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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by theobromos

  1. theobromos

    Growing Salvinorin Crystals from Salvia Divinorum

    Tried sclarea?
  2. theobromos

    Role of amino acids in phlebophylla metabolism

    Specifically for Acacias: http://aob.oupjournals.org/cgi/reprint/80/3/257.pdf This paper on parasitism by Quandong gives some analysis of Acacia root xylem sap contents for A. pulchella and A. rostellifera, including that asparagine is the major N transport and majority by mole. Only Acacias of all the plants studied and at only one of the two sites had pipecolic acid in their xylem at 30% of the amino acids by mole. The other site had much less pipecolic acid but about the same asparagine and much more aspartic acid. Inorganic salts were much the same in the sap of all host species. Organic acids were dominated by malate at 60%+ by mole in all species of hosts, though citric acid was only present in the two Acacia species. They don't give the details so bug the responding author, in fact you could send some of our bigger forum members round to see him (John S. Pate) at the Department of Botany, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA 6907. Perhaps the plant is very sensitive to the particular gibberellin that it makes for itself, getting back to general botany: "The idea that they are produced in the roots seemed logical though indications exist that they are only converted in the roots, i.e. that one gibberellin is transported from the shoot into the root where it is converted another one. The new product is then transported back via the xylem into the shoot. Both in xylem- and phloem exuded matter have gibberellins been detected showing how the distribution mechanism for hormones works in this type of plant." http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-onlin...ine/e31/31d.htm Also xylem transport from root to shoot appears to be true of cytokinins and ethylene, though not for auxins, according to http://www.uoguelph.ca/~mgoss/two/Sr_ratio.html They also give jasmonic and abscisic acids as "phloem mobile" and the latter also in the xylem.
  3. theobromos

    serotonin + food

    Might have been coincidence that I went insane while taking glutamine but I have been rather wary of it since then. Worked wonders for my hayfever though.
  4. theobromos

    Erythroxylum novogranatense

    Read it carefully, and visit the originals on BritGovNet: http://www.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2001/20013998.htm http://www.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2001/20013997.htm Note that it is "substances and products", I think you will find that the "substances" are the chemicals and the "products" are the result of processing, it is if you remove the leaves and dry them that it would be illegal. A very fine distinction but a viable defence in law, I believe. But I am not a lawyer. You can get legal advice for free if you are a British citizen and there are voluntary organisations that supply legal advice to drug law victims who would be happy to give their opinions. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS © Her Maj's Stationery Office and whichever bunch of jerks she surrendered her crown privileges to this time. (Hope that is enough to stop them throwing me in the Tower for the treasonous part-copying of their material) 2001 No. 3997 DANGEROUS DRUGS The Misuse of Drugs (Designation) Order 2001 SCHEDULE PART I CONTROLLED DRUGS TO WHICH SECTION 7(4) OF THE MISUSE OF DRUGS ACT 1971 APPLIES 1. The following substances and products, namely: - Blah, blah Coca leaf Blah blah.
  5. theobromos

    Betel nut treatment

    So P. sarmentosum is the Thai Betel Leaf? The one that tastes of tin and cloves? The Indian one being P. betle?
  6. theobromos

    Need a home in april: Brisbane

    One mycobag per month? Obviously I can't help, I am looking myself. Any sane, entheophilic multimillionaires with a farm to share?
  7. theobromos

    More khat shit

    I would say that Celastrus oil has definite inebriating effects in reasonable doses, so I would imagine the cathedulins would too. Perhaps a different receptor comes into play at higher doses.
  8. theobromos

    Growing Salvinorin Crystals from Salvia Divinorum

    Have you seen: http://yarchive.net/chem/crystal_grow.html The "nucleating agents" are lumps of anything that start off a crystals. The fewer nuclei the bigger your crystals are going to be. So covering your beard may help, as well as ultrafiltration.
  9. theobromos

    Growing Salvinorin Crystals from Salvia Divinorum

    The trouble with the crystals from methanol is that some of the solvent can remain in the crystals, as with water of crystallisation. This may be why they crumble after drying. I am not and have only once been a Salvia divinorum user so I don't tend to look at these threads often. I had one rollup of the leaf and got the distinct impression (communication) that she was not for me. But if you have anything that you think I can help with, PM me. Ave Maria
  10. theobromos

    Yo - ilegal

    Seguro que las Canarias compartir las mismas leyes. Creo que todavia los exportaciones estan legal, el PP gusta dinero. Hablo bastante bueno por mi dos años aqui, sin profesores. Por suerte mucho de mis amigos gustan la enseñaza.
  11. Before I could only quote Quentin Crisp (that the dust doesn't get any deeper after four years) but now I can quote scientific research. http://www.nature.com/nsu/040202/040202-12.html I do clean the toilet but I would like evidence that it is dangerous if done too frequently.
  12. The San (the people who brought you Sceletium)rock paintings in South Africa are actually at least 3000 years old in places, so are less "primitive" for their time that was thought. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3467195.stm
  13. Gawds, I'm leaving this to the cognoscenti. But in the case of the phrase "clean room" bear in mind that just stepping on a carpet will throw lots of dust in the air, as will vacuuming with anything less than a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner. A completely tiled room with positive pressure provided by an HEPA cleaned input of air might do the job. www.nature.com was down when I visited just now but a few days ago there was a report on this in the news section. Sticky traps to reduce the mite population? Not sure how you would bait them or if they would work by simply trapping any passing mite. They might find the glue very nutritious, of course.
  14. theobromos

    More khat shit

    Found the researcher, seems like a reasonable bloke: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/life_scie...f/houghton.html
  15. theobromos

    More khat shit

    I should read the whole of the article before I post. "Researchers at King's College London have found khat also contains cathedulins, chemicals which make the brain release dopamine - which produces feelings of satisfaction and pleasure." Which confirms what I have been saying about the cathedulins, agarofuran polyester alkaloids. They are related very closely to the actives in Celastrus paniculatus, which is active without the presence of ephedrine relatives.
  16. theobromos

    Salvia Officianalis:Treatment for Alzheimers

    Love them all that I've tried except divinorum, and I respect her very much. I copied that latin phrase from elsewhere I am no good at Latin that comes in more than two words at once.
  17. theobromos

    Growing Salvinorin Crystals from Salvia Divinorum

    The boiling point of acetone is, officially, 56 degrees C but it would be difficult to reach if there is the slightest breeze evaporating it first. So the drop in temperature to room temperature isn't much. Putting it in the freezer is obviously much better. However you might still find that crystals don't form. This will be because it is a supersaturated solution. You can seed with crystals from another source (or one crystal if you want a lump of crystals). The crystals want to form but can't quite work out how, but given the pattern will attach themselves willingly. You don't need the beard when using seed crystals You could heat the solutions in a water bath and take some time to sit and relax. If you are into that sort of thing
  18. theobromos

    Yo - ilegal

    Y posible tambien todos los vitaminas y minerales que superar el CDR. Also possibly any vitamins and minerals which contain more than the RDA.
  19. theobromos

    Yo - ilegal

    A sort of translation: According to the Order SCO/190/2004 28 January 2004 of the Ministry of Health and Consumption a pile of toxicas, psychoactive plants and innocuous estan illegal to sell (oops, did I say bandage?) in Spain. The law took effect three months - 28 of April later. Oficinales restricted commercialization to preparation of farmacéuticas fórmulas skillful, prepados, homeopáticas stocks and the investigation (That good, I am investigator, no). Everything of psychoactive the good ones almost are illegal - mushies of every sort, Amanita, Calamus, HBWR, caapi, Catha, Ephedra, Coca and Catuaba and all of the genus Erythroxylon, Star Anise, iboga, Ipomoea violacea, wild Lettuce, Labrador tea, Peganum harmala, wild Parsley (only fruits), kava, yopo, salvia divinorum, sassafras, tansy, Trichocereus pachanoi, lesser periwinkle and the native Withania somnifera. What sons of lawyers are the Government!
  20. theobromos

    Yo - ilegal

    El precursor esta en la pagina web http://www.actualderechosanitario.com/Proy...o%20plantas.pdf Algunos cosas ha cambiando, como lo de cañamo es la planta entera en la ley actual.
  21. theobromos

    Salvia Officianalis:Treatment for Alzheimers

    As the Romans said: Cur moriatur homo cui Salvia crescit in horto? (Why should a man die whilst Sage grows in his garden?)
  22. theobromos

    Archaeological evidence for opium use in the Bronze Age

    Oh, bugger. I meant land lilies not waterlilies. Members of the Liliaceae.
  23. theobromos

    Kava (and hello)

    Hello, and welcome.
  24. theobromos

    Growing Salvinorin Crystals from Salvia Divinorum

    You have the ability to equal or better Daniel Siebert. What you have done is not simply growing some crystals, you have performed a Fractional Crystallisation (fanfare). You will lose a little of the product each time you do this but you lose loads of the impurities that stay in the mother liquor. I won't try to estimate the purity but you will have pharmaceutical purity in one or two repeats of this process, if you don't have already. Have you tried putting the acetone solutions in the freezer? Do you wash the crystals before you dry them? It used to be said that chemists with beards were better at crystallisations.
  25. theobromos

    surprise crystals

    What would the theoretical shelf-life of these crystals be? Psilocin is traditionally regarded as unstable compared with psilocybin, of course.