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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Zaka

  1. Irie Folks, Great info, answered all my questions. Many thanks, Respect Z
  2. Irie Cristop, Thanks for the ID I suspect that it was probably a gift from the Ozzie Government to our island....about 20 yrs ago? Is it an active species? I liked the photo with the old boys and the cockerel. Respect Z
  3. Zaka

    IBOGA seed trade

    Irie, PM'd Got loads to trade. Respect Z
  4. Zaka

    coca seeds

    Irie, So the man comes through!! Not a scammer. Just thought I'd let you all know. Respect Z
  5. Zaka

    500th Post giveaway

    Irie, If you can send internationally.....I'm in!!! Respect Z
  6. Zaka

    phyllanthus sp.

    Irie, I have loads of these growing all around the house..Local name "Grian en bas Feuille" meaning Seeds Under the Leaf....a weed round here that we often use for fevers & for kidney complaints. There is the green and red type....Red being the female, which is favored for medicinal purposes. I'll take some photos later. Respect
  7. Zaka

    Can anyone help me ID this plant

    Irie Andrew, I must agree that looks alot like it....I think you've nailed it... Respect
  8. Zaka

    P.Viridis in need of help ; pest control

    Irie, Just finished brewing a neem tea....gonna try it on a spidermite & scale issues I got.. As for ants...Cornmeal seems to work well... Respect
  9. Zaka

    Can anyone help me ID this plant

    Looks like Custard Apple...annona reticulata.... Respect Z
  10. Zaka

    Sun-burnt Cacti and Other Problems

    Irie Teo, Interestingly enough the cactus cutting that you sent me (Thanks) also suffered sun burn whilst in NC.... Make me wonder about the strength of the sun on the east coast?? So what would cause that? Chemtrails??? Respect Z
  11. Irie some cactus....I have no idea??Can't tell one from another.... Please let me know. Respect Z
  12. Zaka

    Id please

    Irie, Thanks for that....I sure I can train my eye...eventually! Here's some closer shots. Native plants. Respect Z
  13. Zaka


    Watched this a few months back..Cancer cure...Very interesting cure for cancer... Hope this may help some. Respect Z
  14. Zaka

    who here grows caapi?

    Irie, My Caapi seedlings.....4-6weeksish Respect Z
  15. Zaka


    Irie Sharxx, No mate, I'm in the Caribbean. But I am a professional artist (Yeah I know a flippin rarity) This table was a commission, made from solid mahogany and some teak for the pivot tilt-top. All hand made. Hand painted. Respect Z
  16. Zaka


    Irie Just caught this post before it expires............ Check-out a table I recently made..........Art is my game! Respect Z
  17. Zaka

    20 min "Tropo-Yopo", 5-AcO-Yopo and Rue Resin

    Irie, Sorry a little off topic I was wondering something about acacia....... Many years ago I found a amerindian stone mortar & pestle on a small peninsular, under a grove of Acacia (Nilotica....I think?) At the time I was unaware of any cultural use, but the site was without doubt a ceremonial site. I found many other artifacts at the same location.....axe heads, zooamorphic figurines, and pottery shards.... I think it was actually a launching site for tribal wars....and they may have used the trees to get themselves all wound-up, ready for a fight or long journey. Considering I can not find any anadenanthera on this island I wonder if they weren't at the acacia. They were definitely grinding something into a powder. Here's a photo of the mortar & pestle, note the japs eye, making it a phallus as well, not sure what they would do with that???Lol..heehee Respect Z
  18. Zaka

    20 min "Tropo-Yopo", 5-AcO-Yopo and Rue Resin

    Thanks for the heads up....I'll check them out.... Respect Z
  19. Zaka

    20 min "Tropo-Yopo", 5-AcO-Yopo and Rue Resin

    Yeah Man, I have checked all local botanical books, some dating back 1934 original. Most of the larger plantations and botanical gardens, hotels ......I work with wood so always watching trees. Seen many Albizia julibrissin but not any other mimosa trees... Trying to get hold of some peregrina seeds.... the place I ordered that was screwed up and sent A.C...... So I'm looking for any one who has genuine peregrina seeds......swap /sale......whatever! Only need maybe 10 or so.... Nuff Respect Dawg! Life's a beach! Z
  20. Zaka

    20 min "Tropo-Yopo", 5-AcO-Yopo and Rue Resin

    Irie Woof, I've looked all over my island and not found any anadenanthera of any type...., I'm in between St.Vincent & Martinque. Where would you expect them to grow? Coastal-Rain Forrest????Any ideas? Respect Z
  21. Zaka

    Leonotis nepetifolia?

    Irie, The plant has grown up where I have previously seen nepetifolia growing wild/yard. None grew this year? When this plant grew I thought it was the same....I have a number of them around the house. The buds are soft to touch & has a herbie aroma. Buds seem to be slightly elongated with growth.. Here's a couple more photos; Respect Z
  22. Zaka

    Leonotis nepetifolia?

    Still not sure about it???/ It has terminal flowers??? Square stem? Here's some more photos. Thanks for the help... Respect
  23. Zaka


    PM Me
  24. Zaka

    Wierd Cacti

    Cool Thanks Kad for the Id...nice and straight forward..... Respect Z