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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by FancyPants

  1. ^^ cheeky gobshite, Pimento, sneaky 11 bux there... so... $312 Nyah nyah!
  2. FancyPants

    Top 1 animal to bring to the ethno island

    Much as I hate his politics, Chris Pyne is actually quite funny. Check out his banter with Amanda ca stone on that Canberra cooking show with pollies.... Anyway as much as I love my cats I'd hate to think how much they'd decimate the native life so blue cattle dogs would be my pick, been connected with them since I first befriended a stray at two years old at dads worksite (unfortunately some know dog baiting locals were seen picking her up in their ute ) Chooks are a good choice but plenty of bird life to adapt to eating instead.
  3. FancyPants

    Post a Random to a Random

    Edited to delete.
  4. FancyPants

    The Random Thread.

    Inglourious basterds? Only seen it once, great movie, sounds like something out of that lol
  5. FancyPants

    Variegate Lophophora williamsii for SALE!

    sure she didn't just say it was a nice size?
  6. FancyPants

    plant pack available

    DAMNIT. Wasn't supposed to buy more plants yet but hot damn that's a good pack :D
  7. FancyPants

    Happy Birthday Torsten

    Happy birthday, T :D One day I'll get my crippled ass back to Mullum and see the garden and finally get to chat! I have an amusing mental image of you and want to see how it stacks up lol.
  8. FancyPants

    Post your track of the day

  9. In theory I like the idea of a crash-course of Australian cultural (whatever that implies...) values to any arriving immigrant. I'd personally be happy to do something like that if I were to migrate (for whatever reasons that was) to another country. For example, as a young woman living in Sydney, it's unfortunately not uncommon for men of other cultures to get touchy-feely or just outright abusive verbally or physically in a bar, giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were unaware of the inappropriate nature of their advances. How this is played out, and the fact that I heard this funding portrayed in light of anti-terrorism fills me with such shame at the fuckwits running this country that I have to shake my head. There's a lot of Australians who say they'd love to help show immigrants the "real" Estraya as a bunch of fun-loving larrikins, but the reality is of course quite different. And I'd totally admit that I'd be too damn lazy myself to be a warm and inviting host. That; and the fact that I'm not always the most warm and inviting host to people I know and love lol. So, I'm all for equality: equally pissy at people who give me the shits no matter their clothes, colour of their skin, accents, whatever. Let's hope the people employed to run these "courses" have a lot more compassion and patience in their hearts than I do.
  10. Absolutely feeling for you, Teo. Not many more horrible things than to lose a loved animal friend. I was going to say a lot more but I'm getting too emotional and don't want a headache from crying :-/
  11. FancyPants

    green tree frog

    Awww gorgeous! I love frogs :D We had a Peron's tree frog at our old house (the one we're going back to) living in the back toilet sometimes. They have cross-pupils and bright emerald speckles. They weren't around every year so it was so special when they were. I'm glad you've sorted something out for your guy. Maybe turn it into a natural well and add some regular goldfish, small enough that they don't compete for too little food, and get some lotus and other herbs going on in that tank :D
  12. FancyPants

    ID request, please?

    Curious to these huge mushrooms growing locally around bamboo mulch in suburbia. Are they boletus of some kind? A phlebopus marginatus? They were huge like 20-30cm diameter. Also the yellowish ones were in the same area what are those?
  13. FancyPants


    Hiya Tangled welcome to wonderland 😝 were all mad here 😜 but in a good way... Most of us anyway lol
  14. FancyPants

    Veterinarian advice required. "Feline".

    Hiya Wert, straight up I'm not a vet so can't provide that advice. But we recently had to take our boy cat (the ginger and white) to the vet because he wasn't himself. He had a slight fever and was lethargic and also breathing was a bit off. At the time I had a horrible upper chest infection and it would seem after he had no obvious cause. He came home and was fine. We thought to try something different so decided to give a pet psychic a go. We suspended judgement until we saw for ourselves. She was very accurate and said he (basi the cat) was taking on my stuff - he's a very sooky boy. But our female hated his smell after the vet so they were almost fighting. So we got her a pet psychic who confirmed a lot we'd already suspected - that she had major abandonment issues. We had a "conversation" with Pina the black girl and she was so happy afterwards. The lady gave us a recording of a short piece of music cats like and Pina and Basi just bliss out! So while I'm not suggesting doing all possibly medically available, maybe if you suspect emotional issues then it might be worth a shot? Do you talk to her in words or thought pictures? I can provide the two ladies we used tho I think Basi's lady was more "psychically" practical in how she did it, tho more expensive. I can also send you the sound clip if you like? Peace be to your furbaby and I hope you're able to help her get better. foe the record I tried the feliway sprays and they did jack shit for three cats. Ymmv... Also there are treats which have a calming variety containing chamomile and other stuff, our two go apeshit for the taste. Don't hesitate seeing a second vet too
  15. FancyPants

    ID please? :)

    Western sydney new housing estate park just on the grass and around some trees? Still such a noob... Thanks heaps for your help
  16. FancyPants

    Oberon sub zero camp

    yay :D thanks WT so puuurrty!
  17. FancyPants

    World Naked Gardening Day - May 2nd

    The dude in the middle of Thunderhorse's pic; what's hidden in that there crevice, that's a balloon knot lol
  18. FancyPants

    World Naked Gardening Day - May 2nd

    ^^^ It's not a star garden it's a giant botanical replication of his balloon knot, only probably smells less like sockfarts and steroid exudation. --- Well, my partner's new singing bandmate is coming over soon, so I don't want to scare off the poor girl by wheeling around buck naked in the rain. But ya never know what the evening may bring.....
  19. FancyPants

    Oberon sub zero camp

    Cheers guys! :D That's a beauty pic! They're just so magical all my life I've wanted to see one in the ground up close.
  20. FancyPants

    Oberon sub zero camp

    If anyone out there's still able to see this post, can you please take some photos of the amanitas out there? I've never seen them in the wild and have always been fascinated 😃
  21. FancyPants

    Random guy in the yard today

    Did the guy seemed personable enough? He may have just been unsure how to go about asking in the first place? Maybe ask if you could see how his people use it traditionally? Use your intuition and best judgement, but it may be a genuine opportunity. I saw a doco recently on qat in the UK, and how the OTHER down-the-line end processes have made the plant illegal there too. The need for freshness of new leaf made the countries of origin (bugger me if I can't remember... Sudan? Oman?) suffer for it, and the expats back in the UK have to risk "illegal" activities to sit around with their mates chewing quids (and likely bitching about the missus' like regular guys do lol) all subversively. Of course then they're labelled refugee scum etc etc "how dare they disobey our laws blah blah blibbedy blah"... I'd sure as shit hate to be in a country that I otherwised loved, but unable to drink a cuppa tea, or coffee. Either way, whatever you do, get security cameras that can be streamed to your mobile and recorded to hard drive. They're cheap as piss and better quality than they used to be. It should also help with your home/contents insurance as a bonus. And make sure your doggies are safe, there's no redeeming a person who would maliciously harm an animal.
  22. FancyPants

    Random guy in the yard today

    ^^^ that's exactly what I was going to suggest. Give him the opportunity to make an interesting cultural friend/acquaintance, or set his thieving ass on fire, his choice how he wants to proceed...
  23. FancyPants

    Post a random picture thread

    The load bearing capabilities of a good bookshelf speaker + cat is clearly more than a cheapo bunnings floating shelf can bear...