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Posts posted by herbal_hindsight

  1. FB certainly had ups and downs, and I think I spend too much time on it. It's certainly a good way to procrastinate in doing something useful with your life!

    Does anyone here disagree with this? haha

    I have to agree with everyone... I hate the fkn thing... but it's a very handy tool.. ive found a good mate who i lost touch with and is now living in new york for a couple years ao its enabled us to re-connect and that has been awesome [doesnt mean i need to keep fb to keep in touch though]

    i use it for events, discussions on various topics [similiar to this site] and just for a laugh but it is a terrible tool for procrastination aswell you can spend hours on it and then realise you havent done ANYTHING constructive... now that is dangerous... it creates a degree of seperation which we do still have control of

    • Like 1

  2. But I see a hole in the whole NWO endgame stuff, I mean if they really want to kill millions or billions of people, why haven't they done it already with nukes/poisons/viruses etc, instead of the poisonous shit that they put in our food water vaccines and stuff, why haven't more powerfull weapons been deployed to finish the job?

    Do you really think they would bring out the big guns? There are many reasons why nuclear and biological weapons exist but i can't see it being to wipe out the mass populations... its more so a game of bluff... russian roulette if you will...

    They want to destroy the people not necessary the land they walk on...

    ... but with nuclear warfare on a mass scale? i dont see the point to that?

    threating one another with big toys hoping the other parties don't wanna play but hey

    seriously... they are killing us off slowly... or atleast attemping to.. a lot of people are becoming victims but a lot of people are fighting back and using what has always been here the whole time to strengthen their bodies and minds... nature!

    i mean who is to say through weakening our immune system through all the toxic means that when they decide the time is right they will drop the biological weapons and those who have strong immunity will survive those that don't will perish

    man-made plague of the 21st century!

  3. This is one of those things that I kinda saw coming a few years ago but tried to tell myself it was just a conspiracy 'theory' and nothing more... sad but true we can still make a stand

    wtf are these people to think they can control us like this?

    Orwellian Takeover... here we come!

    I for one will also flat out refuse vaccinations... for numerous reasons i doubt i need to explain to anyone on this forum!

    hopefully the aliens arrive on time in 2012 and wipe out the elite of the world to rescue the innocent.. lol [one of the many theories ive heard might happen]

    in all seriousness though what can we really do about this anyway?

  4. Nice post Yawning Man, it gets the mind boggling that's for sure!

    At a first glance I wouldn't 'choose' to lose a limb to improve brain function but making a point that I wouldn't need to reply on the physical body as much, if at all changes that all together!

    I think this would ring true with a lot of people too when they do lose limbs, or senses, etc... it enhances them in another way so for example someone who loses their sight can learn to make better use of the other senses, touch, hearing, 6th sense!

    Another aspect you could add to this is losing a limb to evolve your spirituality. To reach such a higher state of mind that you no longer require your physical self.

    I guess another way you could look at this as well is if you heavily enhance your cognitive state and become an einstein overnight who is to say you couldn't make the sacrifice to make the enhancement, to then become so highly intelligent you discover a way to replace what you lost to begin with without losing the enhancement!!! Then it would be a win win!

    Certainly an interesting thought for the start of the day! *yawn* I need more coffee :blink:

  5. I emailed Dr Philip Clarke a couple of days ago regarding his talk tonight to see if he could give me any more details on it and his reply is as follows:

    My talk is intended as an overview of Aboriginal hunter-gatherer use of plants in the Adelaide reigon. Its based on a paper I have coming out in the Journal of the Anthropological Scoiety of South Australia later this year. The talk will be illustrated witha Powerpoint display and should run about 30-45 minutes.

    My main research area is ethnobotany - more recently in Arnhem Land. I hope to finish a book on plants and artefact sometime this year.

    Best wishes, Philip


  6. It's really quite amazing how much difference the stent made to my dad hey... he felt better almost instantly and had recovered within a couple of weeks and felt healthier than he had in years [he was a chronic chain smoker for 40+ years and following the doctors advice went cold turkey after his last attack and hasn't sparked a smoke up since!

    sorry this is a bit off topic just thought id mention it

  7. Yeh well if anything bad had occurred to my dad as a result of this i'd be taking it to the top

    sorry i mispelled it... it's a stent not a stint

    From http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/stents/stents_whatis.html

    What Is a Stent?

    A stent is a small mesh tube that's used to treat narrowed or weakened arteries in the body. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to other parts of your body.

    You may have a stent placed in an artery as part of a procedure called angioplasty (AN-jee-oh-plas-tee). Angioplasty restores blood flow through narrowed or blocked arteries. Stents help prevent the arteries from becoming narrowed or blocked again in the months or years after angioplasty.

    You also may have a stent placed in a weakened artery to improve blood flow and to help prevent the artery from bursting.

    Stents usually are made of metal mesh, but sometimes they're made of fabric. Fabric stents, also called stent grafts, are used in larger arteries.

    Some stents are coated with medicines that are slowly and continuously released into the artery. These stents are called drug-eluting stents. The medicines help prevent the artery from becoming blocked again.

  8. A few years ago about 6 months after my dad had 2 heart attacks and we nearly lost him.. he decided he needed a break from all the stress and so went on a holiday to perth to stay with his 'other' family [my step mums clan] and take a break.

    I took him to Adelaide Airport and on our way into the departure lounge we obviously had to go through security.

    No-one had told him that stints set off the metal detectors and so he ended up almost stripping naked to pass through it [after 6 attempts of setting it off]

    The security got quite serious and personal and my Dad got quite agitated and ended up cracking the shits at them all... clearly telling them he had just suffered 2 heart attacks and now has a stint as a result so its probably that fucking thing that set it off... he also told them how pathetic they were and that they were abusing their power and they had already fucked up his relaxing holiday before he had even left Adelaide. They got quite aggressive with him, both physically and emotionally and insisted he take off his pants, etc [in front of everyone] to find what was setting it off.

    This is about the stage I intervenend and lost the fucking plot at them... THEY DID NOT LIKE BEING TOLD LET ME ASSURE YOU!

    I wasn't even boarding the flight, I was just there seeing my Dad off... and they did actually listen to me when I said it was probably his stint setting it off and to leave him the fuck alone as he is not a terrorist ffs and just wants and needs a relaxing STRESS free holiday!!!

    They let him through, but not without dragging me aside and having 5 guards block me from walking anywhere while another swabbed my shoes, pants, the works... that's right for explosives!

    Boy of boy that set me off even more... they had got to be joking... they simply said to me they have the power to randomly search anyone they want and they felt I was a threat and said I can walk away if I like but threatened with me incarceration if I did.

    I shutup for a couple minutes until they let me go and as I walked off I let them have it again but this time some federal police intervened and told them to leave us alone!

    We never actually got around to putting in a formal complaint about this but the more I think about it now we really should have!

    The funny thing is I HAD to walk back through the same way I came in when I was leaving so I got a second chance at telling those power pissed fuckwits how pathetic they were... they did not like that but couldnt do anything as the feds were standing near by smiling at me :-)

    Fuck, I forgot how worked up it had made me... I had nearly lost my Dad twice and the fuckwits purposely stress him out...

    I guess I am kinda lucky I didn't get locked up but I reckon that's one of the last times my Dad will fly... as he said to me at the time; if that's the bullshit he has to deal with everytime due to having a stint he will just stay home

  9. I thought this would be a comment on the boganisation of modern Australian society. oops...


    that's a fair call but at the same time, believe it or not; not every modern aussie is a bogan... i use to consider myself a bit of a bogan but many of my friends have argued i'm anything but and then when u see the extreme bogan i tend to agree with them! i'm a free spirit who doesn't care what others think and as a result doesn't let people get in my way... im a very passionate person, i don't have a mullet i can converse in an acceptable and understandable lingo and I can spell and don't do things to impress others.

    People don't always like it but I am stubborn and will remain true to myself regardless of the opposing opinions of the skid marks on the underpants of society :lol:

    the modern aussie [especially the younger generations] is quite a worry at times... i hate seeing the influence of hip hop and rap [especially gangsta rap] :uzi: in our youth and worse still our adults... it's almost like coz us aussies don't really have a culture of our own we insist on picking and choosing the most fucked up and extreme from around the world to implement into our selves... it'd be nice to see us truly create our own rather than copy everyone else and i guess that's part of the disease of our society... people trying to be something they're not!

    Atleast in my own experience; be true to yourself and you will find peace!

  10. I would just like to spread the love and wish everyone a Happy Australia Day regardless of what it means to you I hope you enjoy spending time with the people that matter in your life... of course we don't need an event or public holiday to do this but it's good to be reminded!!!

    I would also like to put it out to to cosmos lots of love and encouragement for every Australian who has been affected by the floods throughout Australia and the fires in perth and any other devastating experiences us Aussies have to deal with!!!

    We are a tough bunch who deserve a break!

    Happy Australia Day Everyone!

  11. lol psilosophical... i just realised how tired i am atm as i swore i had a bug on my monitor but soon realised it was your avatar :blink::P

    no doubt someone has made one... i had that emailed to me so it's not my work i should note!

    i don't have the time atm either to make one of earth myself... study is taking up most of my time atm

  12. For those of you who aren't aware and i am sure many of you are... Islamic and Muslim faith actually opposes violence very strongly

    However, as we are also aware it's not the religion itself at fault; it's the fundamentalists using the name of religion in their actions which aims to benefit no-one for the very cause that they do these terrorist acts.

    I have to agree with a lot of what they are against in the western world... but that doesn't mean I agree anyone should respond violently let alone blow themselves up for the process and injure innocent people!!!

    The problems are generally found on the top of the pyramid and the bullshit they feed us feeds the bullshit... it's a cycle that needs to stop but the media, governments and the fundamentalists keep feeding it... not to mention the many racist, bigoted people around the world who believe everything they hear...

    This sort of behaviour only encourages the very seperation we need to collapse... we are one.. we are a single consciousness fighting itself? It is truly insane!!!

    • Like 1

  13. News on the Bosnian pyramids and the world of pyramids 1 of 4

    "Translation in English of the latest news on pyramids across the world and in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids - December 2010.

    Dr. Semir Osmanagić, lead researcher of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids relays his latest findings on the pyramids situated across the world and details the discoveries in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the weekly show ''On the edge of science'' of the Croatian national TV-channel (HRT).

    The host of the show is Krešimir Mišak.

    The translation of the title of Semir Osmanagić's new book is:

    "The pyramids on five continents forever change our view of the past and therefore of the future"



  14. No problem micromegas... I wasn't aware of that either... this information was passed onto me by another member [meeka] who was unable to get to her computer to post it herself and it was passed onto her by a family member.. you know the good old grape vine :wink:

    I'll definently be going and i'll do my best to take notes... my hand is caining a lot lately as I am currently studying naturopathy and haven't studied officially in years... damn writers cramp! :blink:

    I'm just studying the history of health at the moment part-time but will be starting fulltime in approx a month's time.

    I would love to checkout his book before-hand but unfortunately am lacking in funds this week so perhaps i'll still purchase it at a later date!

    It will certainly be a fascinating talk no doubt and will hopefully come in handy on my future bush walks and camps :lol:

  15. klip247 im the same as you im terrible at id's but if anyone does know what this species is id love to know aswell as i know where there is heaps here in the adelaide hills [particularly north-east] id love to collect some seed knowing what species it is and then ofcourse share the love

  16. cattle explains cubes but not subs... where do people think they came from coz from the research ive done there is no real evidence to support either theory.. whether they are native or whether they were introduced from somewhere else?

    this is something which has intruiged me for sometime now
