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The Corroboree

Uncle. S

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Posts posted by Uncle. S

  1. Hey all, I have in my posession a bridgesii tip, just under an inch wide and just over an inch long, and i am wondering what the best plan would be as far as getting it to grow? I have had it in perlite for a few months now, watered every so often but drying out completely between waterings. It is nicely calloused but has not shown any signs of putting out roots at all. It's a very healthy looking tip.

    Would it be reasonable to graft it onto an established trich?

  2. http://www.minti.com/parenting-advice/5061...TeensMescaline/

    Mescaline (Peyote and San Pedro Cacti)

    Hi there I'm sure people think I have nothing better to do than sit down and write about drugs all day but this is not my reason behind these articles...You see I have seven children all of them growing up quickly in this world...The amount of drugs out there scare me and I have a thirst for knowledge on them so I can answer any of the questions my kids ask and give them the right information about these things...I do Believe by telling kids about the dangers that if they are offered these drugs then they can make an infomed choice...Hopefully that will be to say no...On saying that here is the next drug in the series of illegal drugs and teens...

    Mescaline is a dark brown coloured powder made from buttons of the Mexican cactus peyote...Mescaline is the active chemical in peyote and this drug was named after the Mescalero Apaches of the American great plains...It has had religious uses for years with them...

    the street names for this drug are...Peyoto, buttons, plants, devil weed and Mesc....

    Mescaline can be taken either orally or it can be injected...The average dose of this lasts anywhere between 5 and 12 hours in the user... Mescaline is very bitter and quiet yuck to taste on its own so it is often put in coffee, milk, tea soft drink and or orange juice...The peyote button is vile and fibrous to taste...

    Mescaline has hallucinogenic effects and as with other hallucinogens you can have a good trip or a bad trip...the user has effects like lose of sense of time, perception, disorganised thoughts and psychotic reactions...This is on its own a danger to the user and people around...Mescaline in small doses effects the heart by speeding it up and raising your blood pressure...it makes your pupils dialate and raises you blood sugar level, it brings on high temperatures with heavy perspiration and even makes the user feel sick...Now if the user uses a large dose it lowers the blood glucose this can cause the user to have a bloody diarrhea and to lose consciousness...A little more and an overdose occurs the side eefects of an overdose are breathing problems heart failure convulsions and death...

    Mescaline is habit forming just like most drugs...In other words there is not a physical dependance but it can cause a body tolerence and a dependance in someones mind...The feeling of I need that drug...

    This is another dangerous drug I wanted to share with you all...

    Have a great day



    Thanks angie, that was a very interesting read, and your spelling ability indicates to me that you are very well educated on the topic.

  3. The problem with mojo is when its lost its hard to recover.

    Maybe korrean ginsing but not before bed but morning.

    And vitamin D is best from sunlight and may not be absorbed properly as a synthetic.

    Most defnitely agree with the ginseng, theres these packs i get from the asian supermarket, 12 crumbly blocks of ginseng extract with lychee and honey that you dissolve in hot water for $2, tastes a bit sweet but put in a bag or two of green tea and it tastes perfect. highly recommended.

    Unless your already a big person try a few serves of protein powder every day and lots of pasta risotto etc, ive never felt so good, combined with exercise of course. good luck!

  4. "WEST Australian police warn that a batch of potentially lethal drugs being sold as ecstasy could be circulating on Perth streets.

    They say the small beige pills being passed off as the popular party drug are in fact tablets of PMA, or paramethoxy-amphetamine (PMA).

    Drug users have been warned PMA causes the body to overheat and has been linked to deaths.

    Police said they discovered about 1000 of the pills at a property in Cooloongup, about 50km south of Perth, on August 13.

    Lab tests revealed their content and police are concerned there may be more in circulation.

    Wah! I live near there. Does anyone know what pma tastes like?

  5. just for your reference, Kava is scheduled S4 nationally. This means supply without prescription is illegal. Similarly, possession without script is like possession of any other prescription drug - illegal. Not that I am aware of the possession side of things being enforced anywhere yet, but just letting you know the law.

    Furthermore kava is also a scheduled drug of abuse in WA.

    Stupid stupid laws, but just wanted to make sure you are aware.

    Oh what??? Is this recent or can we still bring small amounts in with luggage?

  6. Hi guys, i have given in to the fact that i personally can't grow kava in perth, so i munched on the root of my dead plant and experienced amazing numbness in my mouth followed by a great feeling of clear head relaxation.

    So i am wondering if anyone is selling any fresh root? If you have some dried stuff i'd love to hear from you as well, but fresh whole root would be great.


  7. My bridgesii has been out in the cold and rain for a while now and thriving, however the other day some hail came down pretty heavily and caused black spots all around the top and the base of the spines near the top. Could be the same thing? Sorry i don't have any advice, i just lopped off the top and am waiting to replant it, just in case it was something that could spread to the rest of the plant.

  8. Hey all, i have a small kava plant from herbalistics that i got about 2 months ago. I really didnt think it through at all seeing as its winter here in perth :slap: , but anyways, it had a few small green leaves which have now all turned brown and shrivelled up nearly completely but are not dry, so that only an unhealthy stem is left.

    It is in a little greenhouse from bunnings that, to the best of my knowledge (i havent checked between 11pm and 7am) does not fall below 13 degrees and is quite humid. I know this is a bit chilly but up until a week ago it looked healthy. The only nutrients have been a small amount of dilute seasol once and it is watered rarely. It also has good drainage.

    Lately the days have been reasonably warm, so i am wondering could it be the increased difference between day and night temperatures that is causing this? Has anyone known their kava plant to suffer from too high humidity?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

  9. There seems to be a LOT of pedro seeds about on this forum, you should just try getting some new ones from the free trade thread or just ask if anyone has some fresh ones to trade. My techniques are pretty shit but as soon as i started using good fresh seed, particularly from people who have harvested from their own collection, i have been getting like 90% germination within a week.

  10. I reckon we need capital punishment for people who wear 'fuck off we're full' and similar shirts on australia day. That is in no way funny, it's just racist and alienating. My missus was born here but her family moved here from Japan about 30 years ago and i tell you what i've spent an Australia day with them at the local foreshore and after all the horrible comments from dickheads driving by and walking by in packs i'm surprised they even want to leave the house on that day. Fuck your aussie pride bullshit, it's just a guise for your prejudice.

  11. I dont know about the forum and shop not being connected. I've pretty much only bought things from the shop after reading about them on here, either browsing through old threads or someone posting a pic of their flowering such-and-such plant that they bought from sab 3 years ago.

  12. Nah a couple of years will fly by! Just think of what you will know by then and how much of an incredible experience it will be knowing that you nurtured it for all that time.

    Some people on here have mentioned that smoking cigarrettes of caapi leaf can be a great pick me up from time to time. Does anyone know how long before a seed grown vine produces leaves with this quality?

  13. Sorry don't want to hijack this thread but is anybody currently growing the kava plants from herbalistics? I've heard that there is huge variation between the different strains and would love to hear any first hand experience with this strain. Anyone harvested and chewed/drank it? Supposedly the lateral roots can be taken every so often without harvesting the whole root?

    Also do any of you guys just mix the root powder (not instant) with water and drink after its settled, without filtering? Kind of sandy sandy...

  14. I've been a bit crook today so spent a bit of time looking around at other similar forums... and WOW. People give approximately 1/4 of a second of thought before they post.

    For example on bluelight there is a long thread about cultivating poppies, and one of the most recent posts is something like "so my friend said to plant poppies in june but its now july, should i wait until next year? Also i want to score the pods but then im worried it will damage them and they won't flower and my mum will ask me why i grew flowers that never flowered"

    "hi guys i want to start growing opium poppies but i don't have a juicer, can i squeeze them by hand?"

    Are people afraid of google? I now realise how lucky we are that this forum is not a huge pile of shit like every other forum! What a joke!

  15. Oh yeah i was just referring to neoshaman saying legalise mdma. Side effects have been seen, but heavy use of it is a very new thing so noone has seen whether or not there are serious long term effects from heavy use (who is to say there won't be?) Alcohol may not be healthy, but we have thousands of years of evidence that it won't cause irreversible changes to dna or anything crazy like that.

    Wow imagine if it does cause mutations and 2012 will be when we first start seeing mdma mutants being born :o:lol:
