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Posts posted by grantoss

  1. i'd suggest for growing in the south ,winter is the main prob,if you dont have a growing house of some kind i'd place it to get as much sun as possible[during winter] and covering it on cold days and even more nights with a blanket of light shade cloth.

    t s t .

    Is this the same for both plants?? The Caapi and the Psy Vir... Thanks

  2. Stick Caapi in the ground and it will grow faster and more rampant than you can ever imagine...when training it to go where you want, make sure you guide the growing tip as the vine becomes very woody quite quickly further down and will snap easily....I fucking dig this plant as its a constant source of amazement and something to do. it and HBWR are way cool and power up the fences racing each other like crazy young teen plant spirits... :P

    Viridis on the other hand is one slow growing, boring ass, ant attracting so and so....


    Thanks Hunab, So will Caapi really take off down here in Victoria (southern) I don't think we have the right conditions for it... But please let me know!!!

  3. where r they positioned? what shade/light do they receive? how often do u water them? what mix are they in??

    in the meantime give them a half-strength dose of seasol.and if they r copping alot of sun move to a more shady/sheltered spot till they recover.

    I have them in a shaded area right now with plenty of light and have cut right back on the direct sunlight. I use the 100% certified Organic potting mix that costs around $14 a bag and have also been hitting them with a light mist of the seaweed solution. I have also taken them into my local plant guru and she said that I overpotted them (silly firsttimer) and also whilst I was at work they have been overwatered. I'm doing my best with her help to nurture them back to health so that i can then look at how to help them grow... I just need to know how to look after them the best if I can get them thru this hard time :( The help is greatly appreciated tho nito

  4. HI there, I'm trying to grow Banisteriopsis Caapi and Psychotria Viridis in a southern east coast location... (right near the bush fires). It has been a struggle l8ly due to the scorching 46 degree days and dry weather, I was just wondering if we could share some tips on how to grow these plants and at what rate they should be growing. My caapi doesn't seem to have grown much at all and it dropped it's leaves before shooting 2 beautiful new ones... But how quick is this supposed to grow? Is it Dormant? And my Psy Vir seemed to grow to begin with but has now just shed all it's leaves (it's still green tho) and seems to have gone dormant also. Is it absolutely crucial to have these in a glasshouse down here in Vic where the heat is so dry?? Would love to hear of some success stories and some advice or experiences from some of the experts. Peace and Love Y'all

  5. 1 tried dropping his leaves, so I moved him in the shade & out of the wind a bit more.

    Ive been feeding him old tap water (in a bucket in the sun all day ~ smash the chlorine) but only puring it in the pot, not on his leaves.

    I did put a tiny bit of copper powder in the water to help kill funguseses, but he mightn't like it if he's already crook.

    Hey there Momomoto, My Psy Vir has just done the same thing as what u just described... it has always been doing very well and plenty of new growth (its a fair bit more developed than the one in the pics above) until just recently when i was away and had my folks taking care of him... According to them he just began dropping his leaves at an alarming rate. He doesn't have any leaves left on him at all now and looks like the tips (where the new growth had always came from) have turned brown, the stem is still looking very green but I really am worried about him. I've never had it in a humidity container or glass house cos he has always just soldiered on so well. I hope he can be saved too but right now his just a stem with 2 long green branches forking off of him. Have you had success in bringing Psy Virs back from this dropping leaf saga?? If so then please share how!!! Peace

    This heat is just killer...

  6. Yeah escpecially important for Viridis. Mine go completely dormant at lower humidity regardless of

    temperature...Once I put it in the green house raising the humidity from less than 20% to near 70% and the thing

    will go nuts at a constant temp of about 30deg. Good point Auxin.

    Beautiful. I'd better do this then because as i stated... mine barely has grown at all. Maybe not at all, I'll raise the humidity and see how i go. Cheers

    P.S. I know this is an old post but for some reason the whole blog did not show up.lol So i'm not that much of a dumbass!!! lmao

  7. Hi there, I have a Viridis and a Caapi growing also and I live in southern Vic. My Viridis seems to be doin fine but my Caapi is not growing anything like u mentioned above. It hasn't grown noticably at all since i bought it from another user from this forum. It certainly doesn't look dead but the leaves are drying and it just ain't growing. Can anyone that has experience growing this plant in a similar region to Sale or similar climate at least please let me know what they used for success. I use only 100% certified organic potting mixes and have plenty of sheep manure to add so please any help b4 it's too late and I lose my little baby. Peace

  8. Hi all, I just wanna refresh my position on this website i found... At the time I was quite excited to find this info but after doin alot of studying I have to say that although the site has some very good and interesting information.... I don't like what they're goals r at all. If you guys really want to educate urself on laws, statutes etc then the place to go is www.thinkfree.ca or I started by reading a book called "How I clobbered every Bureaucratic Cash confiscatory agency known to man" By Mary Croft. as it turns out Laws are the only things that apply to us as humans and not these statutes or acts. It's quite deep but fantastic knowledge to have at ur disposal. Ask yourselves this... Why does every piece of paper to do with money, debt, government, bills, Credit Cards, licences and passports etc have ur name in all capital letters??? When u get a fine, it's all caps. Check it out.


  9. My problem with this has nothing to do with the fact that the info won't still be available, because it will (just with a bit more knowledge and effort) but like I said before, the issue is that this sort of censorship is plain wrong. Freedom of speech and information are supposedly key parts of a 'free' country, and the gov will be removing a large chunk of that when they censor the web. Censorship itself is simply inherently wrong, it should be up to ME to decide what I want to view/read/access info on etc, not ANYONE (including the government) else. Just like it should be up to ME to choose what I want to do with my body/life etc. These individual freedoms have been infringed upon since the dawn of organised society, but for the gov's of some of the free world to be infringing on them further and further is total bullshit. We give them money to look after our society yes, but not to make my decisions for me, when they only effect me.


    I totally agree with u ME but if people don't wake up to reality really soon then there will be no such thing as a free world. I have been studying Naturopathy via correspondence as holism and natural health are of my biggest interests. I have recently come across something that will be imposed at the end of this year by the UN (if people do not wake up and oppose it) called Codex Alimentarius (Latin for Food Rules). When Codex is implemented people will no longer have the choice of natural health and nutrition as medicines. It has been violently opposed in America and Europe but is still creeping in at an alarming rate (it's already in use in Norway). However the massive protests on this topic are never making it to the mainstream media, in numerous states across the US people were rallying but thinking that they were the only ones that knew about it because it just won't get any of the spotlight. With the use of the internet people at an alarming rate to the UN and so on are being educated on these matters that have been sneaking in under our noses!!! So in agreence to what you have stated I think that the internet must be protected just as the rest of our personal freedoms must be protected as they are being taken away at an alarming rate now. Conveniently for the federal governments... among the sites that end up being censored by accident in the countries that already have mandatory net censorship are the sites with info on these topics that we are not supposed to know about. We need to take back some of the power and fredoms that the majority of people so readily hand over to these crooks in the government.

    Some of these topics can get me quite worked up so sorry lol.

    Peace everyone!!!

  10. this is all baloney! ...... i think people will become creative again and find ways around the restrictions. digitally encryped material would be a logical step around restrictions...... btw.... if things move underground it would be more exciting anyway!

    I think that one of the main reasons for this censorship crap is because of this massive 911 truth movement. People are starting to realize that anything that was once easy to keep covered up is now alot harder and widespread thanks to the net. They've already been blocking alot of the alternate news sites in the UK like prisonplanet.com and infowars.com. It's terrible and the fact that people allover have started talking about the UN and Codex Alimentarius upsets the Men of Greed a fair bit I'd say. So if it has to go underground then bring it on lol. But we can't let this happen... We can't stand for this!!! It's because of new songs and info like this that we're getting censored haha (check it out hip hop fans!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD5WlQ54Sg0

    Peace y'all

  11. i think you men "a new earth" yes personally i enjoyed it more than the power of now as it goes deeper.

    Thankyou I shall purchase and read this book aswell then... If anyone knows though, which is the newest of these 2 books and does Eckhart have others?

    P.S. I was three quarters through The Power of Now when I first smoked DMT and I think my state of mind at the time really contributed to the wonderful experience! hahaha

  12. I read the power of now and thought it was a great book. I really thought that whilst I was reading it I really was on another level but soon after i always come back down to earth (unfortunately) I have been considering buying this "a new world" but please give me some opinion whether it was a good book for someone who enjoyed the power of now???

    The book I've gotten most from so far would have to be The Art Of Happiness by some psycologist and The Dalai Lama and I recommend it.

  13. Hi there, I am also seeking the same thing, I have my psychotria viridis and now just need some advice on where i could possibly obtain caapi seedlings or seeds. I must say that I'm enjoying my plants thoroughly thus far and look forward to expanding my knowledge about them so any help would be much appreciated. Any aya recipes would be great also!!!


  14. I figured obama would win. However i am not enthused, hes just another lieing republocrat that will get us into wars and sell off our economy to banks. For change? Against war? Shaking up the system to get things done? My ass. He did the complete opposite in the senate, that was just all advertising hype. As for it being 'a great day for the african american people' I'll remind you that you said that in 4 years after he has helped to shamelessly destroy the country and kill innocents abroad.

    Better than McCain, yes, nut not the best candidate by a long shot.

    What is the most immediate concern for me tho is that bush now has several months off his leash and out of his kennel. With no re-election possibility and no more concern about saving face for his party for the election of the next president bush is right now the most unrestrained he has ever been, nothing is holding him back from his most perverse dreams and desires (not even international law since, lets face it, bush is american and thus international law doesnt apply)

    I really hope iranian reactors dont get bombed :( If we're lucky he'll just go into a deregulating frenzy and cause catestrophic pollution and economic damage.

    Yes.... a great and historic day indeed :rolleyes:

    I agree with u mate, your right on the money. Bush is still a big concern aswell!

    Why didn't Ron Paul get in??? I'm an Australian and from what I've discovered americans would've loved this guy as President. I know I'd be feeling alot safer if he had the Presidency.

    Peace Auxin!!

  15. I watched his speech, and I liked it.

    Even if he doesn't bring about 'All the change we need', I'm happy he's been elected. At least they didn't re-elect McBush. If the general populace can be sold on a campaign of 'change' (real or imagined), then that's a good start.

    Maybe they'll all be bitterly disappointed and become quickly disenchanted with the whole thing. But until the plebes start munching on the same cynicism-sandwhich, I'ma enjoy the show, even if the story's been done before.

    PS: Are we starting a pool on when he's assassinated?

    I don't think he'll get assasinated unless he either tries to abolish the federal reserve bank or tries to end the war in Iraq... This morning in Oz on the news they announced Obama the new leader of the free world, he certainly isn't any leader of mine. Australians have never given a fuck about the yank elections b4 and still don't ( IMO, sorry for generalizing) but our media has been absolutely flooded with it lately. I think that anyone that takes the time to look into Obama will know that he is just another Puppet for The real power in the shadows (The Elite), he is a member of the CFR and backs the war in Iraq and is in power to maintain the Status Quo. He probably attends or has representatives attend Bilderberg conferences aswell.

    Yeah I think all change is Imaginary and I'm sorry if My opinion ruins anyones smiles... But just look for yourselves!!!


  16. I think he's is just a puppet and nothing is going to change except the color of the Presidents skin!!!

    Check this out...

    I'm glad to see everyone happy about this though ;0)

    Peace and Love y'all
