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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by FancyPants

  1. FancyPants

    Original Drawing Thread

    ^^^ Thanks guys :D I love the "C" AbleKay, can't wait til I have space to set up the spray gun my partner got me two christmas' ago :D I dunno why the images keep uploading sideways?? They should be flipped to the right.
  2. FancyPants

    The Random Thread.

    New car. Such a beast I'm in love 🤓🤓🤓
  3. FancyPants

    bye bye

    What the hell? Bullitt and Incog? WTF is this do I smell or somethig :-/ ... I know I disappear from time to time, but never truly gone, usually only because I was/am in no position to enjoy my garden and seeing all the purty plants on here makes me depressed about that. You'll be back ;-)
  4. Buddha on a biscuit, I wonder if they got the idea from reading my SAB posts...
  5. FancyPants

    The Random Thread.

    My beloved granddad finally passed away last week after lingering way too long. Except for the very end when he regained a sort of consciousness, a humble, hardworking, cheeky, kind and loveable old man left this world in his home bed surrounded by many who loved him (and in fact nobody who met him ever disliked him). Rip Poppy ✌️
  6. FancyPants

    fruit and nuts

    Hey you, Olive *big hugs*
  7. FancyPants

    kitty porn thread anybody?

    Gorgy puddies, Olive :D I wish my two would snuggle up together more, but Basi doesn't realise how much bigger he is than Pina and basically squashes her when he tries to snuggle, so of course she gets cranky. They'll clean each other if nearby but it'll often turn into a big misunderstanding when one of them grabs the other a little too earnestly... they do play when bored but they have totally different styles (she's a slow stalker, he just chases whatever's moving) so even that usually fizzes out after a short time *eyeroll* mama then has to be the entertainer...
  8. FancyPants

    kitty porn thread anybody?

    lol ya that's Pina! She was going nutty at the time... This is sweet Sebastian (Basi), the polar opposite to Pina more to come!
  9. It's an interesting point. Horse, you've come across some real pieces of work by the sounds of it. And tbh I can't relate in any way to what your friend told you about men buying flowers... unless they've done a REAL dick move like get a blowy at a party, then scorn is to be expected in most cases. I wonder though if it's to do with a more suburbanised culture nowadays? Women (still) tend to do the inside chores while the men still do most of outside work like mowing which begats a better connection with one's garden I guess? My maternal grandma grew up in northern NSW from a timber pioneering family so they uswed to go out with "the boys" for days at a time hunting and foraging, including the poppies they grew out there so she told me. Unfortunately I didn't get to live near her enough to really take on board all her knowledge. From her I learnt about comfrey, rosehip oil, chamomile, nasturtiums, homoeopathy, reflexology and stuff like that. I hear she was quite a wild child when she was young, driving around in her little convertible. Im guessing there were "secrets" which led her to marry her second husband, my papa, and lead a proper baptist woman's life. We had some really good conversations in the few years before she died a couple of years ago and I think if she were my age now, we'd be best friends and she'd be butt-chugging the poppy juice with a grin. My partner is fascinated with all things ethno now, due to connecting with the plant spirits. It's wonderful I can share this part of my life with my other (not better ;) ) half, unlike my ex which made it quite hard for me to keep up the physical side of having an ethno garden in years previous.
  10. FancyPants

    kitty porn thread anybody?

    Peanut and Ginger bunny I could go on forever... :D
  11. FancyPants

    kitty porn thread anybody?

    I has cute kitties and a black kitty! She is The Peanut, thinks she's aloof and badass but has abandonment issues and still sometimes wakes in the middle of the night scared yowling until I call out and reassure her that I'm here. She only purrs when super excited and does Pretty Baby rolls on her back when I squeal at her to give the attention she craves Fuzzlebutt... I love pulling gently on the fur between her paws. She's shaved for the first two photos for summer Aww one more...
  12. FancyPants

    Name my Cactus and win

    In the first photo it looks like a dick cut in half and sewn back on again, so maybe the John Wayne Bobbett? BigRed? Like a ranga gets called "blue" Cactroom Ed? El Pene Azul - spanish for "the blue penis" Just promise me when someone finds a cactus that leaves them totally legless you've gotta name it after me ;)
  13. FancyPants

    Original Drawing Thread

    I've been trying to draw again and also keep journaling (which I took back up in detox), and there's a bunc of ideas I have for tattoos for myself and a couple of other people so just doodling something is always a good start... Did the first one yesterday as tatt idea but needs cleaning up. It's two eyes on the level and third eye above, turn upside down to see machine elf... the colour is on paper black and gold ink Second one is from my new "recycled book" journal..
  14. FancyPants

    Post your track of the day

    Going to Tea Party at the enmore tonight woo! Jeff Martin's so damn arrogant but he can get away with it cos he's got a damn fine voice and plays beautiful guitar lol
  15. FancyPants

    A. peregrina seed giveaway

    Hey wasn't the point that it's not til 10pm tonight??
  16. FancyPants

    Vale ReshroomEd

    I can't believe I didn't end up going on one of those camping trips he so very kindly offered to help me along with... It sounds like I missed out on having the experience of meeting such a human being Darklight you speak so evocatively I feel like I knew him far better than the few PMs we'd had.
  17. FancyPants

    Calling the police on a suicidal friend.

    Firstly I've not been in that acutely a situation myself personally so that must be noted. However I think what Yeti referred to (the suicide callback service) is correct. It may have been a cry for help and not a direct threat; but how were you to know that? He was found in a "really bad condition" which really could've ended up with his death or causing the death of innocent people because he drove intoxicated. Friend and having a mental health condition or addiction or not; driving under the influence is a highly risky behaviour to all not just the driver. He may be super pissed with you, but better he be alive and pissed than dead and you wracked with guilt. We can hope this is a wake up call for him to get help and get better I'm really sorry you had to be in that situation *hugs*
  18. FancyPants

    Rehab is making me crazy (crazier....)

    Gawd I'm in "real" rehab at the mo and I'd trade it for yours any day! The garden I mean obviously heh and great to hear you're chugging along :D
  19. FancyPants

    Abbott shortest-serving PM since McMahon

    Lesser and less embarrassing of two evils... Much more vitirol I'd spew but I CBF wasting precious energy. I would've loved to have been the one to break the news to him. Did you see Julie Bishop could barely keep the smile off her face? Pyne as usual did the highly intelligent thing and stayed out of spotlight to keep his job (now defense minister I believe?) Edit: Yeah I was going to say was TI said above too, I don't vote for one person, I vote for a PARTY for their policies, and hope the PARTY elect a leader to represent all their collective policy. I want the best person in the best party to run this country. Abbott didn't do that, he disallowed his own party members from individual electorates to have an individual say; effectively he was a dictator, being fed buzz words and slogans from his PR puppetteers (that Peta woman etc). The man never said ANYTHING off the cuff, hence why he never went on Q&A. I could've worded that better but oh well.
  20. Highly recommended! I thoroughly enjoyed the perspective of - make your own perspective! I personally believe in advancement through recognition and respect for historical/traditional values, but importantly to integrate the new and honed experiences and thought structures as we move forward and evolve. Does that make sense? There's probably only a few things I'd respectfully disagree on but would love to have a face to face discussion about all and sundry topics. Your writing style is very easy to absorb, even though amusingly you seem to contradict yourself multiple times; yet that's where I feel the most comfortable on a subject such as this and only reinforces my view that there is no absolute truth. There were a lot of quotes I felt compelled to yell out to my partner from the bathtub because I couldn't agree more lol. Kudos, and when I have some more time up my sleeve I'll be writing a review up on amazon and also PM you about a few things
  21. FancyPants

    Post your track of the day

    https://youtu.be/OG3PnQ3tgzY CREEPY
  22. FancyPants

    Having a sook to strangers

    Wow that's given me another good reason to get back into making more soups from scratch usibg chicken, bacon, beef bones. I love that with soups you can add any and all herbs, seasoning, spagyrics, tinctures, extracts as you like! Also I turmeric the SHIT out of any soup I make. With black pepper of course. Cooking can be so much like alchemistry it gets my un-science-learned ass all shivery and excited lol.
  23. FancyPants

    Post awesome gifs here

  24. FancyPants

    Is your dog dangerous?

    Oh Woodwoman, I'm heartbroken for your loss for something so uncomprehensibly unnecessary Booboo looked like such a sweetheart. I've had cattle dogs and hairless dogs, I don't believe in "dangerous breeds" and I don't doubt that a little yappy dog would've gotten off scot-free in the same circumstances. May Pandy (also looks like a sweetie ) and time help heal your heart.
  25. I try and keep hope that we as a nation will sooner rather than later dig ourselves out of our self-induced retardation. We've gone backwards in so many ways; what a waste. I like to watch news programs to keep sort of up to date, but man it can get depressing. Abbott needs to go; he's so obviously out of touch, stubborn, close-minded, dictatorial (even amongst his own "peers" in the Libs), etc etc. He has all the charm of string cheese. I just don't... can't, understand those who can't see right through his superficiality. I still wouldn't vote Liberal but I can only hope that Turnbull would bring a somewhat more enlightened change and BOTH major parties can stop acting like children and better this country through intelligent and lively debate and compromise; as I naively assumed the job description called for.