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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by reptyle

  1. this is from wiki

    "Most millipedes eat decaying leaves and other dead plant matter, moisturising the food with secretions and then scraping it in with their jaws. However, they can also be minor garden pests, especially in greenhouses where they can cause severe damage to emergent seedlings. Signs of millipede damage include the stripping of the outer layers of a young plant stem and irregular damage to leaves and plant apices, the very top of a plant."

  2. as i said there are 10000 species of millipedes and then wayy more beetles and u live "spomewhere" in the phillipines... u will need to locate a dichotomous key to find the exact one based on how many legs it has and exact colours and marking...

    i would say not harmful to plants... though again that probably depends on species... but best keep them outside where birds and spiders and other things can balance their effects... ie. get new soil...

    yes they can grow without soil... in course bark mulch or coir or similar as long as u spray them with water and ferts...

    though soil may provide more stability depending on how big it is...

    plants inside is a great idea...

  3. the differnce in the times "major tom" is the subject which the media chooses to focus on...

    they would not continue if the wider populous knew how much untruth was contianed... your attitude is really quite pathetic...

    the fact is we can actually employ our capabilities to change things like this through spreding informationa nd education.

    we should be motivating each other to do so... not accepting the status quo and being so disresepcted every time we open a newpaper or go online.

    it is enforceable in the sense that if the media are endangering the public through their misinformation then we have a respoinsibility to stop them from doing so.

    the fact that now some young peope might go and lick a toad or smoke it and OD on toxins and bufo is a serious issue... we dont have psychoactive toads wild in this country and to give the impression that DMT lasts for 15 minut$Es is completely untrue... it lasts for hours...

    imagine if someone were to smoke DMT tinking it only lasted for 5 minutes because theyr ead about it in a newspaper and then 5 hours later they are still completely blown and try to drive?

    who then is responsible for having given the information? considering that it is as easy to make as chocolate cake?

    beauty is in the eye of the beholder... if ure reveling in the play of the devil, then yeh, no worries... but if u think that this is aceptable... then next time ure in hell dont ask anyone for asistance because no doubt the feathers and snakes and rivers of blood are fantastic to witnes...

    shame on selfish lazi and useless primates with no sense of personal or cultural responsibility.

  4. writing to each other about it on SAB forum isnt going to solve this problem...


    same arguments over and over back and forth... its like a broken record...

    Sit down and take 3o minutes to write an article... im sure this one was written in 5 minutes...

    we are nothing when we are alone... if there was no forum, ya'll would probbaly go insane.

    we only become when we find a community.

    and we can be a great community... we can be a GREAT COUNTRY AND WE CAN BE A GREAT WORLD... BUT IT TAKES PEOPLE TO ACTUALLY do their part... with what they know, to make it all work...

    sometimes people have to forsake $$$ as the carrot they chase and strive for truth and justice instead.

    get writing. or i personally pray that every single drug experience u have from now on causes u to experience lasting insanity and know your own failure as a human being blessed with the gifts of sacred plants and substances...

    • Like 1

  5. so now we have obvious examples of the opposition...

    uneducated journalists who work for mainstream news sources and recite garbage withou the slightest concern for accuracy or the impact on society's ability to integrate the drug experience.

    you ask where do i sign?

    if u must have a peice of paper i can send u one... though it may save a certain amount of energy if you just set aside a few hours to write up an article on the issues involving the substance users community. u can either find channels through which to share your work... or you can send it to me and i will send it out to some people who would be interested... and there are many.

    i figure if lets say 10 people from SAB and other places alike... write up one or two or ten articles or information packages each we can ensure that such misinformation cannot be spread into the community... and we can even use it to define the limits and expanse of the field in which we work...

    i also figure that it is only the selfish fear of being persecuted or the laziness inherent in human thinking that would stop such a ones as these from actually taking the initiative to do said work.

    i agree... many of the point that pat uri raised were very excellent and so, i would think it important to have them somehow expressed in an easy to read and structured article.

    i think it is that the wider community is waiting for those in the know, who have tested these things on themselves, and who do know the culture and its mores to really stand up and make some noise.

    and i am almost certain that until such action is taken we will contniue to be inspired by such nonsense as is above...

    check out the AuShaman thread and make a contribution there...

    or if u dont like to be a groupie, just compile some information...

    the time really has come to put an end to all this tom foolery and to embrace the opportunity we have been given.

    can anyone out there in SAB land hear me? and do any of you care that the path forward is in your fingertips?

    AFFIRMATIVE ACTION means itself.

  6. i just saw a vietnamese girl say some words of rememberance of the fall of saigon on the ABC...

    apparently it was 37 years since her family and community had to flee to Australia... and she is proudf of how far they have come as a people...

    i took this to be a comparitive of ANZAC day rememberance and it somewhat shows that everyone has their own special things to remember... it is just the opprtunity and effort put in by those invovled as to how big it gets...

    everything here is equal... haha.


    any efort for national day of the sacred plant medicine?
