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The Corroboree

Zen Peddler

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Posts posted by Zen Peddler

  1. There certainly are some dopamine reuptake inhibators. For a start all Norepinephrine reuptake inhibators act by knocking out the NET (Ne Transporter protein) which is responsible for uptake of NE in the synpatic cleft. NET also to a lesser extent is responsible for uptake of dopamine as well. There are also other agents that work purely on dopamine levels.

    That being said, high dopamine isnt a good thing from what ive read - paranoia??

  2. Think of me as a test case for what substances have particular affinities for norepinephrine tranporters in the synaptic cleft... LSD has one of the biggest affinities... the more popular anti depressants now days have affinities for the same tranporter protein sites - delaying reuptake of norepinephrine.

  3. the three biggest universities in Melb are the three best spots i have ever found for subs. One in particular where I went for many years was mad - 4000 plus patches were quite common. We did some isolation work with a patch up behind it at the wild life reserve - made a wicked patch after a some isolation work, bulk substrates and then re-introduction. Subs galore... Good spot for Purple Gyms too..

  4. yeah ive made thousands of viable prints from foil without even bothering to swipe the foil with alcohol or any other form of sterilisation. Super sterile prints are really only needed if your trying to make syringes, otherwise if your using agar its no big deal -you just sector it out on peroxidated agar.,

  5. hey Workman - you may remember me under a different name from the shroomery a while back.

    I think if your gonna put up some pics of Subaeruginosa it might be better to add the more lechyniform cystidia which are the more common shape than lageniform.

    Actually Id love you one day to have a look at the cystidial forms of the SA variety of subaeruginosa which is quite different to the east coast subs. Good to see your still around anyway man. BM.

  6. There are no poisonings associated with them besides being psychedelic and quite bitter so if positively IDed you are quite safe

    Actually there have been poisonings involving several gymnopilus species - one which was reported in stamets that caused priapism ;)

    The variability of activity reported in the states doesnt occur in Australia - in that the spectabilis variant we have in Australia has never as far as I am aware been found to be active or even bioassayed. I would be cautious in Australia considering some of the content variations found in Gyms in other Countries.

    Otherwise stick to Gymnopilus purpuratus which I have personally bioassayed and found to be weakly active and ordinary tasting...

  7. very interesting. Workman is one of the best of the guys from the shroomery in relation to IDs.

    Thta being said, Ps.Australiana and Ps.subaeruginosa are synonymous.

  8. Conocybe spp?

    They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel there.

    And I wonder if anyone should tell them that Psilocybin is not a plant?

    LOL. yeah i got a laugh from that myself.

    Strange they included conocybes and Gyms but not Pans...

    I reckon there is atleast two conocybes growing in every person's lawn in melb in may so i doubt Canberra would be too different.

    'You do get formally charged. You receive a criminal conviction and thus are not allowed to go overseas into many countries, ever. As you have a drug conviction on your record.'

    Well thats kinda true...

    The 10 year waiver rule does not apply for the united states - you are required to apply for a visa if you have any criminal conviction from any time in the past - and technically a conviction or finding of guilt relating to the possession or cultivation of a prohibited item is a conviction relating to moral terpitude (spelling?) which means you will NOT be allowed into the United States. It is however, quite unclear what moral terpitude actually means. I remember reading about one guy that claimed that he did not believe past drug use was moral terpitude because he was using marijuana medicinally and was flying into LAX.

    Canada and the states share the same criminal records data base, but Australia does not share its records with any other country other than possibly New Zealand. if a person applied for a visa in advance - as a person with a criminal conviction is required to do before entering countries like the united states or possibly england - then i believe they can apply to review your criminal records through the australian records office or whatever its called now.

    It would not be easy for the customs at any international airport to hold a person until they were able to verify their criminal record in their own country. If a person did not apply for a visa in advance and attempted to enter england or the united states on some kind of mutual entry agreemtn or visa waiver program unless the person was listed as a baddie on interpol's list its unlikely they would be flagged as having a record unless they do something to attract attention - and this is why they rely on the declarations that you fill out on entry where you should diligently declare all past misdemenours assuming you have any (even public urination - damn it??)

    'There was a case in melbourne where a guy got nailed for getting opium from his poppies. I don't think he got done for man'

    he was done only for possession and got 2 years jail. I remember the case well..

  9. Ive been a regular drinker of Barons - they changed their label, previously it was just called Black Wattle Ale without the big Barons on it. Its not bad, a little caramelly or something.

    I much prefer their Lemon Myrtle Wheat bear - it was very nice.

    Any of you guys tried a michelada? The strangest one i had was in the states - it included beer with tomato juice and clamato - the only beer ive ever tried that had the words 'contains shellfish' written on the can
