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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by flora

  1. flora

    New Perth Entheo store promotion sale

    do u know if they will have plants for sale or just dried packets of things?
  2. flora

    Edited, nothing to see here

    The federal gov drugs laws only come under federal jurisdiction. That relates mainly to importation from overseas and trade BETWEEN the states. So it is an offense to send certain things over states borders but no problem to just have them in the state. Johnnies little committee, its report and schedules are nothing more than an attempt by the Libs to overstep their federal jurisdiction. Nothing new. This government has been conducting itself like this since it got into power. But it really doesnt count for anything. Last time i checked some states had made salvia illegal. But some states have almost no illegal plants!!
  3. flora

    Edited, nothing to see here

    actually im pretty sure it depends on what state you're in and Sally has an alright time in WA afaik
  4. flora

    My babies

    do you live in a flat or something? why the grow room?
  5. is the mullien easy to grow from seed? i wouldnt mind some i heard it is good for hayfever. i tried to grow it but it never sprouted.
  6. flora

    white trumpet

    omg just nibble a bit first go , then nibble a bit more next time, etc until u work out the dose
  7. flora

    perth mushies

    hey im new over perth way , just wondering what are common mushies of interest that grow over this way? i have found some growing on grass/clover, they look like psilocybes but no blue stain, spores purple/brown. i know there is an id section but i avent got pix or nuthin together yet, will post there when i do. just interested to hear from any experienced local-types
  8. yeep, same, i have just put the foot down - a big mo'fo fence! sealed off the vegie patch you can buy 'dog wire' which is more solid than chicken wire, needs less stacking. PS piss dilute is the best fert and cheap too
  9. flora

    sarsaparilla & root beer extracts

    safrole is toxic if you consume a lot of it, just like oils found in parsley, and parsley seems pretty safe, i wouldnt worry bout sarsparilla safrole is stigmatised
  10. flora

    sarsaparilla & root beer extracts

    Smilax ornata plants at All rare herbs, may still have some http://www.allrareherbs.com.au/plants/discontinued-plants/ i have not bought from them personally