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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Jojobafruit

  1. Yes this is very interesting. THough for someone who cant acquire seeds to try the tc method with leaf tissue would have to suffice. maybe slices of bark material. ? down to the xylem layer?

    I would love to work with some acacia's in tc. I do have lots of different acacia seeds. sadly no

    phlebophylla. I think ill start with maidenii. I took your advice darklight and im going to work with other More abundant plants for now. till i get the hang of it, then move onto the more scarce plants.

    Do you think this could be done with protoplasts with enzymatic treatment ? I was also reading about the "Ti" "plasmid" vector, but i cant seem to find much info on the bacterium known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens that is used to infect the plant. Have you done anything like this?

    Seems a little advanced but its nice to learn lots of techniques used for cloning..

    Peace. jojoba

  2. Not sure if this should go here or where.

    I have just bought a nice flowhood and tc tubes and a pressure cooker and i am working on getting a controlled enviroment for the cultures to grow in. I have learned of deflasking and introducing them when they are ready. I know one could use agar. but i dont know what types of nutes or ratio's to add to support root growth. also would one use a leaf or node or stem peices for the tc. ? maybe there is a tek for doing tc of mitragyna out there. ?? Im willing to componsate rather nicely. I figure this is the best place to ask. this is where every other board has sent me.

    If anyone can help lemm know. I also plan on doing tc's on diplopterys since it is sooo hard to root cuttings from..

  3. ----------- Seeds .. PM me .. jojoba :)

    Acacia Obtusifolia

    Acacia Vestita

    Acacia Comferta

    Acacia Corymbosa

    Acacia Sclerophylla spelling ??

    Acacia Maidenii

    Argemone mexicana

    Atropa Belladona

    Anadenanthera Colubrina Cebil Var

    Anadenanthera Peregrina

    Poppy Persian white

    Poppy Chinese white

    Poppy white cloud Persion peony

    Poppy Hens n chicks

    Poppy Dutch

    Poppy Danish flag. Single packet

    Poppy giganthinum Few

    Poppy Turkish

    Phalaris aquatica

    Celastra species

    Datura Stromonium

    Datura stromonium ""lutea""

    Datura single white LOTS

    Datura inoxia

    Datura Lilac

    Datura Ferox

    Datura freshno

    Passiflora Incarnat

    Passiflora Morifolia

    Passiflora Carulea

    Dwarf pomegranite fruit tree

    Mixed Morning glory.. few ounces

    Mimosa Pudica

    Syrian Rue LOTS

    Leonorus sibricus

    Leonorus cardiaca

    Leonitus leonorus Wild Dagga

    phalaris aquaticus

    Desmanthus Illinoensis

    Lobelia Crystal palace

    California poppy Mission bells

    Voacanga Africana

    Mirabilis Multiflora

    Nicotania Senstation daylite mix fragrant

    Nicotania Atla jasmine scent

    Nicotania sylvestris

    Nicotania pastel

    Nicotania Rustica

    Nicotania Tobacum

    Mimosa Pudica "Sensitive plant"

    Mimosa Scabrella

    Hawaiian Baby wood rose Seeds and seedlngs

    Merrimea tuberosa LHWR 2

    Sceletium Tortuosum seeds and maybe cuttings soon

    Sophora secundiflora

    Aptenia cordifolia " ice plant" Seeds and cutting

    Delosperma Coopri seed and cuttings

    Trichocereus Bridgesii seedlings soon

    Trichocereus Pachanoi seeds and cutting

    Trichocereus Peruvianus seeds


    ----Psychotria seeds, Virdis, alba and any others, also fresh leaves for propogation

    ----diplopterys cabrerena (Chagropanga, Chaliponga) seeds or tissue culture if that works. not sure if it does

    ---- Yerba Mate' (Ilex paraguariensis) seeds

    ---- Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom)seeds

    ---- Mimosa hostilis seeds

    ---- Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuqui) seeds

    ---- Piper Methysticum (Kava Kava)seeds

    ---- Areca Catechu (Betal Nuts)

    ---- Desmanthus Leptolobus seeds

    ---- Stictocardia tilliaefolium Argyreia queenslandica (Queensland Woodrose)

    ---- Trachelospermum jasminoides

    [ 24. July 2003, 12:23: Message edited by: Jojobafruit ]
