissected flower cut in half lenghtwise with the stamens and stigmas exposed/countable?

    Its an interesting plant you have, I'd love to know what it is.

    Maybe really Scrophulariaceae, some angles the flower really looks like it.

    • Like 2

  3. Ferret, thats an interesting musroom. It resembles a fat semilanceate fruit body a bit, but the cinamon brown colour is not typical for semilanceata that we have here. That brown looks like P. coprophila, but It looks like yours has more gills than coprophilla.

    Do you know what it is?

  4. In my vote I sayed cuzco is probably different from the (pacha)/peru/macro komplex. I'm not sure about this on second thought. What about those Tarma peruvianus or the plant slice found in Chavin de Huantar?


    Is there a link between pachanoi and cuzcoensis, or peru and cuzcoensis, as there is in peru and pachanoi? The San Pedro Triangle?

  5. SNIP

    Since this is about hybrids of PC i'd like to ask a question for those who have grown a bunch of hybrids made with the PC cultivar.

    How is the phenotype distibution in the seedlings? How many offsprings show a dominant trait that is clearly PC. The answer might settle the question if PC itself is a hybrid or a pure breed plant that might represent something wild and deserve a subsp. status.

    Echinopsis cuzcoensis subsp. kamasutrii

  6. I don't know....I think I have seen similar plants before, but I never knew their origin so never knew if wild collected plants or hybrids of different types. If it indeed is a speciem of a wild population from somewhere they fall in the 'inbetween subsp.pacha/peru/cuzco/-cotegory', for me. But just because I consider the 'true blue'(lol) as the peruvianus, and the 'short-spined-smaller-aroles-not-so glaucus' as the pachanoi. And the fat long jellowish fading to grey/white spine with wavy rib as the cuzco. The problem with this taxonomy is when there are original san pedros populations in between that range.

    Your plant is somewhere in between for me, and if it is wild collected, I'm not aware there is a propper name for this style of plant yet.

    you can choose between pachanoi and peruvianus under the curent taxonomy, or call it San pedro I guess

    On a second thought it might be a fat bridgesii, haha

  7. Interesting and beautifull plant, not what I would call 'standart peruvianus'.

    I have seen similar plants, and I have halfbaked theories what it might be like. I'd be interested what more knowledgeable guys here say about it.

    Was it seed grown?

    • Like 1

  8. Philo, the two macros don't look like trichocereus to me. Will look later. chinese food with granny! ;)

    Can you post better pics? Coul be tricho but look kinda untypical.

    It does look quiet Tricho-resque to me. On the transition from juvenile spine to more adult looking, hefty spined largish areole peruvianoid something would be my ID...

  9. This one is my last remaining from their 'macrogonus'.


    I had ok germination with my batch. I also had 'T. glaucus' wich germed good and looked like cool peru-types, but I killed them by neglecting over winter...

    I had no luck with germinating 'T. fulvianus', and very high germination with 'T. bridgesii'.



  10. Actually we had quiete a few very cuzco-style plants from the perus, too. I keept some of the not so obvious ones. I do see some cuzco influence in this 'peru' of mine. Open pollination or a knitze mixed bag was my idea, too.

  11. From their pachanoi seed


    The tall one Köhres pachanoi as well


    This one from their peruvianus


    from the peruvianus seeds I thougt, but seeing you got similar from the pachanoi maybe I misslabled


    This one is more hungry for nitrogen than the rest of the Trichos I have. Always have this lime colour, but after hitting it with fert last week its getting a normal green.









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