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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Light&Love

  1. Hey guys Ever since ive started taking psychedelics, i have noticed something strange that happens to me now every time i smoke some cannabis. I had a smoke yesterday for the first time in almost 3 weeks, and after about 30 mins into my first cone, i start to get this intense buzzing where my third-eye is, followed by some light, although fairly-intriguing visuals. This has been happening everytime after a smoke, for about 3 months now, whenever im high. I can safely say that before i started taking psychedelics, i never actually got this, and can also can safely say i have never had visuals from smoking. I also notice that when im in a fairly sleepy state of consciousness, i get the same buzzing on my forehead, without any drugs being taken whatsoever. Has anyone noticed this, or does anyone experience this? Peace
  2. Light&Love

    The third-eye buzz

    Has anyone you know personally done this? Id feel a little irresponsible just sitting around the house, reading a hathayoga book with a scalpel blade inching closer toward my tounge! I dont really believe in damaging my physical body in that way either, but my beliefs are always open to refinement and improvement! Peace
  3. Light&Love

    The third-eye buzz

    Thanks for the responses guys. HM - I was thinking along those lines as well, because i hadent had it in so long, but there even was a time not long ago when i was smoking everyday for about 2 weeks, and pretty much everyday before i went to bed, i got the buzz, the same buzz i get when i 'come up' on shrooms and dimitri. That being said, i think there is something that changes once someone has had psychedelics, and id really like to know from a scientific perspective, exactly what that change is. mooksha - Your perspective is intriguing, because when i first posted i thought that at least 10-20 people who have used psychedelics on this forum would reply with a similar phenomena that i had described, yet so far only tst tantra has had similar experiences. One thing i think i should have done though, is made some hash cookies or some bhang, instead of just smoking a cone, because i felt i could have been higher, and that the visuals i was getting, along with the buzz, would have been stronger if i ingested, rather than smoked. Its easier to eat 5 grams that to smoke 2 bongs in quick succesion, also dont like the damage it does to my lungs. Id also like to say that yes, i am keen to delve into whatever my mind has to offer, hopefully this is the beginning of something beautiful! tst - Thanks for the links, i will try and follow up on that information, i never thought about music frequencies and crystals to enter into other states of consciousness, you have truly opened my mind up to the possibilities that are in front of me! FancyPants - Thanks, next time i get 'the buzz' i will try the techniques you have showed me. Peace
  4. Honestly what i believe is that people who are born into those situations were not good people in their previous lives, so their circumstances for rebirth might have to do more with paying back their karma. This is just a well thought out theory of mine, so there are honestly no guarantees as to the accuracy of what i believe, but above all else, i do believe that what i know is learned from the heart. I am a very intuitive person, so the way i pick up information is completely different from regular people. Its hard to explain, and no, im not claiming im better than anyone because im different, i just happen to believe in certain events and things that happen in a certain way, as being that way for a reason. Your starry-eyedness(is that a word!?) probably has more to do with your youth than anything else. If you want the truth, ask God to lead you on the path to what is true, I GUARANTEE YOU HE/SHE/IT WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN. Peace
  5. I always stop and think. It is what has gotten me past all this bullshit to get to where i am today. Are you trying to say that we(who are supposedley smarter than the average) should be more proactive in getting our message out to the people who need to hear it? BULLSHIT. Everything happens for a reason. Are WE responsible for those people who do not adequetlly heed the message? What about their responsibility to hear it and understand it for themselves? I have tried your path, for a full two years, and what it has achieved for me is loss of friendship and respect. The truth is, when people are ready to undertake their own journey, they will heed and understand the answers in their own way, when THEY are ready. The fact of the matter is, most people that will not be saved, are truly not ready to understand, and that is why we have reincarnation, a world full of a million and one chances at getting this "game" called life, right. Peace
  6. Keep dreaming mate. I am in no way, shape or form, against 'the movement', but the things you have suggested were ALLOWED to happen. Im not going to argue with you about stupid shit, but what i believe is that we are living in a land of 'controlled freedom', where we can express ourselves to a certain point, and nothing more. This whole world we are living in is such a big mindfuck, and thats all. Peace
  7. The only reason why people are pissed off at jondoe is because he has told everyone the truth, and sometimes that is harder to bear than the created reality that everyone believes may happen. A man convinced against his will Is of the same opinion still. Im going to say something that everyone knows, in their hearts, is true. Australia, or any country for that matter, will never legalize anything that can improve your life in any way, shape or form. END OF STORY. You people who have any hope(like i did for a few months) need to just let it go, because in our lifespan, NOTHING that makes you more intelligent, happier, healthier, will EVER be legalized. Everyone acts like they think they can change everything, but the ultimate bottom line is, in this life, corruption runs supreme over anything good. And until whoever or whatever comes down in and around 2012, NOTHING will change. FUCK DRUG REFORM. FUCK LAW REFORM. ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. Stop arguing with each other and start enjoying what little time you have on this beautiful planet. Peace
  8. Light&Love

    How do you water a peyote cactus?

    Sorry to be a dickhead but why on earth would anyone bother growing any type of plant besides illegal ones indoors under a grow-light? Im interested to know what your power-bill is like on a 3-monthly basis?? Not only do you waste alot of money, most/all of your plants will not grow as well as they would outside. Dont know how true this is, but ive heard that police/electricity companies monitor everybodys power bills, they take the average power consumption on a 12-month basis, and if they see a spike in your electricity usage, they investigate. Does anyone have any solid information on this? Anyone work for the cops or for an electricity company? Would love to confirm this for my on sinister plans. Peace
  9. Light&Love


    Hey guys Just recently purchased some psychotrias, viridis and cartha, and theyre not doing too good. Around my area the nights can get as low as 8-9 degrees, and its not nearly warm enough for them during the day to sustain any type of growth. I just bought a mini-greenhouse from bunnings, but they only allow my plants around half an inch for growing before it hits the cieling of the greenhouse. After doing lots of searching on google, looking for greenhouse domes or products, search has pretty much turned up nothing. Does anyone have ane good ideas for building a home-made greenhouse system? Is there much work involved or can i just get a few peices of plastic perspex, glue it together and put some holes in it? Also something that wont cost too much money? Do any others who purchased a psychotria, who live in a similar temperate climate, have any advice on how they maintain the health and vigor of this wonderful plant? Thanks in advance for all your help. Peace
  10. Light&Love

    Psilocybin-looking shrooms

    Anyone know what these are, they are blue, but a light blue. Possibly another type of psilocybin mushroom? Thanks guys. Peace
  11. Light&Love


    Haha i knew i would get that response. Dont worry ive got a get-out-of-jail-free card when i go around the boardwalk! Peace
  12. Light&Love


    Has anyone had any dealings with this website? They are selling "ayahuasca kits" with caapi vine and viridis leaf, also mimosa bark, they also have bulk prices for all three. I understand that there is probably a slim chance it will get by customs, just want to know if anyone has purchased, or tried to pusrchase, any of these items, if so, please PM me and let me know of my chances! Cheers http://www.herbsupplyhouse.com/8.html?m7:cat=%2FAyahuasca Peace
  13. Light&Love

    My Trippin' chair

    Haha daoes the chair rock?! It looks comfortable! Its always good to have a sitter, but not good when the sitter starts licking your face when your in the middle of an encounter with extra-terrestrial beings! All in all, if your neighbours are sweet, id say thats a good trippin spot! Peace
  14. Light&Love

    drugs are bad news

    What the fuck was the point of that 7min film? Seems to me like some type of mind-corrupting doco that deludes people even moreso than they are already. I got 3.25mins into it and i felt like punching a bong. Some people are just so fucking stupid. Drug free world? LOL. Let me philosophize(spellcheck?) for a min. The way i look at things, i see the world and EVERYTHING in it as having a place in it for a reason, to a much lesser extent synthetic bullshit like meth, mdma, goee etc. We dont understand alot of things in our planet, why they are here, and what uses they may have, even psychedelics, we just THINK we know alot. I dont even know why im bothering responding to this thread when 90% of people feel the same way as i do on this forum. Drugs are here for a reason, both good and bad, in my opinion. Peace
  15. Hey lightning, any new updates? Is there any way that any of us can help you to get your case heard? i.e. word of mouth, i have a few friends who work for the local paper, maybe they can write an article about what your trying to achieve? Maybe contact some local members of parliament? Write a letter to some people who sympathise with your cause? Do you think it would be wise to stir up some media attention on the issue, if at all possible? Id really like to try and do my bit for this cause, as this is an issue that is close to my heart, as it is to most of the members in this community. Good luck, for everyones sake ill be praying for the best outcome possible. Peace
  16. Light&Love

    P. subaeruginosa

    From the little that ive researched on the mushrooms, i was under the impression that all that was needed was the right climate/micro-climate along with a good bit of rain, assuming the temperatures were right? Isnt that the reason why subs in some areas fruit much earlier than the forecasted winter? Peace
  17. Light&Love

    Stoned or sober...?

    Haha, this sounds like me five years ago! Although it wasnt a laughing matter at the time, i used to think that if i got on the right drugs, that the super-confident person inside me would come out of the closet, so to speak. So for years i would go out, get blasted on anything that i could get my hands on, usually it was the right mix of xtc and alcohol, and for that 3-4 hours i would get over my anxieties and be "myself". My fear of talking to people, my fear of letting everyone see that i was just a nobody, that i had nothing going for me, went straight out the window. Little did i know at the time that i had what ive come to know as extreme social anxiety disorder, i feared people so much that i had to figure out myself what was wrong with me, too scared to go to the doctor/psychiatrist! It didnt help that i had an everyday weed habit. The people close to me started to think that i 'created' this problem through my weed habit, so i was blamed for destroying my 'mental stability'. In my opinion, people who are dependant on anything(tobacco/coffee to a lesser extent) are so because they have an underlying 'need' that they are not able to fulfil, through fear or whatever the circumstance may be. This can be caused by external factors, such as parents and friends, or internal factors, such as an innacurate view of ones self through lack of knowledge. The truth was, although at the time i found it hard to believe, was that i was a great person, and the only person i have to thank for getting myself out of that mess, was myself and God. I still smoke a fair bit of weed, but these days i can pick myself up and dust myself off, stay clean for weeks, whereas back then i did not have the belief or understanding to know how to get myself out of such situations. Has anyone ever noticed, that when you are having a really good day, your buzzing, your upbeat, confident, when it comes for home-time to smoke some shit or do whatever, that you dont feel that you 'need' it? I think happiness is the key here, the motivating force. The happier i am, the better the day i am having, i sometimes feel that when i have a smoke, i kind of pull myself away from that contentedness that i felt before i smoked. Thoughts? Anyone have similar feelings? Peace
  18. In my opinion its better to trip alone. I tripped with a few friends a few weeks back, and i couldnt get in the 'zone', i think i may have been worrying too much about them, or i dont know what it might have been, but it wasnt as good as it was when i was alone. When i trip alone i can get so deep, when i trip with friends, it seems like they hold me back from the full 'experience'. Hope that helps. Peace
  19. Light&Love

    Psilocybin-looking shrooms

    I found them in the Georges River Bushland area, among native vegetation. Not that i had any intention to eat them, i was just under the assumption that they may have been psilocybin, not subs, but some form of magic mushroom. Found them when i was walking my dog. Thanks for clearing that up. Peace
  20. Light&Love

    living off the land

    A good book to read on Australian vegetation in general, Wild Food Plants of Australia by Tim Low. Will teach you a thing or two about living off plants alone.
  21. Light&Love

    Sina's Challenge

    No surprises here. Just like christianity, the muzlim religion is corrupt to the core.
  22. For symbols, occult and hidden meanings, this is where Zeitgeist producers got 90% of their information; http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/ -- Crop circle documentary; -- The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock. Very good video about the coming events, probably the most relevant video at the moment for the whole world; -- The Legend of Atlantis: Its time to wake up. Very good, detailed video, but its really annoying to watch because the voices are delayed by 5 seconds, and it looks like its filmed in the 80s, not to mention its roughly 250 mins long. Lots of good info though; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVSAGv4kUgk...&playnext=1 -- Entheogen: Awakening The Divine Within, self-explanitory, great documentary; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am1LfjqDQC8 -- The Ether Enigma, great documentary about humanitys lost connection with the spirit world; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjFzLauLwtI...&playnext=1 -- Also Alex Jones has a lot of good videos, Terrorstorm, EndGame, The Obama Deception etc.. all from infowars.com, but watch it for free on youtube. Don't forget that 25% of this information is bullshit, try and get at least two sources of information before you take on a 'belief'. Peace
  23. Ive heard that drivers from international countries can apply for an international drivers license, apparently all you need is a foreign passport and citizenship, and this license does not take points off you, instead you just pay fines, so you cannot lose the license unless you do something stupid like drink-driving. I'm not 100% sure about the truth to this, but its worth checking out for those in that position. Peace
  24. Light&Love


    Anyone confirm what these are? Im 60% sure they're subs. Peace
  25. Light&Love


    Haha sorry i was kidding i should have put a little j/k , or one of these!