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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Teljkon

  1. Teljkon

    Disturbing Video

    Intresting timing on this post though there was just a big recall in the states for bad beef. Some farm workers are going to get in trouble for animal cruelty.
  2. Teljkon

    Disturbing Video

    That dued in the video is a Fing amature any pro would strangle the dog coon off in 5 minuts. Teon dying being eaten is never a good thing suck for plants too but thats life Im happy im not lower on the food chaine. This brings up an intresting question what does god Eat??
  3. Teljkon

    LED grow lamps??

    Maybe I should ask this question some other place but how important is the light blend for flowering and so one I Would think it might be best to try to replecate sun light some purples and blues and some reds and yellows no?? save the green becaus its mostly relflected but all and all this would cover all the bases yes. Only darn expens ive seen thats going to hur is the rectifier.
  4. Teljkon

    N. American Free Seed & Cutting Ring

    Cool man whats the bit about downloading is this just a normal cookie or is there some software I have to install??
  5. Like I said you can pitch a tent in my yard if you like not permenatly mind you but shure I got runing water in the form of a hose but I cant guarantee you use of the Restroom. even if you do fly through LA your still a hell of a ways away form florida. Think the closest point on the US map to cuba and you got me peged. If you do come down from the top side of florida down you should take the back roads and do some mycology. Ive been told some of the best shroomery in the world come from northern florida. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Coat_of...rial_Guinea.svg
  6. Teljkon

    CambridgeSoft ChemOffice Ultra 2008 11.0

    I think I would take Intellectual property rights more serious if the legal systems at large took them more serious. Ive had alot of great ideas that I dont have the money to patent or protect. To me this sort of thing is a great place to apply the socialist agenda equal acess and equality for patenting intellectual.
  7. Teljkon

    Passiflora edulis

    its good to know that the flavinoids are best between the pre flowering and flowering stage. Of cours my instant question is am i reading this right that its only stating this for incamata. Looks like passion flower is a mixed bag so to speak depending on what kind your growing wish there were some more peps in the states growing it ethno botanically we could trade some foliage and compare effects.
  8. Teljkon

    cool site

    cool site http://davidszondy.com/future/futurepast.htm
  9. Im a ways from Equatorial Guinea Africa 'like there coat of arms though' or hawaii ever heard of Miamie im about say 2 hours north of there.
  10. Teljkon

    Passiflora edulis

    http://coolexotics.com/plant-3.html# wierd fruites
  11. Teljkon

    Passiflora edulis

    Intresting Ill have to check that out in more depth thanks for the tipe TST. Jezz and opium substitute would stink, hate to come across that. Do you rember where you found this info all the google searches Ive made turned up very little ethnobotanical information. Beyond the comman name "love in a mist" being used for another flower with a diffrent name as well? Or could it be the same flower miss labled, they did look very similar?
  12. Teljkon

    Quick question about sterilisation

    Holy Pf tek batman my start up costs just went down considerbally.
  13. Teljkon

    Passiflora edulis

    I think I was drunk when I wrote that post.
  14. If you ever deciede to cross and ocean and a contenent you got a place in my yard after you mow.
  15. Teljkon

    Tobacco Cultivation

    good thing I dont want to cultivate that crap eh. Funny thing is that a friend told me Im not allowed to grow tobbaco legally guess hes wrong eh.
  16. Teljkon

    Passiflora edulis

    ok intresting the tea may not be the best way to go. I think that maybe the gap is in the best way to consume the plant as well.? I think there needs to be more experimentation with just flowers!
  17. Teljkon

    Spiders on drugs

    sorry I dont get the joke could somone explaine it to me??
  18. Teljkon

    Native American Ethnobotany

  19. Teljkon

    Native American Ethnobotany

  20. Teljkon

    Why do I feel this way???

  21. Teljkon

    LED grow lamps??

  22. Teljkon

    LED grow lamps??
