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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by OpticalLight

  1. A septuple-post?!?


    I think I'll start minesweeping now.


    One more for good measure, just to make it even then. :P

    Edit - does this one count, or do I have to start the streak again :P

  2. due to masterful random clicking i once solved the smallest size minesweeper in zero seconds


    swheet. Love the art of random clicking. I try and randomly click as many revealing squares as possible at the start of the games. Click, phew, click, yay, click, yessss, click, shitttt.

  3. heh back in the day minesweeper had a cheat, once activated one of the cornermost pixels on the screen would flash if you hovered over a mine! somebody kept beating my high score on the network at high school, until i just couldn't believe their speed and looked up the cheat (then beat them of course, with a ludicrous speed).


    Can't believe I haven't tried out that cheat!

    I remember the wrapfield easter egg in the game that made the yellow smiley face turn into a red angry man face and affected the mines around the edges - devil.gif

  4. collage humor havea youtube vid for minesweeper the movie.yes, this trailer is lame, but lame in a good way :)


    Hey man, it's hip to be square ;)

    I forgot how funny that college humour vid was... ah minesweeper jokes

    "That clock is going to keep ticking until it reaches 999".

    "What happens then"?

    "Nothing. You just suck"!

  5. WOOHOO!

    I can log on from Vietnam!!!!

    Bit on an anticlimax, but I wanted to at least spread my love just in case I couldn't log on...

    Strange hey, Facebook filtered but not sites like this... (haven't tried the nook yet) I guess social networking is more threatening than the knowledge contained on this site....

    So, I guess you peeps will have to keep putting up with my smell!!newimprovedwinkonclear.gif



    Well hello again tongue.gif.

  6. Hmmm... IMO this video originally went viral for all the wrong reasons. But seeing as it seems that Antoine himself has a sense of humour and has stated he has no regrets about doing the original interview - and the fact that his family hopefully end up being better off financially from the marketing spin offs; makes the situation a very interesting comment on modern life.

  7. Saturday was fun wub.gif.

    It was good to get out of the house and catch up with some old faces and meet some new ones.

    Thanks again for the plants cool.gif.

    That's the second time I've been late and have managed to find you all by walking randomly through the gardens tongue.gif.
















    The Sunday was very beautiful, this is a very special community. Had some funny conversations about the mischief Denis got up to, and got to put some faces to some of the SAB members. Thank you Ronny for organising the event - and also thank you for giving me a lift at the end!





    Personally I have to view the body at funerals, but this is clearly not for everyone - hope you're feeling a bit better Torsten. I think you'll find that the image of the body will fade away and indeed be replaced by all the good memories of the person. I'm quite lucky that my brain seems to process or block those sort of images fairly quickly. It was quite clear that Denis was no longer there. The speech Denis's father made was very moving.











    What an amazing person Denis's mum is. The concern she showed for other people's well being was astouding. She even joked that Denis wouldn't approve of people being unhappy - so no crying!











    I felt a whole lot better when we left the cemetry. After the ceremony a few of us headed to the beach and had a few beers and some hot chips and watched the sunset. Like someone very close to Denis said, she likes to remember Denis as being with the elements.
















