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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by drugo

  1. It may be easy to quote great thinkers however it is not easy to appreciate, embody, or feel, complex concepts and perspectives - especially ideas which the giants of philosophy spent their lives constructing. I'm thinking that's what you mean by ownership no? Or are you pretending that somehow you produce ideas which are only yours, independent from any social or intellectual influence? If so, you sound like an confused and arrogant ego head juggling shallow concepts as tools for various egoistic manifestations, such as "I'm right your wrong, I'm smart your dumb, I'm original your a troll". We are social animals, dependent on each other for a variety of things in life, including, identity, material survival, inspiration, intersubjective love, and so on. We are a single organism, split up into a multitude of self-conscious perspectives. Can't you appreciate the value of exploring other peoples perspectives, ie. the worlds published philosophical perspectives? For that matter, why are you on this 'Spirituality and Philosophy' forum? If not to absorb other peoples ideas? I quoted Derrida, giving reference to a major concept which i thought was relevant for this discussion, so if people are interested they can continue their inquiry with him. Derrida's ideas are far far from simple. I do not have the time, nor the talent, to give complete justice to his ideas concerning deconstructionism. Therefore, I choose to send those interested in what I've got (or own) from reading his books, towards his philosophies, which I do by 'quoting' Derrida. I think, or 'I temporarily own the idea', that by cutting out the plethora of knowledge produced by other people, those who spent their whole life studying, teaching and conceptually inquiring into the world (example, philosophers such as Derrida) - that this type of ignorant arrogance dissolves, or overlooks, an important part of being human. Tell me rogdog, what does it mean to take ownership of an idea? Also, what does it mean to listen to another person speak? Or read what another person wrote?
  2. My thoughts are fluid like a great river. I think many a thing rogdog. Did you mean, what do i think, in regards to dichotomies? I think binary thinking is powerful however not the only way of looking at things. By me introducing Derrida you should be able to assume that I appreciate his ideas. I think different each moment of my life, some currents hold longer than others however i'm not silly enough to confirm a single thought absoultely. As I said, i think many a thing. What do you think rogdog? I like your idea that, in a sense, we are all on the same journey, just taking different paths.
  3. Does you know anyone who has worked seriously combining entheogens with Qigong techniques? I've heard Darpan use the word 'Chi' (Qi) to describe energy manipulation whilst healing with aya. I'm not sure if he has studied/practiced the Qigong technique though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSkujscyFVQ...feature=related
  4. Thanks for all the insight I've had others recommend this guru also, thanks nabraxas.
  5. It would be hard to annoy me on here Mutant:) My main concern is people not understanding me given the highly reductive format of forum based discussion. I think dichotomies are great, they do offer a valuable method for analysing and understanding ourselves and our world. Having said that, some big philosophers and thinkers, after spending a good part of their life dividing the world up into ultimate opposites, have comfortably decided that this way of looking at things is a bit 'stale' in the way which it simplifies things. Jacques Derrida, the famous French postmodernist exclaimed in his famous argument called 'deconstructionism' that breaking things down to absolute opposites is fraught with inconsistencies and chaos. In other words, the sun and the moon are far more complex and profound to be reduced to opposites, as is the fe-male to male binary.
  6. How do i get rid of 'psychonaut' from my name?
  7. I've been in dialogue with a moderator trying to sort out a technical problem and they've recommended asking the community of mods for assistance. When i try to upload a 4kb, .jpg, 149 x 118, profile photo it says: 'The upload failed. Please contact a board administrator'. I have tried from various computers with various files. Below is the photo I would like to be identified as. Can anyone with some authority do it for me? Or better, set it up so I can do it for myself? Or am i destined to be pictorio incognito forever?
  8. drugo

    2012 the movie

    I hope they represent a kind of creation out of destruction, not simply the latter. I hope 3/4 through the film with the world under complete material disintegration that suddenly local communities will start forming and embracing entheogenic practices for divination. From this point, the strong human spirits charge on into the cosmic drama whilst the weaker spirits are left to burn in an eternity of hell fire. ................................................ A little Cultural Burp Warner Brothers, Colombia etc are overweight companies growing fat of the shallow beliefs and values of the popular western mindset. They mirror many of the corrupting aspects of what i think is a highly questionable paradigm. In turn, this creates and holds a firm and vicious cycle of giving the audience what they want and reproducing, or re-installing, the reality of these 'wants' in the culture. Ask anyone in these type of commercialised industries and they'll tell you how hard it is to penetrate this death cycle. Having said that, if the film pays respects to the Mayan civilisation, including some of the basic principles of their astrological and cosmological calendar it may send heaps of docile pop culture minds to do some productive research into alternative world views. ............................................... As Einstein said 'I don't worry about the future too much, it comes soon enough'.
  9. drugo

    encountering evil

    Thanks for all your input into this thread Julian. It is being received warmly by myself and I'm sure others are also appreciating it. I feel a bit detached, disenchanted, denied, or some other word starting with 'd' which describes the impersonal, disconnected nature of discussing such personal and profound experiences, feelings and thoughts over an online forum. Don't get me wrong, i think that this discussion is great, and this forum is incredible, I just feel that silent 2d letters on a screen attached to elusive pseudonyms can be a bit reductive, especially for discussions like this one. My friend and I both feel and agree with you that what happened to her a few months back was part of a large process of healing and spiritual integration. However, we both feel strongly about the possession based on the deep impact it initially had on us, and more importantly along with a rigmarole of problematic non-rational things daunting her ever since. As i said it's not the kind of thing I like to discuss in this fashion. She is experiencing an intense spiritual emergence which probably has more in common with a science/spiritual fiction forum than the radical ideas currently being discussed at the Corroboree.
  10. Agreed I would ultimately class that as spiritualism (in regards to everyday understandings of the categories). I guess when i proposed the question, hedonism was laid out as something like pleasure without an essence of spiritual significance. That doesn;t mean that spiritualism needn't be without pleasure, it wouldn't be very appealing without some sort of pleasurable sensation. It's difficult working with binaries for such grand concepts, especially when we have a tendency to think either or. I like the ol' proverb discussing the debate around dichotomising the world or not. It goes somehting like 'a donkey once looked up from a patch of yummy grass and commented "the ultimate dichotomy is - those who divide the world into dichotomies and those who don't"' -.
  11. The paper is a great resource for a lot of different but interrelated topics. I especially liked the stuff on the complexities of Kundalini awakening in western societies. I wish other PhD students would offer their work to the public
  12. drugo

    encountering evil

    I see it as far from a problem. Well that is if you mean a problem which you would rather not face. I see 'it' as possibly one of, if not the most, interesting dimensions (*problems) emerging in our species, and my life. I'm really not sure how to work with strong malevolent beings (I'm sick of qualifying my words everytime I discuss this topic so I'm gonna stop, in this thread at least). At the moment i'm running with having personal faith and powerful intent supported by symbolic gestures. Some call the latter banishing rites. It's a shame that, at the moment, we can't easily access credible individuals to offer sound advice for banishing rites or similar assistance. The hardest spiritual experiecne i've had occured a few months ago. A friend of mine who has a very strong disposition to these types of states ingested a dose of subs. First hour we sat whilst beings initially rearranged her mind for communication then she moved to discuss with them a heap of really interesting stuff reflecting the human situation, and a whole heap of personal shit relevant to her, myself and our friends and families. At the 1 hour mark she vomitted and 'fell' into dark realms of the 'astral' where she experienced dying three times. Very vivid deaths, filled with the most painful physical, emotional, and spiritual, sensations she has ever experienced. This turn in negativity began by a malevolent being taking control of her body. On the physical surface it was attacking me with not much accuracy of strength, a lot of scratching and pinching. It seems that the hands and facial expressions are what it had the best control over. It is a very long story and i'm not going to try and explain as much as i can here, i'll just add that the being threatened me with some really heavy shit concerning the death of my lover (who was not there) and other stuff. Seductive facial expressions and mimicking my calming smiles followed by agressive outbursts of terror and negativity are another aspects which the being directed towards me. My friend returned 3 1/2 hours later (you can imagine how much went on in that long time period). It was the first really intense experience I, or my friend has had. From this, and a powerful experience i had a few weeks back, on subs, which defied some fundamental scientific laws governing mind and matter, I've decided to first put the brakes on, understand myself better, my fears, desires, and every little aspect of my being which navigates fear and/or love. These realms are not all faery tales, or simply some escape into landscapes of self-realisation. The possession made me deeply feel and intellectually realise how serious this stuff is. These experiences are the types which created religions. It is insain that it is emerging out of a hedonistic marginal culture on the fringes of Western civilisation. I guess just as the snake venom embodies it's anti-venom, the human species embodies its ways. To bring it bck to your question holymountain, I hope that my experience means something to you. My friend and I were not prepared for what happened, it scared the absoulte shit out of us and I feel that it was really dangerous. Having said that, the experience was a rite of passage in many ways. Though it has made me realise that before I enter that passage again I want to be in a wiser position. I think we should ultimately be aspiring to communicate with these beings, collective unconscious archetypes, or whatever paradigm your trippin' on.
  13. drugo

    encountering evil

    Is it as simple as that? Well obviously not necessarily simply employed, but do you think that the method is put that simply? - no fear and beleive in your own will power? - And would you say that directed ritual is embraced as consciouss reminders to hold a strong, non-fearful intent towards any shaddy encounters? For example, surrounding yourself with a few stones which you have deeply invested meaning in, such as, strength, insight, love, (whatever labels fit you). I'd be cautious with having sharp swords around the place. I've been in some hairy situations where objects in the room have moved about and on a separate occasion a friend's possession became slightly violent, nothing too dangerous eventuated. But as i said I'd be hesitant using physical weapons for symbolic powers. I feel this 'confidence' you speak of is why entheogens are famous for giving you hard-core psychological checks, showing you those deep dark parts of your personality which produce dilapidating fear, anxiety, depression, and what not. If this insight is used correctly you may gain 'confidence' in all aspects of your life. As to traverse in the more 'spiritual' realms, i feel that the most important thing is being strong in yourself. As the old Socratic dictum states, 'know thyself'. From a deep understanding of how you move about in your being you will be in a position to really work in these intense spiritual encounters/experiences. I also feel that the high high majority of people who I know are not 'strong' enough in self-discipline/understanding to be working in these states. Most people around me seem to live in weird shaped patterns, balancing ignorance, shame and guilt with lipstick, shallow smiles and shinny cars. So if your interested in exploring these 'spiritual' states start unpacking all the cultural patterns adn unconscious ways of being which you embody, thus re-defining better understandings of yourself. Entheogens ahve helped me with this but the real play ground to 'know thyself' is through exploring and understanding the basic set up of life, including the ethical (your relationship with family, friends or whoever means something to you), and the general feelings, thoughts, and beliefs which give shape to your life. Sorry if the rant is unwanted. I've had some intense 'encounters' recently and at the moment I'm working with the Socratic dictum until i feel equipped to 're-enter'. I'm sure some of you can relate to my story>??
  14. I feel that i have a very big mistake having entheogens in my life, this doco has just changed my views on everything. I hope that it helps all of you, for the love of god, please save your souls. http://www.drugfreeworld.org/?gclid=CP_7lv...cumentary-intro
  15. Fuck that is funny/disturbing, I missed that one. It is such a profound misunderstanding. It reminds me of the Vatican six months back publicly condemning the use of condoms for African communities suffering from AIDS. The only way I see acid 'making you "forget" your problems' would be by offering deep insights into your problems thus elucidating solutions and wisdom to bounce out of them. But it seems that this is not forgetting your problems, rather, embracing and sublimating them into profound vistas of being.
  16. Does anyone know of a link to the full version of this?
  17. Such as? is that a typo, or do you mean something like limitations can direct you towards the limitless? For example, language has rules, or limitations, however it is employed as a tool for life, and life is infinite.
  18. drugo

    Ephedra - Ma Huang

    Opposite of sacred.
  19. Both. Also I'm trying to judge what this community is up to as i feel that there are a lot of thoughtful people not sharing their deep thoughts and feelings. I haven;t worked with Qigong. My understanding is that traditionally it takes decades before you harness any sort of results resembling those in the videos. But, my entheogenic work seems to imply that combining the two could 'give you a very powerful package' as S. Groff says.
  20. I feel and see a lot of challanges around and in me. Your post intrigues me. Would you mind elaborating on the statement above
  21. My grandmother lives in an isolated rural community near Dubbo NSW with a population of about 5000 people. The particular repressive nature of thier farming culture resembles what i'd image 1950s suburban Australia to be like. Anywah, that was just a little contextualisation for ya'. I just had a convo with my nan and she told me somthing interesting about how my unlce, a quiet, monogamous old man with a hefty beer gut and a vainy red nose from a life time of smoking and red meat, probably related to owning/working (in) the local butchery (one of only two in the town). The story goes that as a child/adolescent my uncle used to sleep walk about once a month. According to nan, my unlce would never remember his wide eyed strolls, up the hallway, out to the verendah, kitchen, and what not. On one evening when he was about 20 years old, he apparently jumped through a glass window in his room 'coming out of a nightmare', nan tells me. Of course my grandparents repressed his behaviour as some sort of pathological 'hick-up'. From this repression, I'm guessing he felt/feels pretty ashamed and secretive of this part of his life. I'm interested in your opinion on my uncles experiences. It seems especially curious when you consider the value and place of dreaming, or dream consciousness, in a lot of shamanic traditions.
  22. drugo

    Ephedra - Ma Huang

    From memory, D. Tramacchi commented at the last EGA on QLD banning ephedra. I think it was the case where a politian was trying to get democratic brownie points so banned a profane drug to save the masses. Sorry, wish i could help ya'
  23. This information should be free. Especially information of such value. Stick your finger up to the man for the sole rights of your soul.
  24. No worries, found it at the pirate bay. Check out this 23gig collection http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3701092/Psychedelic_Torrent
  25. You got an invitation code for me ;)