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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by FancyPants

  1. FancyPants

    meme loves

  2. FancyPants

    meme loves

  3. FancyPants

    Having a sook to strangers

    Rectal endone does it better (although bioavailability is pretty good for an opioid). Don't be afraid of NSAIDs if you're getting inflammation involved with the strain. People seem to have funny ideas about discussing plugging, but there's a type of NSAID suppository that seems to work better in the local area (lower back) called indocid, caused me less gastric upsets. Do you have any spasming issues?
  4. FancyPants

    meme loves

  5. FancyPants

    meme loves

  6. FancyPants

    meme loves

  7. FancyPants

    don't cha hate it when..

    DCHIW You're enjoying your wonderfully prepared salmon sushi at sushi bay and something either farted hardcore or shit themself.
  8. FancyPants

    meme loves

  9. FancyPants

    meme loves

  10. FancyPants

    meme loves

  11. FancyPants

    What zodiac sign are you?

    ^^^ Isn't that just a wog thing? ;) my partner's dad is very effusive lol
  12. FancyPants

    Venus Jupiter conjunction June 30 - July 2

    I've been watching them get closer together lately, a week ago the moon was right near them, very cool. Didn't realise they were going to align, mad! Even htough I'm in the burbs the night skies are really clear for stars. Councils should make more night-sky friendly lampposts though. Gonna check it out. Might see if the fun gus like it too. Edit: Also there are apps for phones which are cool, I have SkyGuide and it's pretty decent just to locate stars although it can take some getting used to
  13. FancyPants

    Having a sook to strangers

    Aww lame, Deadstar my partner had a severely prolapsed (yeah hehehe) disc last year and after many excruciating months he was finally able to get his surgery after a couple of injections that didn't do squat. He felt a lot better after surgery but it still pains him if he doesn't keep limber and keep his core strength up. He goes to a chiro once in a blue moon but people have mixed opinions about that. I finally had my slightly slipped disc (L5-S1) confirmed after years of complaining about pain originating from there (which a highly recognised physical rehabilitation place didn't even investigate; one physio lady didn't even touch me just recommended I read up about how pain is manifested purely by the mind. I'm not even going to go into that I was so pissed off. There are a couple of plant medicines which seemed to help ease the strain for myself, and some that seemed to twinge it further. I get regular leg/feet massages (reflexology when possible) and trial and error in what works for YOU is probably the best advice I could give Like Visceral, I've had many operations/procedures major and minor over the years and in general I've found the most annoying part is the fasting and waiting before procedure lol. I've not really had an unpleasant experience except for pain afterward, so be honest with your anaesthetist and nurse and tell them honestly how much pain you're in. I'm always honest about my opiate tolerance levels otherwise what they'd normally give wouldn't do shit for me and last time I ended up with I think 1200mc fentanyl as well as oxycodone. I just felt normal at that level. My partner was able to wean himself down from his targin (oxycontin + naloxone) comfortably enough over a period of time. So if that worries you there's plenty of info here about things that can help with that issue Also just ask. So try not to worry, you're not alone, and coming from someone who's had a fucked back (partially paralysed) for 15 years now, there's PLENTY of things to do when - and IF - mobility becomes an issue Be easy on yourself and your body. Love it, nurture it, it's the only one you have for now... Also before I stop rambling, swimming is AMAZING.
  14. FancyPants

    The Random Thread.

    Nah this was the other day about five in the afternoon. Looked like come up. Surely something biological but I don't want to go into further detail why I'm guessing (and that's saying somethign for me when I won't get too personal...)
  15. FancyPants

    The Random Thread.

    Revisiting a previous night's journey (some may label "flashback") after the glorious release of painkiller-induced backup. Bathroom gets brighter, faint aural glow etc... psilocontin extended release? Surely not the only one???? lol
  16. Bugger it, it's a great cause... $550
  17. FancyPants

    I am a better zodiac sign than you are

    Pisces in sun, Cancer in moon... anyone would assume I'm a drug fucked pussy loon living in my head. I like all but the "pussy" part. Means I think a lot but don't do jack shit about it. Can relate to everyone in some way; could change the world but too lazy to do anything about it ;-) Been starting to read up on the cosmic signs which is fascinating. Adding numerology/birth dates are interesting and fits me even more to a T. My numbers in random order (to avoid being too precise) 11 + 5 + 3 = 1 So I'm a humour-loving, unpredictable (aka moody), trailblazer. Mr Mojo Risin!
  18. ^^^ I thought we was sposed ta play fair and only bid in $10 increments so everybody had a shot?? $400. fuck it. Hey Pimento, I heard you don't like taco? ;-)
  19. FancyPants


    What an incredibly moving experience. Thank you so much for sharing something so personal. I'm really happy you were able to find the path to help you move forward. I wish you all the best to continue your beautiful journey, and I hope more and more people find different healing methods more acceptable for us all to make changes within ourselves which inevitably leads to changes to the outer world.
  20. FancyPants

    Yohimbe bark powder

    Worked years ago, start very small IMHO (matchtip smoked or half a capsule of powder). Gave some nauseating effects but also blood invigoration (ie viagra substitute). Was a while ago for me and a LONG time since I've read up so anyone with new experience reports or info would likely be a lot more helpful....
  21. I used to be the ultimate bookworm, flicking through our 1983 encyclopaedias, dad's architectural magazines, shampoo bottles in the shower... anything really; but between the ages of 18-24 I kinda just couldn't sit still long enough to get absorbed, and since that point I read again but sometimes can't finish because some other amazing book looks too tempting and I forget the old one to pick the new one up... Anyway books were my gateway drugs, total absorption when I get into one now. My younger years I preferred fiction (if one assumes that later, more "philosophical" books are actually true; which I don't believe as GOSPEL), and let my young mind make its own judgements on what is fair, what is "wrong", what is worthy of contemplation etc. Also I LOVE letting my mind's eye paint it's own picture, rather than being shown a picture and told what means what. I think that's why I love Stephen King so much, he allows your own visual interpretation in one moment and the next your deepest darkest fears are being artfully excised from your subconsciousness into full visual acuity just waiting for you to go to sleep and come face to face with said Daemon. I personally found that any fear I may have had (I'm not generally a fearful person) was made diluted and eventually obsolete. Black Beauty when I was 7. The personality of animals and their inherent rights for a good life made clear and firm. Watership Down when 9. Community, politics, intuition, survivalism, the term "deus ex machina" et al through the voices of a breakaway colony of wild rabbits. Dad wanted me to read it and I still have the original copy we bought together in a second hand book stall. Early Stephen King books, particular It which I read when 11. Way too many themes to go through... though the ritual of Chud sending the consciousness of the kids through time/space on the back of the Turtle of Time still sends shivers down my spine. Also The Dark Tower by SK... again way too many themes to type up. Many many more SK earlier stuff... The Power Of One and Tandia by Bryce Courtenay. Wilbur Smith books regarding the history of southern Africa via the fictional Courtenay bloodline (not related to Bryce...) fascinated my young self to no end. Also his ancient Egyptian books River God etc... Masterpiece! The Dice Man, read when 16... also couldn't quite tell if it was a true story and also momentarily contemplated the Dice Life! lol. The vampire chronicles by Anne Rice; meant a lot more to me when I was a teen, and re-read them recently to find some interesting themes but they're just not as well-written as I remembered. I'm going to leave this post at my younger readings because there's too many more to remember right now...
  22. FancyPants

    Post a random picture thread
