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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by herbal_hindsight

  1. I think i'll message these sellers and just point out the dangers of pointing out said alkaloids and refer them back to the proposed federal legislation we all hope to stop! perhaps they will just use that brain of theirs and edit their listings * DONE *
  2. herbal_hindsight

    Passion-fruit Leaves..

    Can you not get access to syrian rue? I am yet to go exploring myself but I've heard rumours of large wild weedy crops in Adelaide's far-north. We do seem to have a good climate for it... also i'm pretty sure SAB sell the seed don't they?
  3. herbal_hindsight

    To your health!

    Hi wandjina I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate news... I have been doing some research in this area myself on and off... and have come across a guide called "Food as Medicine" I have stumbled across the torrent for the download... if your un-able to download it yourself I am getting it myself and will be happy to burn it to disc and send it to you if you like... Comments on torrent: Food as Medicine. Video Book and Presentation.Win against Cancer.avi Cancer is a fungus - The book by Dr. T Simoncini All the best! Sending much love your way!
  4. herbal_hindsight

    simpson desert pituri

    I can't answer your question unfortunately but have a question of my own regarding the subtropical sister plant? What plant might that be ?
  5. herbal_hindsight

    Free: p-DMAB

    Wow! Doesn't sound like something one can stumble upon easily Count me in!
  6. herbal_hindsight

    A revival in hindsight

    Glad you guys like it... I actually wrote this around 3 years ago and sorting through some old books recently found some 'stuff' i've written so decided it was worthwhile sharing and this seems to be the right community to share it with!
  7. A revival in hindsight. An invention of sorts, a vision, a plan for the future, an idea; to re-connect and re-live, to re-vive! The rediscovery of something magical, natural, nurturing and life sustainable. An innovation, with the inspiration from the imagination to sustain creation. A quantum leap backwards to a time once forgotten; a return home to the secret garden! To pursue the possibility and potential of an old long lost friend. To open your body, mind and soul to the roots of success, the vine of life and of death, to taste once more the forbidden fruit of our time. To sow the seeds of glory and triumph! To grow the seedlings of seduction to create an eruption of a dormant art; a lifestyle, a tradition.... a life long dream into a plentiful reality! .... and with it, you too can and will grow into something you have been once before; something that was long forgotten! © herbal_hindsight 2011
  8. herbal_hindsight

    myco natives

    i've found subs growing right next to pine trees, in amongst pine needles [during season if i find bracken i usually find mushrooms] in the middle of a pine forest in a valley [1000's] growing amonst eucalypts and also amongst everyday mulch most councils use growing next to acacias and various shrubs... and of course grassy areas nearby pine forests... i've always found it fascinating how they can prosper in so many different environments... and yeh as far native use... despite the loss of knowledge on the aboriginal past it seems likely they weren't part of their traditions and ceremonies and id have to agree with kindness on the nicotine/datura [pituri] kind of usage although i feel there is a good chance with such a vast selection of acacias to choose from some being said to contain required maoi betacarbolines as well that oral dmt consumption seems possible atleast at some point throughout their history.. mere speculation but who knows right!?
  9. herbal_hindsight

    cactus fruit cordial

    thanks for the tip ive actually already got quiet a lot spachianus and i planted a large one in my mums backyard a couple years ago [it's getting close to 3 m tall now] but they haven't flowered at all this year yet [or last to my knowledge] damn prickly fuckers... i use an old armchair cushion [from the arm rest] to wrap around them to pick them up etc... they have attackd me on numerous occasions i also find large tongs handy too
  10. herbal_hindsight

    Hidden Amazon tribe caught on camera

    my first thought is that the red is quite possibly mud smeared over their bodies to protect them from mosquitos... i remember bear grills doing just that in man vs wild.
  11. herbal_hindsight

    cactus fruit cordial

    are there any tips anyone can share to encourage a cactus to fruit? i'd love to try this but none of the cacti in my collecton have fruited for me yet
  12. herbal_hindsight


  13. herbal_hindsight

    Koda Phytorium's first birthday bash

    Congrats on the one year anniversary sadly byron is out of reach for me at this time otherwise it sounds like a party you can't refuse!!! hope everyone has an awesome time... perhaps ill make it to the next party!
  14. herbal_hindsight


    Link to the trailer ^ Looks like a great documentary! I have been researching pyramids a lot more recently and was fascinated to discover they are thought to exist on all continents yet to be excavated as nature has taken over and covered them over! The bosnian pyramids in particular are of great interest! - and the work of the late Zacharia Sitchin - http://www.sitchin.com/
  15. herbal_hindsight

    Smoking pot may hasten onset of mental illness

    Interesting discussion... I started smoking when i was 16 and for the next 10 years virtually didn't have a break I loved the stuff and I can confidently say with a lot of the bullshit life has thrown at me over those years if it wasn't for chilling out from time to time having a pipe or two then I may have become suicidal so I definently feel it helped me deal with my bullshit. I have cut back heaps now and only smoke it occasionally mostly due to the fact I have started full-time study again and would like to give myself the best opportunity I can to learn all I can and with the silly season now over; I smoked a lot more than I was previously and found it effected my cognitive function significantly... in particular... procrastination!!! But an interesting point I want to make is my brother in law was actually diagnosed with schitzophrenia years ago and the medication they gave him turns him into a brain-dead zombie... alcohol [in particular spirits can trigger a bad response] but he literally uses cannabis to self-medicate and i have not seen it do him any harm at all! I also have a family history of mental illness [mother has bi-polar disorder with psychotic tendencies] and over the years I was constantly lectured by her doctors, nurses, shrinks about my cannabis use and alcohol consumption and interestingly enough they would always stress more on the alcohol than cannabis and the only thing they viewed as more of a threat to triggering mental illness was amphetamines which I have dabbled in in the past but will never return to... yucky yucky crap that serves no-one a good purpose! So yeh; I am a fit, healthy individual who has experimented with cannabis for the past 12 years and am still a fit, healthy individual. Some people might claim I am a nutter or 'tripper' with some of the things I come out with but even before I started smoking pot I was always 'different' and have always had an active imagination which i believe is very important for everyone! Not to say cannabis is for everyone as I know full well it's not by seeing it fuck other people over... I just find it interesting I have been spared in that regard I have also cut back my drinking exceptionally over the last say 3-4 years. I will probably get drunk a couple of times a month at the most these days and I don't plan on changing that for anyone! One thing pushing the limits of sobriety did for me was to truly appreciate sobriety! and I think that is a major difference between drug use and drug abuse... exploring one's self vs running away from one's self!
  16. herbal_hindsight

    Canberra uni to ban bottled water

    I would love to think our Government don't answer to anyone else but there is a ridiculous amount evidence to suggest otherwise... Their agenda is incredibly distant from keeping the best interest of the people at heart! It's about keeping their positions of power... keeping up their popularity to keep their positions of power and to stay in parliament long enough to get a life long retirement payout. But clearly you have never looked deeply into the *cough* conspiracy theories *cough* regarding the ruling elite of the world; controlling the masses through the media, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and energy industries not to mention weapon industry. There is never a day that I wish to return to the paddock and munch on the grasses provided by monsanto like the sheep I potentially once was. But every day I wish I lived in a world free of corruption. Full of love, honesty and an evolving paradigm that doesn't include people just out for more control and a never-ending hunger of greed! yawn so tell us meeka! :-p what toothpaste do you swear by and where can we all buy it from?
  17. herbal_hindsight

    Canberra uni to ban bottled water

    The anger is all throughout this thread... i'm sure i'm not the only person sensing this but it seems to have turned into an argument against one another when the real threat is the government and the corporate lobbyist trying to force these ingredients into our everyday lifestyle... I meant no dis-respect... it just doesn't seem to me like you have done as much research on this topic as you perhaps should have or could have based on your opinion on this topic. and although you may view it as me making assumptions of claiming people are asleep; sadly but truly, a lot of people are you can't deny that! People have the ability to research the results of hours of scientific scrutiny that proves the very claims made against the dangers of various compounds including fluoride; yet they choose to view a lot of the claims as just conspiracy theories and as a result insane claims built from over-active imaginations. All I ask is to research it all thoroughly... I would love to think; or better still KNOW that fluoride is safe and isnt hurting anyone but the evidence strongly suggests otherwise! Sure! Toxic Effects of Chronic Fluoride Ingestion on the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Reproductive Toxic Effects of Ingestion of Sodium Fluoride in Female Rats The physiological and toxicological characteristics of fluoride. A Review of the 2010 Fluoride Literature FLUORIDE HEALTH EFFECTS DATABASE: HEALTH EFFECTS: Fluoride & the Brain Fluoride Toxicity Issues Deaths or poisonings linked to fluoridation or fluoride products The Effects Of Fluoride On The Thyroid Gland They are just a few of the thousands of links you can find when you research the dangers of fluoride. [based on respectable scientific research] As for the evidence to prove our Government is purposely putting fluoride in the water supply to dumb us down... that's a tough case to prove however it seems highly probable and likely... the Government has nothing to gain from having highly intelligent citizens using their brains to their full potential. Also a theory of mine as to why psychedelics are illegal. The western world Governments aren't interested in people expanding their consciousness as it creates a mindset that isn't interested in Mon-Fri 9-5 Slavery to pay off a mortage on a house that is owned by the state anyway. In saying so, I am not saying all members of Government are aware of this coz clearly they are not... but there are levels of authority that would be well aware and if it's not in the Government ranks then it's in an area that directly influences the decision of Government. Hitler purposely put fluoride in the drinking water of his prisoners knowing it would make them more submissive... this is proven fact, call me crazy but it's another possibility of history repeating itself! The fact hitler knew of this effect fluoride has on the minds of prisoners in the late 30's/40's seems to suggest to me that we are aware of the same effects in the modern day. So why is in put an the majority of the western world's drinking supply? I am well aware what I am arguing against; I feel it is you who hasn't done their homework. Speaking of assumptions you just made one then that I am not aware of biphasic-dose response. I am very much aware of this and will be studying it further in homeopathy over the next few years. However, in discussing this I honestly can't see fluoride having ANY positive effect on the body or brain and I can see it directly accumulating and severely and negatively affecting the body and brain over time; of course dependant on the PPM used. I think your forgetting exactly what a conspiracy theory is defined as and that not all conspiracy theories are crazy ideas put out into cyberspace by people with no life... Conspiracy means to conspire... it takes 2 or more people to form a conspiracy and the theory is the idea that the conspiracy exists. It was once beleived hitler taking over germany was a conspiracy theory; clearly it was proven fact. CONSPIRACY THEORIES THAT TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE This is a fair point that I agree with but a massive difference between chlorine and fluoride is we all know chlorine can be removed by the simple process of boiling our water [wish I could've boiled the water I drank at the big day out, it tastes very strongly like chlorine]. Fluoride takes more sophisticated techniques not readily available or affordable for everyone; hence, in my opinion, for the need to spread the information and educate the masses of it's dangers. Based on what? I think history speaks the truth if we choose to listen... Slavery was never abolished it only evolved and based on the historical fact of hitler using fluoride against his prisoners to keep them more submissive is enough evidence to 'suggest' that is part of the reason it is used today. There has never been any evidence put forward to prove fluoride actually benefits our teeth and the more research that is being done, the more the opposite is true! We can all grant you this but just remember no matter what the topic, there will always be people who disagree with your own opinions/beleifs... this doesn't mean they dislike you as a person or mean to show you disrespect... I think overall in the case of fluoride, the evidence speaks for itself. I was not meaning to refer just to you regarding the anger in this thread as it's shared by all... I just felt the need to point it out as it's counter-active and the focus should be more so on ways we can fight such an issue rather than just fight angrily amongst ourselves about what is and isn't likely. If I didn't care for my fellow human brothers and sisters then I wouldn't bother putting the energy in to spread this sort of information. I know one thing for sure... I have more love and compassion towards the health of my fellow brothers and sisters than any Government of any country has ever had in the past. I stand for human rights, the right to freedom, the freedom of thought and the freedom of choice; especially in regards to what we all CHOOSE to consume. What angers me the most is the lack of choice we have in something like mass-fluoridation, especially in something we all require to survive. Just like the war on drugs isn't a war on drug use... it's a war on civil liberties... it's long been proven the war on drugs has done more damage to the public than the drugs themselves. How many people must die, or be severely effected by water fluoridation before the politicians put down their foot and force the use of fluoride in our drinking supply mass scale! More than anything it is being shown to directly affect the growth and learning abilities of our younger generations, not to mention reproduction. If we are to have a future as humans then we need to start focussing on things like fluoride that are directly threatening our existance whether you think it's a conspiracy theory or not; it's fact! Stand up for whats right!!!
  18. herbal_hindsight

    Rainbow Serpent Project

    Exploring and communicating global unity consciousness by travel and film Rainbow Serpent Project
  19. herbal_hindsight

    Rainbow Serpent Project

    hehehehe nah i don't own this dvd yet but just put in my order... it will be interesting to see! i'll post how it is once i've received it and watched it!
  20. herbal_hindsight

    Canberra uni to ban bottled water

    far out people... talk about anger issues... at the end of the day TRIPSIS you need to wake up realise your government does not have YOUR best interest at heart! the one thing that pisses me off about the plastic debate is why the fuck aren't we using hemp based plastic which is proven to be safe and does break down when we have finished using it!!! I personally only buy bottled water to avoid fluoride and as for it lowering our intelligence... this is a proven fact that even the US Government are finally admitting! Words like conspiracy nut, or conspiracy theory have become demonised... and anyone who speaks of them is instantly ridiculed and not taken seriously... if anyone seriously believes no conspiracy theories are real then they have already won in controlling your thoughts!!! I would love to see hemp wiping out the current petro-based plastics industry... yes as consumers we are part to blame for the piles of plastic that build up on land and in sea but it would never have happened if hemp was used instead of crude oil. This is not new technology just like electric cars are not new technology [first car ever made was electric] I am speaking of alternatives to the products currently proving to cause mass damage on our planet! Why did this ever need to happen? To make a handful of greedy corporates filthy rich? Whether or not fluoride is used currently to dumb us down on purpose is still open for debate but it was proven to have been used for such a purpose in the past... research fluoride use in the gulag. It made prisoners more submissive and easier to handle. and as for the comment about a toxic compound not necessarily having an effect on the mind but could cause problems in the body... skin, bones etc... The human skin is the largest organ in our body. Our blood runs through it and also runs through all our other organs; including our brain. I think it's incredibly nieve to claim that a toxin that effects any other part of the body couldn't affect the mind. I for one will be investing in a reverse osmosis water ioniser filtration system within the next few months [saving up the $] Here are a few articles for you to read Chill out everyone, stop fighting eachother and fight the real threats behind the depletion of our health [including our mental health] Our Governments... at the end of the day, they are our employees... We pay them to 'govern' the land we live on. So why are they dictating to us how we can live and what we can and can't do. We need to perform a mass sacking sooner or later... also referred to as a revolution! Fluoride - The Obedience Drug - [PDF] Welcome to Hemp Plastic Fluoridation
  21. herbal_hindsight

    Some good news on GM grains

    bahahahahahahaha Genetically modified orgasms... now that makes the mind boggle!!!
  22. herbal_hindsight

    Attention Adelaide SAB Members!!! Aboriginal Plant Use Talk!!!

    Your welcome meeka and that is an awesome idea that I am sure we could probably organise with Dr Philip Clarke.... I have his contact details and I know his reaction to my question regarding ritual plant use was welcome. I would also believe this myself but can answer i better once i've completed more of my studies in my bachelor of health science [naturopathy] i guess there have always been carriers of disease such as mosquitos or are they introduced? But it is my understanding that a strong immune system will and can fight off un-wanted bacteria and viral infections. Thanks for that meeka... i vaguely remember dr philip clarke mentioning that but i was unsure of the spelling and he left straight after he finished his talk
  23. herbal_hindsight

    Attention Adelaide SAB Members!!! Aboriginal Plant Use Talk!!!

    That person who asked the question about what ritualistic plant use he knew of in particular pituri was me... i took lots of notes but havent had a chance to decipher them yet but will have to get to it as i know of a few ppl who would like copies I enjoyed the talk it was still very interesting but it could've gone for a lot longer and covered entho-botany in a lot more detail.. I really enjoyed his reaction when I asked my question... his face kinda lit up with excitement and interest that I had asked and he couldn't stop grinning at me to begin with... but yeh i felt very out of place... lovely people and i also bought a new book [a nice colour field guide on fungi of sa] glad to see another forum member went along! and yeh i'm 28 so i know exactly how you feel... i actually mentioned the proposed plant legislation to the club membership people when i first arrived but it felt a bit awkward... it was the first they knew of it and i tried not to go into too much detail about dmt, mescaline etc to avoid making myself a black sheep although they were interested i have their email contacts and will send them further more detailed information so they can research it more themselves.
  24. herbal_hindsight

    Lophophora seed allowed thru customs or not?

    Just thought I would mention on several occasions now I have ordered s.divinorum [labelled as speckled candle making incense, or just plain 'for incense use only] not one occasion has it been blocked and most of the time i was importing from an ebay seller in washington on one occasion i found an ebay seller in hungary who was selling all sorts of entho's and i ordered some more s div with great success but interestingly enough in the same package i had 3.5 kgs syrian rue seeds [yes yes i know foolish to attempt such a large import but it cost $15 so i thought i'd try] the s div was labelled as salvia and i also had some blue lotus which was not labelled and was confiscated now i think i was very lucky in this regard i got a letter from quarantine telling me they had destroyed the un-identified herb [lotus] and a letter of warning from customs telling me i had attempted to import an illegal narcotic with a list of other known narcotics also banned for import but.... i got the sally d :-p i stopped importing anything for a few months after that and im now at a different address so hopefully not being monitored but yeh just an example of what you can and can't get away with and that sometimes you do get warnings!
  25. herbal_hindsight

    Some good news on GM grains

    *Chants* "One of us, one of us.... gooble gabble, gooble gabble, one of us one of us gooble gabble gooble......"