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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Thanks foton, thats a heap of study ahead of me. I'm still leaning towards a wall of dragon fruit at this stage but I may need to break it up a bit.
  2. Can anyone tell me if they think there is something wrong with my P. Viridis. She just seems to be sitting dormant and now she has some blackened parts to her leaves. She is in quality potting mix and I am careful not to let her feet stay too wet for too long. Minimum temp has been about 8 deg C and 18-19 each day. I only let her have the last few hours of the days sun so as not to burn her leaves. Am I doing anything wrong? Concerned parent.. Hope this is not in the wrong forum I just couldn't work out where else to put it. Hutch
  3. hutch

    Do you think my P. Viridis is sick?

    Thanks Hunab Ku, she showers twice daily. Cleaner than me LOL.... Cheers Hutch
  4. These grow all over my property and I was hoping someone would know the exact species. pretty sure it's an acacia but I've been wrong heaps. Thanks in advance Hutch
  5. hutch

    Do you think my P. Viridis is sick?

    Just an update on my little baby, she has developed a new leaf so I think she will survive. Thanks to those who helped.
  6. Sorry but there are no seed pods left over from last time. As soon as they appear I will forward some photo's. Cheers Hutch
  7. I will have a good look today for any seed pods that may be left lying around. I am sure I have a few different species of acacia on my property. I will try and have them identified one by one so as not to confuse , LOL...I'm sure one of the species I have got is longfolia (if thats how you spell it). More pics to follow.. Thanks for your help.. God I love this forum. Hutch
  8. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    Here Here ! there are many things that can be mixed to reduced the dumbing effect of some of these indica strains. but thats another forum... She has been off the weed now for months. she is a different person and I have never seen her house and yard looking as good. She has one of the best vegi patches around. Busy hands = quiet mind.. (I might use that one some day.lol) Hutch.
  9. hutch

    smoking sage ( salvia officinalis )

    I don't know how dangerous it is but sage just gives me a headache even mixed with my favourite herb . hutch
  10. I do like the sound of that. A whole wall of trichs. I could just imagine it now. It would look great and would make a bit of a fire break as well but I think it would take too long to grow, plus I reckon my neighbough would pinch some. (I would struggle not to lol) I will have a good look at the Dendrocnide excelsa and let you know what I think. Thanks Smiling Cloud for your input.. Cheers Hutch
  11. I've got some large clumping bamboo and my cows just love it. My wife gives them a hand full of bamboo leaves as a treat so I don't think they would last too long along my fence line. Thanks for that though.... cheers Hutch
  12. That makes sense, thanks mate. I'm thinking of lilly pilly's at the moment. Only thing is will my cows eat them down? I haven't been able to find out yet. I don't think they would be toxic as the fruit are edible however cows are different. It would be a pointless exercise if the cows and other wildlife (vermin) ate them down. Or maybe a wall of dragon fruit cactus. Again, I need to find out whether cows go for it and if it is toxic to them. Make a great fire break though and it is fast growing and the fruit is divine... Thanks again for your input though..... Cheers Hutch
  13. Had a look at the link and I don't think its what I'm after. Need something that screens from the ground to at least 2 meters. Be interested in whats at your mother in laws though. Thanks for that.. Hutch
  14. hutch

    a wee bit worried

    Would cow poo be as good? Got a couple of those myself so have plenty of that. Can get horse if not. I do worry about chook poo though. Unless it's old it tends to burn things. Are poo pellets a brought fertilizer? Thanks Hutch
  15. hutch

    a wee bit worried

    Now I'm panicking about mine again..LOL Hutch
  16. hutch

    Looking for something new to smoke

    Well blow me down , I just keep learning new stuff every day. Every time I saw the word bufotenine I would turn off as I thought it related to cane toads in the US. Thanks for setting me straight Mauve...... Hutch
  17. hutch

    Looking for something new to smoke

    BUFOTENINE Things may be different in Europe but the cane toads here are disgusting. I have a mate that will do most things for a high and he tried smoking the dried poison that he squeezed off its back (YUCK) I could only look on in horror (how could you even touch one of those things) but he said nothing happened. He tried it on three separate occasions with no effects felt. So if he made a tea of the caapi leaves? or would he dry some leaf material and smoke it as well? What would you recommend Mauve? Cheers Hutch
  18. My Brugs have constantly been attacked by something biting and chewing the leaves and they have looked shithouse everyday even though I know they are healthy and the new shoots are still growing...what the hell eats it's leaves constantly I don't know as I have never seen any insect except one caterpillar on it's leaves...apparently Brugs are commonly eaten like this according to someone who has viewed mine and they said the same occurs with theirs. I find a solution of Pyrethrum and Lux soap flakes (wetting agent) to be a good insecticide. It doesn't store well though as the soap tends to turn to jelly if it sits too long but it is easy to mix as required and is pretty well harmless. Mine were looking just like you have described and I couldn't work out what was eating her. I even suspect that lady beatles like to chew them as well. My brugs are looking better than ever since, and I don't like to use chemicals so this stuff suits my needs and most importantly it works.. Give it a try. Hutch
  19. hutch

    a wee bit worried

    Thanks for that psychoshaman, I have still got mine inside and I have noticed just a marginal improvement. I cut the black parts off her leaves and I think they are looking a bit healthier. It's hard being a new parent ins't it LOL Good luck with it...
  20. hutch

    a wee bit worried

    Mine is looking much like yours, LINK http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...showtopic=21361 I'm following some good advise but not seeming to be having any luck. Can't wait for winter to be gone. I've started to sing to her..Can't hurt lol Hutch
  21. hutch

    smoked caapi & HBWR

    I have some B Caapi root and was considering crushing some up, allowing it to dry and giving it a go in a water pipe. Any thought's on a dosage? I would like to follow up shortly after with some HBWR or Rivea seeds. I have had no luck with the rivea seeds on there own even up to 200 seeds. Any thoughts on this..... Cheers Hutch
  22. hutch

    Homemade insecticidal solutions

    I find a solution of Pyrethrum and Lux soap flakes (wetting agent) to be a good insecticide. It doesn't store well though as the soap tends to turn to jelly if it sits too long but it is easy to mix as required and is pretty well harmless. My brugs were being attacked to the point of nearly having no leaves left and now they are looking great. Works well in my orchid as well. I also use it on my hydro tomatoes (real tomatoes) and the grubs just hate it and I feel safe in eating the fruit later. Killed the spider mite on one of my cactus as well so all in all I think it's pretty good stuff. Cheers Hutch
  23. hutch

    Do you think my P. Viridis is sick?

    Not any better this morning but not any worse either. In the small pot she will go. Worries me but as I hate disturbing her little legs..... Thanks again for the advise.. Hutch
  24. hutch

    Do you think my P. Viridis is sick?

    I would hope not as I purchased it from a very respectable supplier (SAB).....