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Everything posted by etherealdrifter

  1. etherealdrifter

    ABC 2 Should I Smoke Dope ?

    HI Mac, i just watched this.thanks for the heads up ebogan. scary and pissed me self funny at the same time.eh? she seems contrite but when she wastes her self on cannainoid + thc ...thats where i'd wanna be i reckon.lol. nice one bwanna
  2. etherealdrifter

    The Corroboree top 100

  3. etherealdrifter

    The Most Dangerous Thing You'll Do All Day

    >>In other words, it doesn’t matter how much you exercise or how well you eat. If you sit most of the day, your risk of leaving this world clutching >>your chest—whether you’re a man or women—as much as doubles. Thanks man. Just when i was thinking "shit i've been camping in front of the 'puter being a zomboid....way tooooo long lately
  4. etherealdrifter

    The Corroboree top 100

  5. etherealdrifter

    The SAB slang thread

    And here's me biting my tongue in fear of retribution.....o.k here's some block 'n tackle -male genitalia meat 'n two veg -" " bearded clam -female genitalia pack ya dacks -being shit scared driving the porcelain bus -spewing in the toilet holding the bowl pigsarse/telling porky's/spinning yarns -lying in general chewing the fat -sitting around(usually with mates) just talking shit drain the lizard -male urinating dry as a dead dingoes donga -thirsty(usually for an ale of some description root , as in having one -coitus about as useful as tits on a mallee bull -lol
  6. etherealdrifter

    What language do you think in?

    Great thread This stuff permeates through my daily existance. I speak Macedonian,Greek,Russian and Engrish. Everytime i listen to an incoming engrish comment my response (almost always) goes through a quick translation through the 4 languages. Having said that, my partner says i speak in a combo of the four - especially when under the influence:) My mind, when inebriated.........speaks most fluently in Greek. "elusive mode of the mind - thunder" is where it's at. i hope this makes sense
  7. etherealdrifter

    3rd annual NSW Camp.

    some doof pictures http://www.google.com.au/search?q=doof+dance+party+images&hl=en&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=N9OaTceOF4vRcZ3n7NoF&ved=0CBgQsAQ&biw=1271&bih=816
  8. etherealdrifter

    3rd annual NSW Camp.

    Thats beautiful. you beautiful thing
  9. etherealdrifter

    Youtube vids

  10. etherealdrifter

    woody mcbride '96

    gave internet explorer the boot years ago works fine with mozilla firefox - give that browser a whirl cheers qualia
  11. etherealdrifter

    The Corroboree top 100

  12. etherealdrifter

    talking with god

    >haahaa, fair enough incog ....i've been a little too introspective lately - It's just that i'm sure many here have gone full circle with this debate over the years and i'm guessing still reach the same conclusion. For me....'Breaking through' in the right settings - just makes me ask more q's ....hmmm suppose that's the whole point of +4's as PH said. the idea that the 'whole' , especially with regards to perception , still to me dominates and gives meaning to the 'parts'. Maybe ..it's comforting to me? Dunno. Hey what did the agnostic dyslexic say to the priest? Is their a dog?
  13. etherealdrifter

    talking with god

    I see a lot of Gestalt here but no-ones mentioned it.....so i took the liberty. No smart arseness ....just how i perceive some points(and very relevant points too mind you ) >http://www.usask.ca/education/coursework/skaalid/theory/gestalt/gestalt.htm peace
  14. etherealdrifter

    don't cha hate it when..

    don't you just hate it when....u passout on the couch ...then wake up l8tr feeling questionable...don't make it to the porcelain ....vom on your German Shepard that's been blissfully sleeping on you.....and then she jumps up and shakes it all over the shop
  15. etherealdrifter

    2012 - what seeds to save?

    this place is trying.....but can they get em all?? i haven't checked their database but i wonder how many oz native seeds they house? http://www.croptrust.org/main/arcticseedvault.php?itemid=211 Some structure huh? far out man, go Norway.
  16. etherealdrifter

    Grafting Comp- Oct 2007

    that was a great read mun.
  17. etherealdrifter

    Sore Throat

    slippery elm bark. some more info here: http://www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/article/slippery_elm works for me
  18. Uh oh...sarcasm eh,.righto and he's me thinking it was a case of 'many a true word has been said in jest'.
  19. The reason why "I" membered this community was because of 'Darklight's' images in his gallery. One day,...feeling ok, i stumbled across this site. the rest is history. most people trade not for profit and i tip my hat to these like minded individual's
  20. "I'm just a little guy trying to make a quick buck off of the community" wtf? NO ONE makes a quick buck here mate
  21. etherealdrifter

    Police arrest 184 in worldwide pedophile ring: Europol

    Commenting directly on the pedophile aspect of this thread - (i don't care what consenting adults do with one another ) Rationalizing such behaviour is just as abhorrent as what the peda does to a underager who has no concept of the damage been perpetrated upon them or the life-long trauma yet to unfold. These rock spiders rarely finish their time without retaliation from 'inside' while incarcerated. The sad thing is that this has no detrimental influence on their 'illness' or future motivation to rectify their thought patterns. Why should i pay taxes to shelter,feed e.t.c scumshit like these individuals when they won't (or can't change) their predatory actions. Many moons ago, this topic came up in a psych lecture i was attending and the prof. got a semester suspension for telling us: "there is one 'real' cure for this type of diseased mind - eradication of that particular gene pool" Sterilization,meds,therapy.etc doesn't necessarily mean a positive outcome. Anyway, even if it does, the perp rarely feels remorse for their actions. Arguments can be based on humanitarian grounds to help/rehabilitate these sexual deviants but i'm sure these people arguing for the basic rights of this type of sick animal would change their minds in a heartbeat if one of these fuckers destroyed their (or a loved one' life). I'm frikin open minded but this sort of shite posturing about rights - even for the worst shits in our society - is just downright, selfish, petty point-scoring. In my Utopian dream, if an individual was unequivocally proved to be a monster - i'd send them to Turkish prison , put em in "the free for all section" with no options.
  22. etherealdrifter

    Any woodworkers

    yay yay- now that's a cool deal eh Rab. Better get someone to drive u down there matey.......1 becomes 2 then 3 drinks the 4th follows before you know it your reliving st pats day Hat with three eyes - you little devil.....wait till you drink some of my tasty grappa.
  23. etherealdrifter

    Youtube vids

  24. etherealdrifter

    Plants to aid stress and promote energy?

    hey trips, nice one. that article just reinforces what few do but many should -in Oz - grow your own...dammit. Since, commercialization of cooking is 'rad' now ,more celebrity chefs should be lobbied into pushing this agenda to highlight the differences and make people care more about food. der. Now, i know this might be impracticable for some(growing ya own), nevertheless, it's a worthwhile cause that could help the general health of many. Imagine m\\\\\chef pushing this instead of advertising crappy products from coles. ahhh humanity...ahhh the insanity lucky we've got 'wheel of fortune' and the insane andrew o'keefe to soothe the savage beast within us. >>it's 'deal or no deal'
  25. etherealdrifter

    Plants to aid stress and promote energy?

    righto now that's got me thinkn....... apart from the supposedly,'inert fillers' manufacturers use to bind this pill , i wonder if some of these 'inactives' are having adverse effects on the desired delivery of kavalactones. hmmm?