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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by halfhead

  1. FreedomOfConsciousness.com Opening soon.....

  2. halfhead

    Alkaloids present in Acacia baileyana?

    thats from dmt-wiki but they may have gotten it elsewhere too. About alkaloid levels, it seems to differ according to certain endogenous behaviours according to each plant. Alkaloids - Secrets of life is what i was briefly reading. You should find the information you need. I was at "page 144" "Alkaloids - Secrets of life". When you think of this logically, you would assume that the older the bark is, the more layers it has and the longer it has had to produce any said alkaloids. With the leaves you would think they wouldn't be older than 1 year, perhaps the alkaloid production in the leaves/phyllodes are much faster than that in the bark. At least for this specific acacia. I'd imagine all these factors differ from plant to plant.
  3. halfhead

    Alkaloids present in Acacia baileyana?

    uhh, i see where you are coming from. If there is a lovely tree and someone decides to hack into it and rip out some bark then wow you're a moron, you have no respect for the tree then your dmt trip should be dark. Im sure the spirit of the tree wouldnt appreciate that. On the other hand though, If you're on the pursuit of DMT then you dont have much of a choice when it comes to hurting a tree. Just dont be so rough. I would take a branch neatly and remove the bark from the branch. Even in the amazon when they hack away at the Vine(Ayahuasca) and the DMT containing leaves from Chacruna trees. The shaman are more in touch with the plants than anyone on this forum, and they are slicing into these plants. Also, they dont take the leaves/vines from plants less than about 7-8 years old. The older the better. Point being though, if you're going to get the bark then do it with respect for the plant. Otherwise you just dont deserve the DMT which the plant is storing in its bark and leaves and roots for us,im guessing, for the use of consciousness expansion. -Halfhead
  4. halfhead

    Alkaloids present in Acacia baileyana?

    This has been a very interesting and informative topic. Thank you. Today I was out driving and noticed some Acacia baileyana and Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' ALL OVER the place! Near my friends work. I wasn't sure what it was until about 15 minutes ago what it was but now im certain. I'm going to attempt a dmt extraction, I've never done it before but ive always been keen to learn. Now that i have found a massive source, i will try and keep you posted. For the record, I decided to dry some of the bark, grind it up and smoke it. It tastes so good, i was expecting it to hurt and taste horrible but it was quite the opposite. It was smooth, not spun with tobacco/weed either. The feeling i got what strange. No visions or colours etc but I definitely felt strange. I sort of stopped what i was doing, focused on a spot and fell into like a day dream. lasted about 15 seconds then i just felt strange. I wonder if this is the kind of thing the Amazonian snuff tribes would do. Anyway. thanks agian, ill keep you posted on any orange crystals ;) -Halfhead