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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by hutch

  1. hutch

    Is this normal???

    Would this be the best way to get some maidenii seeds to germinate. I've got 6 and I want to start them off this spring. It scares me putting seeds in boiling water. And sorry to hear of the death of your acacia Bush-Turkey. Better luck next time mate. Hutch
  2. Why oh why is me Deep dark and dank Hold on for I come A light that can't see A thought escaped the place Hold on for I leave A sound that can't hear Robber robber thief Hold on for I grieve. Hutch
  3. hutch

    See what I see

    Absolute awesome photo's! have you considered a career in porn? I noticed you have an ability to make very average looking people look good. Maybe I should get you round for a home portrait? Love your shot's but... Cheers Hutch
  4. hutch

    Post a random picture thread

    Fucken gravity!!!!!!!
  5. hutch

    Plants that increase sexual stamina

    what an open and honest insight into how something can effect you so well sexually! I haven't been lucky enough to find my plant yet but I sure had fun thinking about yours....LOL I gotta give this one ago. I may have some questions later but I will do just a bit more research first but thank you for your frank and honest report. I enjoyed it
  6. hutch

    smoking brug

    I wouldn't dream of it but I still don't get it. I thought quiding had something to do with chewing but I'm lost as too how it relates to smoking a cone? (I'm so confused) Do you chew, spit and dry??? Cheers Hutch
  7. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    Best thing to do is have a silent protest each and every night... I thought I started this thread to help someone i know get off the shit? Cheers Hutch
  8. hutch

    smoking brug

    I never make tea, so can't tell you about that. Quidding is the most common method now, medicinally, though at times it finds its way in tiny amounts (I think of a "thumbprint" from average sized leaf on MY plants as "one unit of dosage" and noone would ever be recommended more than three, ever ever ever) into combos with a much beloved salvia species. Could someone explain Quidding to me? A google search comes up with a lot of horse related stuff. Thanks Hutch
  9. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    I would do it with you! As you say if enough people defied the laws at once it would make a powerful statement but sadly just you and me standing there puffing on a joint would just get us arrested (could be fun but). The other problem is you drag all the deadshits of society out at the same time and that only serves to paint us all with the same brush. Nothing looks worth than a unwashed and poorly kept drop out waving a sign around calling for weed to be legal. Turns a lot of people off. Seriously though, I know more smokers of pot than I know people who don't. I know a very successful real estate agent who toke's nightly. I myself was the State Manager of a very successful Australian owned company and I would have a billy most nights and I never had any issue in my ability to perform my job. Hutch
  10. hutch

    No opt-out web filtering

    I have only just caught up to this thread and I am completely horrified My father's father and his 4 brothers went off to war so we could all be free. 3 of them didn't come back. (true Story). What did they die for? To be free! So we didn't have to live under tyranny? To arms, To arms, Oh hang on, we don't have them anymore either (except for the ones wrapped in oil covered cloth buried in the back yard but that's another story) But seriously, this can't be allowed to happen. Should I be printing pages off at a rapid rate and have them secretly buried in the same hole in the back yard. I am outraged! I have never before felt so strong about my rights and the rights of those that my grandfather and his brothers and mate's all went to war for. Who do this government think they are? I, for one will be standing up and yelling about this from the roof tops. You should write that book Torston, but make it quick so I can stash a copy somewhere before the gestapo turn up to search my house I will be speaking with my local member today!!!!! and boy, he better feel the same way about this as I do or it's on.... Keep up the fight, the power of the pen (or in this case the computer) is much stronger than you would ever believe. Hutch
  11. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    WOW, the people you meet on a train... you just never know do you?
  12. hutch

    Turbina [=Rivea] corymbosa cultivation

    Is that lengths of bamboo that you are using for your rivea to climb? It not only looks effective but attractive as well.
  13. hutch

    La Fee absinthe oil blend

    Yeah I use the methanol as window cleaner. I just wish everything was as illegal. Everything you need to make the stuff is right there on the shelf for sale. The instructions however are for essential oils and so on but it's such an easy process. Down side is you drink too much LOL...
  14. hutch

    La Fee absinthe oil blend

    I would be really interested in you posting the results. Sounds like something I would like to try. I still my own spirits as well and my last batch was 77 proof. reckon with a bit if fiddling I could get it up to the 80 odd mark. Let us know how you go? Thanks mate Hutch
  15. hutch

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    I was wondering about that myself and would never have imagined that that would be the reasoning behind it. Fantastic information that trainees like me need to know. Is there really that much you don't know about these subjects? Have you thought of writing a book? I'd buy it..... Hutch
  16. hutch

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    I read somewhere just recently that many pagan groups, and there are shit loads in Australia are becoming more involved with aya and are using it within their ceremonies so maybe you could start there. Cheers Hutch
  17. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    I think what is meant is that DMT has the power to change a person's way of thinking. I don't think you would replace several cones of weed a day with several cone's of DMT. Maybe DMT has within itself the power to reduce withdrawals or at least make them easier to overcome and I don't think it's meant that you have to be tripping off your head daily on DMT to benefit from it's amazing powers. The continual theme that I read from this thread seams to be a persons state of mind and will to quit. Maybe some of these other substances can assist or in a way condition a persons mind in to wanting to change. (well it sort of makes sense to me and I've never had DMT ) Cheers Hutch
  18. I usually use miracle grow my self but I am willing to give most things a try and seasol is 100% organic but anyhow, I might start off at about 2ml per 500 ml spray bottle. It recommends 20 mil per 9 liters so 5 might be a bit strong. I will have a look at Natrakelp at a later point though so thanks for your input. Cheers Hutch
  19. I got some Seasol as recommended and was wondering how much to add to a 500 mil spray bottle. I don't want to burn anything precious like viridius. Thanks Hutch
  20. Any chance that anyone could id this Acacia please. It grows in my back yard everywhere. Thanks in advance. Hutch
  21. Good call Planthelper. We only get a couple of frost's a year so I feel a bit better about my brugs. Couldn't agree more in relation to mulch. Being in an area that grows sugar cane means I have access to lots of left over cane trash (mulch). Nearly every one of my plants are mulched, a practice I only started a year or so ago and what a difference it has made to my garden. Mulch, mulch and more mulch I say... Cheers Hutch
  22. hutch

    How to kick the habit

    She is still off the weed. It has been since early April now. I spoke with her over the week end and she seems ok to me. thanks again for all advice offered. Cheers Hutch
  23. Hope I have posted this in the right spot, apologies if not. I would be interested in any recommendations in regards to a plant that will screen my neighbors out . I have been extremely lucky for the past 4 or so years that our neighbors have only visited their 25 acre block on school holidays as she is a school teacher in a nearby town. The other side of our property is a 1000 acre cattle farm so effectively we haven't had any visible neighbors which has been great. When they do visit they run a loud generator for hours on end whilst they run a stereo at full volume to drown out the generator and so on. I'ts not been too bad as it is only now and again. He was out a few weeks back, chain saw in hand and was cutting down some of the regrowth around his fence line. His off cuts just happened to find there way over my fence (they found there way back over pretty quick and I took some snaps). Some people are just plain arrogant! These are bush blocks I might add and most of us keep them that way, apart from grazing a couple of cows, I keep most of mine as is. Some of it I want to return to rain forest. The wild life is just amazing. Any how, the bull dozer has been at it all weekend now, (though I did think there was a moratorium on cutting down timber(regrowth) in Qld at the moment) so I think they are not far from building If I can find a fast growing, not nice tasting, (cows and wildlife) hedge or vine or something I would be grateful. I need to cover a distance of about 250 metre's too effectively block them out from anywhere within my house yard. My peace is shattered!!! please help! Hutch
  24. Great idea incognito, I have 2 lovely specimens and I would hate to loose them. Are they frost tolerant to some degree, especially if they are large? Mine are both between 3 and 4 meters tall and have not yet encountered a frost. I would need some large sheets. I cover some frost sensative plants that I have with clear plastic every night during the frost season although we rarely get it but when we do Pays to be safe than sorry. Like your idea on the seasol as well. might keep some handy. Cheers Hutch
  25. I was under the impression that as long as the root system is warm it should be ok. I run the water in my hydro tomatoes at 24deg and it makes no difference as to how cold it is out side the tubes, it could be icy but my tomatoes keep growing fine. This may mean nothing when it comes to planting in soil but I would be interested in the answer as well. Cheers Hutch