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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by indigo264nm

  1. indigo264nm

    Plants every ethnobotantist needs in their garden.

    Brugmansia is a must in my eyes... easy to grow, very easy to propagate by cuttings, great for smoke mixes, when smoked acts as a bronchioldilator for asthmatics, good herb for nausea\motion sickness and for stomach cramps when used in small amounts. Most beautiful smelling night flowers as well.
  2. indigo264nm

    Hair test will show up drug exposure

    Bogan kids with rat tails is the worst look.
  3. indigo264nm

    Good MAOI

    I'd just personally buy P. harmala seeds to use whilst waiting for your caapi to grow to maturity. P. harmala seeds are often sold in specialist Afghan\Persian grocers and reasonably priced as well. Ask around for Aspand, Espand, or Esphand.
  4. indigo264nm

    An ethnobot's Fiji

    Soooo much kava.
  5. indigo264nm

    australia the proxy state ?

    ^^Not calling you racist. Was more venting frustration - I had an argument with a moron about Chinese\Asian generalisation the night before posting that. It was the typical racist dumb fuck arguments the person raised i.e. taking all our jobs, taking over Australia, if it wasn't for America we'd all be Japanese and that China is going to take us over. And yes this person did say the "I'm not racist BUT..." and you know he'd be the person would say the same about Muslims, Lebanese and Aboriginals if it came up. You say you don't understand how seeing a China has a threat means that one must hate Asian immigration, but arguing a race as a threat is probably the number one way that people have tried to justify racism since people developed language. The points you raise are obviously educated but as said it was more a frustration vent from my end from talking to stupid people. It would have been the same situation if somebody brought up chem trails as I've argued against that too recently too many times as well hehe. Edit: P.S. please nnobody use the fact that I brought up chem trails to give their reasons why chem trails are definitely real and if anybody does I'll hunt em down and cut their dreadlocks off..... dreadlocks seem to be directly proportional to belief in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience arguments, or as a forumla d bs.
  6. indigo264nm

    australia the proxy state ?

    ^^^ Uhhh China relies on Australia to power themselves from a mining industry in Australia with a huge annually overturn of employees.. China if theoretically attempting to overtake Australia would shoot themselves in the foot.. Australia relies economically on exporting natural resources\primary produce... China relies on Australia for these resources. Unless China becomes completely nuclear powered they need us for coal, and even then we can supply uranium instead anyway. Most of all you can't say we need US bases to defend us against invasion by China or any country. A navy base in Perth, an air force base in N.WA and the other two joint bases in the NT. That's not exactly set up to be able to defend majority of the Australian population residing down the east coast and through Victoria. Thinking of China as a threat to Australia at the moment with current trade agreements reflects instead the prevalent fear or hatred of Asian immigration most noticed in generations above the present 20yr old mark. I base this comment on personal experiences with too many people who talk about how China is going to take over Australia because they have the biggest land army in the world + North Korea as an ally. All these people at some point used a comment along the lines of "I'm not racist... I just don't like Asians" as justification.
  7. indigo264nm

    Uni results

    My uncle is a civil engineer and the only person I know who says he uses applied calculus on daily basis for work lol.
  8. indigo264nm

    australia the proxy state ?

    Man the US really needs to get it's priorities in order. I don't understand how they can justify the military budget whilst the economy is collapsing. Little things like this will cost a lot of money - but a minuscule amount in their annual military expenditure. When they have to slash NASA's funding, and keep asking China for a 'just a couple more trillion dollars on tick brah' you'd think they'd consider maybe not wasting money on shit like this. Think of the last 3 trillion dollar loan from China this year. I just looked up the budget request breakdown for defense related expenditure and it's over a trillion dollars added together for next year. The logic behind borrowing 3 trillion dollars in '11 with plans to spend a trillion on the military alone in '12 is JUST SO FUCKING STUPID. Like that's some fucking poor money management.. I'm bad at managing money but at least I make sure my rent and bills are paid and I have enough food in the cupboard to survive until next fortnight if I'm gonna blow all my cash on drugs straight away This senselessness upsets me more than the idea of having US military on Australian soil. They can't even provide adequate free healthcare or social security for the already high percentage in poverty conditions as is let alone cater for further unemployment and homelessness if further economic decline continues... We have it lucky in Australia if all we have be concerned about today is agreements to allow a US military base or two. That majority of the population in Australia will never notice a change to their daily life as a result. I don't agree with it, but at least our country isn't going to suffer anywhere near as much as the US citizens are likely doomed to suffer over the coming 5 years. We got it easy.
  9. indigo264nm

    I'd like to move to Oz, some advice please?

    If you value your money, don't move to a major city. Live maybe 1-1.5hr drive if you want bigger houses on bigger blocks of land for significantly less rent. I live in Sydney and it doesn't surprise me that it's supposed to be one of the most expensive cities in the world. For rent I pay like $415 per week for a 2 bedroom apartment that's 10 mins exactly by train to central station in the CBD. I consider what I pay for 2 bedrooms around my area as a good deal. I've seen friends pay more for half the size of my unit. If I lived on the central coast where I grew up about 1-1.5hr drive from the Sydney I could get a 3 bedroom house with a backyard for half the rent I pay here. I moved here for close proximity to uni's etc but I can't ever see a way that I could afford to settle down in this area and buying a place, since small terrace houses sell for over a million dollars around here. Cost of rent and living Melbourne is a close second to Sydney but still cheaper, followed by Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide (by memory). You notice a difference between simple things like cost of buying coffees and eating out between Sydney and Melbourne most definitely. So yeah my advice, despite how much I love Sydney, move closer to a capital city besides Sydney unless you wanna be robbed of hard earn income unless it can offer you something specifically that you can't find elsewhere. Oh and regards to employment as a teacher... you'll have a harder time finding a job in cities than in smaller country\coastal\inland cities purely because that's where majority of new teachers get churned out every year from the multiple unis and there is just no way that there can be enough jobs for those people in the area. 2 friends of mine that became teachers within the past few years both ended up getting given jobs in rural areas inland NSW or VIC... even for graduating doctors or pharmacists it can be hard to get a job in the city because there is not enough work to sustain the thousands of newly qualified graduates that come out each year. My mother is a high school teacher and from she says there is a need for teachers in Australia, but obviously the needs are greatest in country or rural areas... that being said you don't have to move 6 hours inland from a major city to get work - in NSW anyway there are still teaching positions that aren't too competitive merely 1-2hours out of Sydney :D. Hope this helps.
  10. indigo264nm

    DMT Bust

    The DMT bogan carries that shit around... kinda an in joke but long story short a fellow I encountered a few years back who's name I didn't catch had that much in his van. I thought it was overkill, but it's living proof some people do such things for reasons I don't understand.. hell it could even serve as a security blanket to cuddle up to at night for all I know.
  11. indigo264nm

    Uni results

    Mate don't think you're not ready for uni. Its just giving you an indication that it might not be worthwhile taking maths and physics in your academic career unless you are driven by a long term plan that struggling through maths and physics subjects will help you achieve. Nothing beyond first year maths and physics are necessary for most sciences unless you specifically want to do more maths and physics in second or third year.. there are exceptions but as a general rule it's true. If they aren't necessary for what you want to study as prerequisites then don't put yourself through unnecessary pain. Go see an academic adviser and they'll help you work out how necessary doing that stuff is. I did a foundation course through Newcastle uni a few years back. Maths has never been my strength either, but if you're struggling with calculus and physics stuff it's only going get worse. Also if your course is similar to the uni foundation course I did where your final marks are put through a formula to give you the equivalent to a HSC ATAR ranking (or whatever the equivalent is for your state) and you have a choice to do easier subjects than calculus and physics then seriously opt for whatever you're going to get the best marks in so you have more options with degrees and uni choices. Everything covered in a foundation course you'll do again first year anyway so you won't miss much. There is no point in doing subjects to 'set you up for uni' if it's going to stand in the way of you getting accepted for your desired degree at the desired uni... if it's all about the marks then they are really more important than what you learn in a foundation course besides essay writing skills etc. If at uni you need to do an intro calculus + algebra for first year as a prerequisite for a second year subject you wanna do then your best bet is to knuckle down, work hard, use numeracy centre facilities to help you if available and scrape a pass... then be glad you never have to study maths at uni again because even at first year level it's guaranteed to be brutal (like year 11 + 12 advanced in 13 weeks brutal as the EASIER choice). If a 67 year old lady in my first year maths class was able to scrape a pass with hard work then you can surely do it after 10 years without study if you have to . Long story short, if don't need to use calculus then don't study it. Hell I'm going to change my degree next year when I go back after 2 years deferred because I don't get a choice in my subjects in med sci and I don't want to keep doing subjects that make me miserable when I know there is no reason beneficial down the track to endure it. Sorry for the many hundreds words of advice but I was in your shoes a few years back and just wanted to share my experiences so you don't have to learn the hard way. If you have any specific questions about stuff then free to shoot me a PM and I'll try answer to best of my abilities, otherwise good luck when you re-do the course next year and for you uni degree beyond.
  12. indigo264nm

    Total Lunar Eclipse tonight

    Fuckn forgot about until I left my mates house at 1:30am... devastated I missed it as it was a suprisingly clear night given Sydney's shit weather past 2 weeks. Had fond memories a few years back watching the whole visible process start to finish with chang spliffs.
  13. indigo264nm

    DMT Bust

    And J if you read this... I don't mean to be a dickhead. I'm not accusing of anything. I'm just saying it how it is, and you'd understand creating such publicity behind you that it's not ridiculous that certain people more in the know than I am would draw such conclusions themselves as people do like to gossip lol. I'd prefer to hope that it's got some very powerful plant spirits protecting from consequences that could result when so open about everything... it's almost like it doesn't pop up on police radar even when it's right in their faces i.e. a certain somebody that tried as hard as he could to literally throw the shit into parliament house years back with no consequences hehe. Combine that with stories I've heard like raids for growing weed and cops and failing to see evap trays with xtal-ine extractions in full view.. also seen less dramatic examples from friends n police over the years first hand. Too many weird coincidences like that makes you wonder if the stuff literally makes itself invisible to the law when it needs to protect it's people despite defying all rational logic Edit: Altered to remove ambiguity.
  14. indigo264nm

    DMT Bust

    Yeah T... you're right that he's been claiming that. But many people have also been believing that he's in with the pigs. I'm not accusing anything about anybody in the slightest. I don't know facts, and I won't make accusations based on speculation, however it is in people's interests to know that these claims exist.
  15. indigo264nm

    ** Name That Song **

    Would have gotten it at the 'hands in anuses' point if I'd seen it soon enough... I don't check these forums regularly enough these days so it's open game for a new 'name that song' line. Edit: Fuxk it.. Try guess the song I'm listening to now: We could have been so good-natured If you'd relented when i insisted, We take a week off, let the garden grow by itself And let the gluttons fill themselves with all the worst of the gory nineties. And though the comedy softens the fall, we still fall short. ...reckon it's damn near impossible to guess this one unless you use google.
  16. indigo264nm

    ** Name That Song **

    stinkfist lol..
  17. indigo264nm


  18. Whoaly shit hadn't seen your new avatar before Faustus. Sick one. Just about to start the survey... fucking kicking myself I missed your speech at EGA Monica, look forward to seeing the recordings.
  19. indigo264nm

    Wat an incredible EGA

    Oh and props Incognito for the giving the chang+nang experience a well deserved bigups in his signature.
  20. indigo264nm

    Wat an incredible EGA

    Amazing story Naja!!! Oh if you're ever in Sydney do look me up . Overall it was a magical weekend for me. Nothing particular, but just to go and to feel the community behind what we are all about again made me happier than I have been in a long time. City life has disconnected me from the plants more than I would have hoped. From somebody who was such an avid gardener to now being in an apartment in Sydney's urban chaos has taken it's toll on me, but at an outdoor EGA again reminded me of who and what makes me happy. To the organisers, and to all my friends there, thank you.
  21. indigo264nm

    Another EGA casualty

    Although I love the guys that did Paul, I was very disappointed by that movie. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were great though. On another note, sorry to hear you can't make it Bread Filter...
  22. indigo264nm

    11\11\11 11:11:11am

    For years since I started getting into psychedelics I have encountered sometimes freaky amounts of synchronicity revolving around the numbers 1111 (or 111 sometimes) and also 444. I have over years been able to work out the difference between what those numbers represent when they pop up a lot. 1111 for me seems to mostly pop up as a sign that something significant in my life worth paying attention to is happening or about to happen. It seems to be a bit of a global phenomenon that is being experienced, and there are lots of different takes on the significance of those numbers based on different spiritual beliefs... either way there seems to be a bit of power behind the repetition of 11. So, with this in mind is anybody else planning to take a quick jolt to hyperspace or perhaps just meditate for this once in a lifetime numerological event on friday???
  23. indigo264nm

    11\11\11 11:11:11am

    To Evil Genius: I do understand your point of view.. I have drifted away over the years from what was once an almost completely spiritually occupied existence. This is probably due to the pursuit of information and studying science, which alters the way you perceive reality and even the way you approach situations. With increased focus on the rational, the emotional becomes disconnected, and spiritual devotion is very emotionally driven. However, with attention and focus to certain things, people alter their own perception of reality. When people have spiritual associations to these things, like in this instance the repetition of certain numbers, they ultimately change the way they perceive their world to bend around their beliefs. When this happens as a collective there is the potential for that to have an impact on the way normal people without those beliefs perceive or experience the world. A good example is how all of the organised religions separately and collectively have impacted humanity in a multitude of different ways, from historical to societal, or ethically to economically. So if you think things like this hold little significance, for reasons such as time being a variable construct we created in this case, you shouldn't underestimate what belief and devotion to things like this can potentially create. If enough people convinced themselves that they experience some spiritual association with this number, and those people also carry related beliefs regarding the evolution of the human race and a shift of consciousness, they may indeed be the people who cause changes to world. Hell, for all I know, the emphasis people are putting on the Mayan long count calendar and 2012 could just be all hype... but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people believe that there are going to be radical changes to the world following the end of that calendar - with most optimistic that it's for the better. Those who believe such are the people most inclined to make an effort to be the people who better society, who encourage others to make those changes and hopefully shape the world slowly to the place we want it to be. I hope this doesn't come across as condescending. I don't pretend to know all the answers... I'm just offering a perspective that gels with me and still helps me keep some element of spirituality in my life - even if none of these beliefs are real, we still create these constructs ultimately to try and create a better existence.
  24. indigo264nm

    11\11\11 11:11:11am

    ^^ Cheers for the solar imaging link.. cool shit on that site. That Children of the Sun thing is a step better than other things I've read about which discusses the 1111 phenomenon... I remember reading some site from the woman who writes those Indigo Child books and it blabbered on about 'Holy Guardian Angels', and talked of some old Guru woman called Mother Shabooboo or something just as stupid. Seems to be a bit out there about it in relation to the 2012 movement. Even saw a whole book written about 1111 in relation to the mayan calander shiz. Edit: Just realised after I hit post that it was 1:11am lol.
  25. indigo264nm

    help with a survey

    ¡Hola! Did the survey.. strange topic they gave him lol. Adios, que Dios te guarde ...