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The Corroboree


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Image Comments posted by WoodDragon

  1. The M. interupta in southern Tassie can be so deep blue in the centre that they appear black, and the caps are so glossy-smooth that they look like polished glass. They look like eyes staring up from the sides of fallen logs.

    Nut, I doubt that you'd be able to grow them artificially. They have very particular requirements for temperature, moisture, humidity, light and old wood. They're something that you appreciate when out bushwalking, and if you're prepared you'll have a camera at the ready. That's one of the things about these beauties - their ephemerality.

  2. The first time that I saw Mycena interrupta growing it was in this manner, with dozens sprouting from the side of a log and turning upward. The centres were so dark that they were almost black, and the rims were an intense copper sulphate blue. It was as though there were these tiny blue eyes staring up from under the log, and they seriously looked as though they were made of glass.

    I'd never seen blue mushrooms before. It was one of the most delightful moments of mushroom-spotting that I have ever had.
