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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by FancyPants

  1. How public would the results become? Theoretically? Would it facilitate exposure of DMT to the "masses"? Not that I'm saying hiding something is a good idea either... just asking VVV You're probably right, ME. I wondered that after what Rahli said too...
  2. In othew news, a study shown that when sober patients are injected with ethyl alcohol they experience high levels of sedation, false-confidence, loss of coordination - a "drunk" feeling if you will. Upon the ethyl alcohol levels returning to zero the patient is left with a massive headache, extreme dehydration, urge to kick people slamming doors. *14/20 subjects died during or after the experiment.
  3. FancyPants

    Party drug fuelled Maroons

    I wouldn't be surprised if they get into the Stilnox for no reason other than having a legitimate excuse that they don't remember/have no control over their actions when partying. Thus can plead innocent. If that's the main reason they do it... wow, less respect for footballers than I ever thought possible.
  4. FancyPants

    moon landing hoax, recent media buzz about moon landing

    1. I think it's entirely possible that the US government - or at least a particular agency - had the resources to have faked a moon landing. 2. I think it's probably that we could never trust that govt not to instigate a massive conspiracy. 3. I think the moon landing is real. With the astronaut getting up weirdly; well he doesn't have to use much force from the hand on the ground to push himself upwards giving the illusion of being pulled back from behind via strings or whatever.
  5. FancyPants

    Thompson's One-A-Day Kava Tablets

    While I agree that in general it's not a good idea to confuse your body so much giving it mixed signals... I wouldn't exactly directly compare it to speedballing with the smallish amounts I'd use. Definitely fair point though.
  6. FancyPants

    omega point

    Hahah oops forgot to say that it was during the aforementioned insights that I always ended up wondering if the Infinitely Big/Small conundrum leads to the possibility of us all being Infinitely Small parts of a greater "entity" or "God". Just so my other post makes a bit more sense in relation to the thread lol. Shit, maybe our "big bang" were two Gods bumping uglies? That would also come back to the huge significance I find in the orgasmic "spark" from an intellectual point of view.
  7. FancyPants


    ^^^ Never underestimate the power of my laziness, TI It may one day but probably when I'm not living on my own.
  8. FancyPants

    Thompson's One-A-Day Kava Tablets

    The ephedra to keep food cravings down and for boost of energy. But thanks for the headsup I'll double check now anyway, but P450 is the one involved with codeine isnt it?
  9. FancyPants


    Would leftover tea or coffee be of any use to bulk up soil or would it just be totally useless? I drink a fair bit and hate throwing stuff out. However I don't have a compost pile and won't have one because it's just too much work for me.
  10. FancyPants


    Best of luck, Hunab I hope you got the card I sent you?
  11. FancyPants


    ...add in a few sprinkles of ground A. colubrina seed pod casing...
  12. FancyPants

    Thompson's One-A-Day Kava Tablets

    Any potential bad effects from combining these kava pills (60mg kavalactones) with ephedra?
  13. FancyPants

    omega point

    Wish they hadn't used yellow text on white. Now I have to copy/paste to read the whole thing through... Interesting concepts the few bits I did read. Something about it rings vaguely familiar from certain trips or other periods of deep introspection where I've tried to reconcile Ultimate Bigs with Ultimate Smalls, universes within each other. Frustrating for a curious and totally-physics-naive tripper to say the least.
  14. FancyPants

    tried to email

    I never actually bought any plant cuttings, seedlings, or cactus from SAB until after I found the forums. Also many website say that their information is the best, but it's rarely true. In the case of SAB actually being far superior I wouldn't have known that, me being completely unfamiliar with the ethno community. Just my experience anyway
  15. FancyPants

    Psychedelic Metal Bands

    ^^^ Thanks dude I'll check those guys out when I get up again. Spewing I missed the Oceansize show a couple of weeks ago My friends had a blast though and had some drinks with the guys in the band, said they were really cool.
  16. FancyPants

    Our mind bending universe.

    Anyone seen those infrared NASA pictures of the earliest photo of the Universe? A uniform vaguely egg-shaped thing? Apparently it's putting a bit of a kibosh on the whole big bang theory because an explosion would apparently never leave matter in such a shape after the initial "bang". I find the possibility of an infinite series of universes within themself utterly fascinating. And the best part is that we'll never know. Imagine if suddenly we knew all the answers? Pretty damn boring IMO. Nothing new to learn or hope for.
  17. FancyPants

    Our mind bending universe.

    That is one of my all-time favourite things to contemplate during an introspective trip. Imagining your body fly upside-down backwards through space as if it were an arc on graph paper come to life is pretty. effing. intense. And because I read/look/watch a lot of Universe pictures/shows all those stunning images of galaxies, nebulae, supernovae etc all make a cameo. Some of the best hours of my life.
  18. FancyPants

    Psychedelic Metal Bands

    Oceansize. While they don't exactly fit into "heavy metal" there's some really powerful and loud chunks of music. Complemented by quiet, almost acoustic, soft singing as the tension builds. Check out Ornament/The Last Wrongs. I'll see if I can find it and edit to link...
  19. FancyPants

    tried to email

    ^^^ to Hunab's post: As an aside, I'm not sure how much of it comes down to my own dumbshittery, but I didn't even notice the SAB store had forums until well after a year of ordering from there LOL. I know I'm not the only one though at least I remember thinking at the time that any mention of forums were referring to forums on other websites.
  20. FancyPants

    Thompson's One-A-Day Kava Tablets

    Well, I bought a jar of that at a chemist and one pill didn't really give me any real noticeable effects, but I'd always been wary of mixing it with other stuff so I never got around to trying it with 2 tablets at a time. /my 2cents.
  21. FancyPants

    Beatle Mania

    I grew up on the Beatles in the 80s because my parents loved it (even thought they were born in the 60s). Where we lived we didn't get much radio apart from JJJ if lucky. So I'd go to bed most nights with a Beatles tape playing on my little kiddy cassette player. Thanks for the link, Jethro
  22. Well, at least he's trying. Don't have a brain, try and eat one...
  23. FancyPants

    Stoned or sober...?

    I'm addicted to codeine and don't take it for social reasons which is what this thread seems to imply - as I read it anyway, results may vary. I don't take enough usually to feel any distinct high or euphoria, but it sure makes me feel better when I have it. If a family outing happens to be during a part of day it's worn off and there's a few more hours to go till next dose, I don't have it early. It's a time matter, not a situational one. I love Mary, but as I also hate driving or doing any activity really - especially in public, while in that condition, she's not allowed when I have things to do. I don't want to ever change that compromise.
  24. FancyPants


    -From Wikipedia (yes I know not always the most reliable source) Doesn't the level of particular hormones make somewhat of a difference between person to person, not even necessarily gender to gender? A man with low testosterone may seem far more womanly in characteristic than a bodybuilding chick on the juice with labiscrote.
  25. FancyPants

    Methods of ingestion

    Have you got the physical damage to putting some chemicals in your mouth. Can't be good for the old gum, eh wot?