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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by theobromos

  1. nabraxas, use smaller pieces of dope when you are hot-knifing. If you are macho about the size you'll fuck your lungs, obviously.

    Think about how little you smoke in each breath from a joint.

  2. Enough with the "oooh, that's illegal" shit. We don't want to turn into the Lycaeum do we? Golum quite clearly stated that they were chatting and hypothesising. Thought experiments are not illegal or I would be very imprisoned.

    Obviously smoking peyote buttons would be rather difficult. Not only for the bulk of tar-producing combustibles but the load of alkaloids of different natures. Some of those alkaloids could be far more dangerous when smoked.

    So, the obvious thing would be to use pure mescaline freebase.

    Alkaloid freebases can burn when smoked so the best method would be vapourisation by relatively cool hotknives.

    The dose would be difficult to know without actual research, we could hypothesise that the vapourised dose would be a lot less than the dose absorbed by stomach because:

    1) smoking avoids the first-pass cleaning of blood from the stomach done by the liver. Mescaline is sensitive to this because its short 2-carbon side-chain is more easily metabolised than its long-chain amphetamine relatives.

    2) the fast absorption means a high peak in blood and brain fluid concentrations can be reached quickly though probably a much shorter trip overall.

    We could guess a dose but shall we have a sweepstake? I say it will have some breakthrough at 5 mg for softheads and full (perhaps more extreme than possible with peyote) trip at 25-30.

    It is possible to harvest from a peyote (and more easily from San Pedros) in a sustainable and respectful manner. With patience :) Not for worship but for learning. I think the peyote would be upset if someone went to all that bother for so many years and did not allow the plant to give its precious gift of teaching in thanks for the loving care. The plant is not endangered in cultivation but only in the wild. By encouraging its use you encourage more people to grow it and peyote will never be endangered and will fly with us to the stars with our food and hemp.

  3. I wish to discuss with my pharmacist which of their range of euphorics would best be suited for a party. As there will be some strangers, as well as dear old friends, I will be wanting something mild so I don't get anxious or make a fool of myself. But I want to be on another level, not mundane and preferably indolic. Possibly milligram doses of psilocybin at two hour intervals? Or a slightly sustained release noribogaine capsule?

    Of course in my view of the future the pharmacist will be very busy selling cigarettes and might not have time for a proper consultation over their ludics.

    My love for science fiction keeps my hope alive. The casual way PK Dick has a character buy a pack of joints from a vending machine gives me the feeling that it is possible to make a sane world because there are plenty of sane people around.

    Sane in my sense of the word, of course. Like my christianity it might not be recognised as such by the suits.

  4. The voacamine is interesting because it is able to be turned into voacangine, which has ibogaine like activity. However most of the others look as though they don't. Does the paper give individual percentages or yields?

    Take heart though this family is notoriously variable.

  5. Reville, chocolate and cannabis, what a great idea! Oh, just a moment, I might have tried that once Try a search for green mice on these forums.

    Finding cannabis in Shakespeare's pipe is not so strange. The first shipments of tobacco appear to have visited Moroocco on their way to England and, from descriptions of the effects of the tobacco, it may have been adulterated with a cheap local herb in Morocco.

    PEA HCl is active snorted and the freebase by inhalation. However it is incredibly irritating (think mineral acids rather than chili) to the local tissues and my nose wasn't the same for a long time. The dose is large (>100 mg), the effects fleeting (half an hour), the taste worse than its big brothers. The feeling is nicer but not so nice. I doubt the absorption in the mouth is so efficient that PEA could be responsible for the effects of chocolate. It would taste foul.

    Don't bother with it.

    I could spend all day describing the different chemicals in chocolate, many possibly active by absorption in the mouth. A paper has shoen that chocolate is much more "rewarding" if tasted rather than taken in capsules. I don't believe it is just the pleasure.

    Beta carbolines and many others.

    The probable active drug component is salsolinol.

  6. I have fainted from an excessive dose of cannabis. It was great, one of the best trips I had. The fools I was with let me get up twice while I was unconscious which probably intensified the effect.

    Possibly low blood pressure is involved. In future I will be avoiding standing up on these occasions.

    It was not low bloodsugar. But when I smoke I smoke to the barrier. With a tolerance built up over years this doesn't matter much. But to a beginner or someone who only smokes once a month a joint of the latest skunk brand is well into overdose. Can save a fortune on grass with a low tolerance.

  7. Ennnnnnnnggggllaaaaaaannnnnddddddddddddd!

    We are the best at the world for so many things - saffron, roses and fly agarics for example.

    Though anyone who takes fresh fly agarics should be advised that ibotenic acid is neurotoxic and continued us of the fresh mushrooms could have serious consequences. Cooking sufficiently to destroy the ibotenic acid is very advisable. Unless you don't use your brain much.

    To put a link in your message just write or paste the address and the forum software will recognise it as a link.

    For example, the rather messy but enthusiastic "Christmas has a lot of red in it" from James Arthur. http://www.jamesarthur.net/mushroom.html

    [ 10. April 2004, 22:58: Message edited by: theobromos ]

  8. The child who died may have been the one who had "eaten some mushrooms from the yard" and some Psilocybes were found in the yard. I don't think exact ID of the LBMs was made from the stomach comtents.

    There are, of course, many deadly LBMs.

  9. Actually, come to think of it I would never advise someone to try ginkgo leaf or leaf extract unless they had a severe and disabling disease that the herb might cure. Meddling with prostaglandins is a very bad idea. Would you take a large dose of aspirin every day for a small increase in brain activity?

    Use bacopa or celastrus or any of a thousand others.

  10. If you want my advice never use the leaf, always use extracts produced in laboratories that can test for the levels of the poison-ivy toxins.

    The clean extracts will still cause problems for some people who are as sensitive to the prostaglandin effects as I am. All the side-effects mentioned above are results of the active medicinals not the poison-ivy toxins. But if you take the leaf you are possibly going to develop serious and lastingly-damaging immune reactions. Never believe that natural is best unless you have proof. Often nature is a bitch.

    Sometimes science can improve on things.

  11. And be aware of the symptoms of ginkgo toxicity. There are two types, the poison-ivy type caused by urushiol-type compounds and the excessive effects of the Ginkgo medicinals. I get nauseous headaches and dizziness if I take any ginkgo, but I suppose I am bright enough already.

    [ 10. April 2004, 22:23: Message edited by: theobromos ]

  12. The catuaba I am familiar with is a mild stimulant and warming aphrodisiac, nothing spectacular. I would imagine it shares the antifungal and immune-stimulating properties of its co-familiars.

    Juniperus brasiliensis cannot be a botanical pseudonym for Erythroxylum catuaba or vice versa. No botanist could be that stupid. Some may be dim but to confuse a conifer with a flowering plant would bring shame even to the mjshroomers of botany.

    Then again quite a few herb suppliers seem to rely on the common name. Common names can kill.
