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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by MrBumpy

  1. MrBumpy

    THe neurochemistry of psychedelic experiences

    stating that homo sapiens are the ONLY species of animal that voluntarily take a hallucinogen after having done it before is a pretty stupid thing to say, what research could they have done to back up this statement? Have a whole noah's ark in cages and give them sugar cubes containing LSD one night...then try the same again the next night? maybe some animals just didn't like LSD, and were opting for some other wonderful chemical instead....how do they know? how do they know? The problem is, someone will probably quote this observation as a fact later on...leading to all sorts of wonderful arguments. -bumpy
  2. MrBumpy

    How have you screwed up computers?

    This didn't happen to me, but it happened right next to me.. In High school in one of the computer rooms, we were all doing assignment work, and the guy's computer who I was sitting next to, his computer froze...so he decided to try restart the computer by flipping various switches and buttons he could find....then he found one near on hte back of the computer, right near the power supply..he flipped it, and BANG...damn thing blew up. The teachers figured out after five minutes of starring blankly at the dead computer that he'd flipped a switch on the power supply to let you run on Australian power or American...apparently he switched it to american, which the computer couldn't handle. -bumpy
  3. MrBumpy

    Dutch Police sound funny

    http://www.expatica.com/index.asp?pad=2,25...,&item_id=31833 -bumpy
  4. MrBumpy

    the 'springer-show" vs "the mozo-people"

    are the bonopo the monkeys that seem to resolve conflict buy screwing each other? -bumpy
  5. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?t...storyID=2852125 -bumpy
  6. MrBumpy

    Donkey Feasces

    although I would consume fungi growing out of cow shit (if it were legal) to have a hallucinogenic experience...I don't think I'd bring my self down enough to smoke the actual excrement of an animal to trip.....just like I wouldn't drink the piss of someone who's eaten fly agaric's so I could get the second hand ingrediants
  7. I read in the paper today that the federal government is proposing that a deposit of 10c on glass, plastic and cardboard drink containers encourage recycling and try reduce the amount of littering. I thought great when I read this, I did the quick maths in my head, and figured out that this meant you could get $2.40 back on a carton, and with the current price of a carton around my place around $30 for one of the cheap three (XXXX, VB or Tooheys New), that means after your 13th carton, you'd be getting a free one (assuming you recycled and collected the deposit on every bottle from the cartons)...bargain . I've also worked out that the beer bottle collection I have decorating my room has a monetary value of $5.60 -bumpy
  8. Mojorisen : where did you find out about the Oz Tops things? is there a website or anything for them? -bumpy
  9. MrBumpy

    future drugs

    'smoking pot makes you a communist baby raper with no ambition- the government told me so' HAHA....I love it -bumpy
  10. no apology needed mescalito, the post was just originally something random I decided to post when I was in a weird mood...but now it has turned to homebrewing, something I find very interesting, and something I would do more of if I wasn't so damned lazy....and if my previous batch didn't turn out flat and tasting like a mix of straight molasses and vegemite. oh well, I'll learn one day. A question though...do the homebrewers on this forum ever use their own concoctions of ingredients (fresh or dried hops, yeast, honey etc) or do you just use the coopers you can buy in the supermarket? -bumpy
  11. MrBumpy

    Chong Pleads Guilty

    The way this whole paraphenalia thing was explained to me back in grade 12 by our local constable care when he showed up to give us a talk on the dangers of schoolies. They way he explained it, bongs, pipes, cone pieces, whatever are legal to possess unless they havebeen used for the administration of an illegal substance...which makes me wonder, say I had a bong that was only used for the use of Salvia d, before it became so evil in the eyes of the law, would possession of this bong be illegal now, even though it wouldn't have been how ever long ago it was before salvia D became comparable to heroin? -bumpy
  12. MrBumpy

    Erowid's Word of the Month

    I reckon nipple would be a better word to use to try get published...I like the word nipple nipple c'mon, everyone, say it with me....nipple -bumpy ps since I've recieved so many many porn spam e-mails...I find it hard not to giggle when I here or read the word Horse....anyone else finding that?
  13. MrBumpy

    UPDATE Brisbane Barbecue

    The road is pretty well signed to get to slaughters falls. just keep going up the road past the Botanical Gardens, there will be a Quarry on your right, as you drive further up the hill it will become pretty obvious once you see the signs. thats assuming you are coming Toowong cemetry way. Is it still bicycle day that day? If I do show up (very busy at the moment) I'll be on my bike anyway. -bumpy
  14. MrBumpy

    Combing Hair

    Has anyone here ever tried combing their hair with a fork? I'm doing it right now...feels pretty cool. -bumpy
  15. MrBumpy

    Do YOU support the Ayatollah Makim in Iraq?

    Torsten : you'd think that carving up the country to make every ethnic group would be a logical descision....only problem is for every new border you create, you get another territorial dispute. I mean, india and Pakistan have been going at each other since pakistan was created. Do you really think the turks are going to sit back and allow a the formation of a Kurdish state on their boarder? What happens in regions where there is a clear majority, but with an upity minority (ala Balkans) I can also see one positive the Coallition war machine may have with having an Ayatollah installed to power...this would probably get rid of alot of the hate between Iraq and Iran...and since Iran is part of the "axis of evil", if the Ayatollah was to ever decide to not be a puppet, if can easily be portrayed as evil, and along with his elite force who snuck in and took power during the "liberation of Iraq", he can be cast as just another dictator oppressing the iraqi people (who may have Weapons of mass destruction), so boom, another move into Iraq to liberate a nations oi---people. and if this scenario did happen they might be able tweak the whole shiite thing and invade Iran, who could be portrayed as their allie...which leads to a second OPEC nations oil feilds...this would then just fuel more anti-western hate, create more jihad groups, one group will get so big they will topple the Saudi Family, and the new Saudi Arabian power will unite the Islamic states for an all out offensive on Israel with a cache of Weapons of Mass destruction they found burried under some sand..Pakistan will use this attack as an excuse to Nuke India, the US will use the Pakistan nuke as a reason to invade north Korea to stop them from using nukes, china will see this invasion and decide to invade Taiwan, John Howard will see all this action up north and decide that we need nukes in our region...so Australia will invade New Zealand and make them allow US nukes in their ports, so new Zealnd will become a target, and some one will nuke new zealand,...and I've completely lost my mind.... I really should never be allowed to post on here after I get home from work (must be something about that floor cleaner)...but yeah, the point I was getting at before I started to rant was....scroll back up to check the topic.....yeah, carving up the country is bad...won't work, just create more conflicts. I know I will probably cop a lot of flack for this opinion, but the west should just give up and go home, and let them fight amongst themselves, just like they should do with Israel and the Palestinians..and come clean say outright, we are invading for oil (see, that would shut up alot of you hippies who like to rave on about the evils of capitalism and how it is fuelling the war..if they just come clean and admit to everything..what can you do?)....right now I've just got a line from a propaghandi song in my head, "Kill'm all and let a norse god sort'm out"... -bumpy now I've got Dead Kennedy's stuck in my head, hey, yo, we're the united states marines We know you've all been killing yourselves for at least two thousand years but we're here now, to protect the family Of Christian herion Warlords Most friendly to the west So you knock of this fighting, or we'll tell mom. Mass murder ain't just painless Now We've made it cute
  16. MrBumpy

    Semantics of Peace & W- -

    whats a tao? -bumpy
  17. MrBumpy

    the new background is a defected animal...

    not too mention the little guy has no feet....maybe its used to represent some of the 'collateral damage' that is going to emerge from Iraqi kindegartens. -bumpy
  18. MrBumpy

    Damned criminals

    Zu : yeah, I was watching the TV when he said that...I've been wanting to ask the question for a while, whats worse, that sadam is using 'human sheilds' or that Dubya is still willing to bomb those sights to fuck, even though he is well aware of the innocents in the way. I thought collateral damage was from accidents. -bumpy
  19. I might be joining the convo after it has been over for a while...but neurofen plus is ibuprofen and codiene. Also, I've been taking some painkillers recently that I never heard of for some dental surgery, they are called Panalgesic and contain Paracetmol. codiene and a third drug...I think they might just be a generic brand of Mersyndol...any know? -bumpy
  20. MrBumpy

    Sending cash in the mail is ILLEGAL

    does this mean my Grandma might get busted for sending me my next birthday card with a $10 in it? -bumpy
  21. MrBumpy


    "Gardeners can't be responsible for freak acts of nature after all. " could that apply for certain plants too? I hear Poppies are pretty stop form growing each year once they have had one season in a plot of soil. -bumpy
  22. MrBumpy

    Two Tribes

    Clothes stalls at raves are nothing....the real money to be made is in the kebab shop across the road from the pub. -bumpy
  23. MrBumpy

    media watch with spaced

    Why do they bother to keep doing studies like these if marijuana is already banned and feared by everyone already (apparently). Wouldn't it be better to do some studies to see what effect the behaviour modifying drugs that seem to be prescribed to children now almost as much as anti-biotics. I knew quite a few people who were prescribed ritalin and dex in high school, and I know a shit load of them got depressed when they were on it...which lead to them not taking it, and giving it to friends who were willing to take them for fun. -bumpy
  24. MrBumpy

    Antismoking tobacco?

    Since I haven't revised my herbal medicine nots for over a year I could have this wrong...but can't Mullein be used as a smoke? and it is meant to be beneficial to the lungs...or something along those lines...I dunno, my head hurts. -bumpy
  25. MrBumpy


    A good thing about Brunei is that their $2(I think?) note looks very very similair to the Australian $10....which can be handy in helping you get cheap jugs of booze in busy nightclubs or pubs -bumpy