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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by compost

  1. ok doctor, very balanced.. I must agree it is interesting Ha and next time I'll post smiley with questions and maybe one day be privy to your story..
  2. Sublime Crime, I thought you were referring to the way people interpret their history in a way that individuates them, thought it was interesting because I had a similar impression. Do you have a story or do you speak from some alternate ego-less realm?
  3. Back in school a friend is obsessing over a copy of 'Food of the Gods'. He dissapeared up north for a while, then came back with a glint in his eye, crashed at mine for a couple of nights while in town, convinced me easily to go mushroom hunting. But first we should grind up this bark stuff, wrap it up in tally-ho's and eat it then when we get out to the paddocks we smoke some fat joints of some more bark, Acacia or something.. Haha I'm a bit apprehensive but I trust this guy. So we go hunting. Get yelled at by some neighbours wondering who we are. All finds turn out to be no good. We fast learn the good ones don't grow in cow shit down here.. No noticable effect from the bark, but from here on begins an obsession.. Keep coming back because I love the mystery.
  4. compost

    Biodynamic 500

    Thanks for the link! Such a kooky read.. Some good points about Biodynamics: Makes us reconsider our relationship with the earth. Reminds us that science is not the Word. Provides a link to the past through occultism. "Biodynamics has deeper meanings the scientifically minded can't appreciate. As Steiner himself put it, "Spiritual scientific truths are true in and of themselves and do not need to be confirmed by experiments." From an article on biodynamic wines.. http://www.sfweekly.com/2008-11-19/news/voodoo-on-the-vine/1
  5. come come \new year, full speed ahead, you know the drill .. youve got the job ha ha ha wont be any escape from here on.. keep singing to me.. keep smiling for me the endless road of actualization \is hot on my heels \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1 im dreaming 2 im dreaming 3 i dreaming 4 i can tell you what to do.. at every moment if only youd listen still you take what you dont need the most all the while betraying the balance of heart for the sake of what?? doing it again until?? ..is hot on my heels the cycle is vicious and you toil for its fuel each day is like a scratch you cant itch yet its all so blindingly obvious the way you play the game get lost in the panic and forget the lines now we all miss out on so much ..moment slips past say it say it loud say it say it now how..? when its killing me stop listen act and practice
  6. Here is a recent talk from Erik Davis riffing on the idea of the 'visionary' or the 'imagination'. Anyone familiar with him? http://www.techgnosis.com/chunks.php?sec=j...1-30-2230-0.txt How what consciousness is, our ability to see patterns, how things inter-relate ARE interconnected with spiritual seeking. How pattern discernment, desire for imagination/visionary...not handled well by religions. Also talks bout the idea of belief and how it relates to practice >> a willingness to experiment allows imagination to interact with body/practice then phenom occurs which resonates with whatever you’ve been reading etc.. He briefly speculates on a 'collective agreement' with the way imagination works. And if you have low attention span , the last 5 mins relates to plant helpers... I find Erik Davis totally far out but still well-grounded in the right mind. Anyone with similar recommendations?? I'd be very interested..
  7. Just recently discovered 'London Zoo' by THE BUG. Anyone with a fleeting interest in dubstep should give this a go fo sho. Not the hardest dub out there but definitely a heavyweight fighter >> Dancehall dubstep aural madness. All guest MC's and even the lyrics I can decipher don't suck! The dancehall flip keeps it more 'bangin' than say Milanese or Vaccine and them..I don’t mind the atmosphere of Burial but this sonically shits on Untrue. There is definitely some kind of evolution here.. An accessible album that's listenable the whole way through (I love a good ALBUM) ..You might even wanna spruik about it.
  8. Dont know who said it.."its a fine line between disillusion and enchantment" I sympathize with the difficulty of communicating this stuff and remind myself be willing to have fun with these ideas and keep thoughts loose eg. take your thoughts lightly eg. dont believe everything you think! thereby avoiding paranoia and rigid beliefs. Conspiracy theory > infinite regression. 'Benevolent enigma' are two words that come to mind from someones sig.
  9. compost

    Help me find a business name!!!

    fazed-apparel untuned-apparel untucked-apparel .. elastic-spastic apparel-adnauseam ?? hardworn-apparel .. yeah lose the apparel.. hardworn.com.au truly-outstanding.com.au
  10. got off the train and went for the underground tunnel that connects platforms... looked down the stairs and was confronted with the herds morning stampede coming fast at me. bewildered, i hugged the hand rail and took it one step at a time.... making it to the tunnel below i creeped around the corner and edged along the wall, moving against the current of black suits. up ahead i saw you with headphones on, a bit flustered and obviously fed-up. you crossed your arms and leaned on the wall in silent protest. you were blocking my only path through, so i slowed my pace further [no reason to be in a rush] ...gave a sympathetic smile then leaned against the wall with you.... -some strange moment of mutual understanding while a mass of zombies hurry past-... then you laughed and motioned to move on. as you went by me you raised your hand: "give us a high five mate". i obliged.
  11. compost

    A fractal reality

    Haha I had the impression I was missing something significant about operas! And clearly I need to read some shakespeare. "But science fiction is a easy way to describe[in china for instance] politics in a literary way, to make political comments without the wrath of the irritable politicals" Like Orwells '1984'. Phillip K. Dick's another good one. found a relevent quote, probably says something about me.. "I am a fictionalizing philosopher, not a novelist; my novel & story-writing ability is employed as a means to formulate my perception. The core of my writing is not art but truth. Thus what I tell is the truth, yet I can do nothing to alleviate it, either by deed or exploration. Yet this seems somehow to help a certain kind of sensitive troubled person, for whom I speak. I think I understand the common ingredient in those whom my writing helps: they cannot or will not blunt their own intimations about the irrational, mysterious nature of reality, &, for them, my corpus of writing is one long ratiocination regarding this inexplicable reality, an investigation & presentation, analysis & response & personal history. My audience will always be limited to those people."
  12. What's crackin... I'll introduce myself with a question to stretch the imagination.. "As above, so below": Twisting its original context, I take it as an implication that we live in a kind of fractal reality, meaning self-similarity thats perceived on multiple scales. Then I think about mythology and archetypes in the broadest sense and imagine how they play out in a fractal manner on a individual/cultural/universal scale. Can you relate the above statements however vaguely and what do you imagine?
  13. ....And what can you do with it? Dont know much about Qi myself, but i do like to flip out people with plant dowsing.. I can feel the magnetism/energy? run up my hand. Not much shows up in the search engine [or anywhere really..] for dowsing so wondering if anyone here uses it?? Basically you hold a pendulum over a plant and when it rotates clockwise you have a female [positive] or if it oscillates side to side you have a male [negative]. Apparently this can be done with seeds/soil as well, but over a small plant demonstrates it easily. Cacti too. The idea is to select the positive seeds for better growth/yield. Can of worms or irrelevant?