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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by immanuel

  1. Well, I think it's always an important question to ask oneself, isn't it?

    Why  do we get up and go to work each day when it makes us feel bad and, generally, contributes to a global state of decay.

    We have a system ingrained in our condition to support what is essentially a collective entity that is feeding on our planet Earth, and from that, further..

    If we drift through life in an unconscious state, we inevitably support the nature of a prison system upon the human race.

    I think Terence would say the same thing in every talk with him,

    Hope it can help anyway :)

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  2. As it was mentioned in this context I agree and feel that spirituality is a true form of science.. As such that to me really is the only method one can use to develop an awareness and knowing of the soul. Beyond our identification a consciousness does exist which is naturally greater than our human awareness, a 'higher self', a seperate aspect of our soul in certain type of unity.


    The reason I mention this is to follow on, in that one should use an intention to cultivate a high attractor with the very utmost highest origins of their own soul - from original source. And that makes sense to me as a reliable method.

    for a true god-realisation and acts as a bypass to essentially what is a fallen state of being.


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  3. as we move forward as the human race and get our bearings on where we are going, i think these kinds of networks are extremely important. the community bonds of trust, caring and service that we are seeing now have been well hard to come by. so much has just been endured, literally to the point where it cannot be. so i think about that. and why it is so important to ensure its continuation. god bless

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  4. On 15/11/2016 at 8:04 AM, Sallubrious said:

    One time I lent my telescope to a bloke I knew and he couldn't even find the moon. He accused me of doing something to it as a joke. It turned out the stupid prick set himself up by "fixing" the finder because it looked like it was adjusted wrong.


    I was lucky he didn't wrap it around a tree, he tried to find it for over an hour and his Mrs reckons he was getting seriously pissed off and cursing and screaming at me & the moon. He was still seriously pissed of when he returned it the next day.


    When I was into star gazing I came to hate the fucking moon, it drowns out low light objects and gets in the way. If there is a nebula near it, it is much harder to see the nebula properly.


    I used to sit inside in the dark before using the scope to let my eyes adjust to the low light conditions and then if there was a full moon it would fuck that up as soon as I went outside and looked up.


    When I was younger as a child, I found or bought me a telescope.  just saying... one night the painted the scope black and I got ink all overthrough my eye, as if someoe specifically removed some of the internal mechanisms to ruin my perception on astrology, and then of those who enjoy it.


    There was a certain technique I remember when reading on, certain C.I.A. investigations and psy op programs. If recovering from traumatic injury, or on the development of a brain injury, looking at neuroplasticity etc. one way to facilitate amnesia was to use specific dominant figures to force a subject into submission over the recollection of their own experience. Done with repetition and you have writing certain pathways to facilitate memory loss.

    I also read that when using coercion they could, profile a certain individual and then mimic the body language of those who the individual is fond, essentially, building a false sense of security before exposing manipulations that break any trust the individual had left in the world.

  5. If we to look back 6 months or so, at this specific time period through politics. It has taken a lot of courage on all spectrums to work through a new social /world order, at least I think so.


    Heading back to 2007-2009 periods, we should see another specific slot in the global consciousness. I think Mckenna did a time wave zero plot, which could shows a fairly good representation, at least in my opinion.


    I see it something like this: https://lh4.ggpht.com/RIPFMpq_Jhq6itmiG0PgrRC6_M8TA6Ob8BRHpKOw_M2IveRl90ayuFoi5IXegRizMrE=h900


    But, considering when this was drawn up.. improvements have been made.




  6. i haven't grown edibles for a long time but when i did i was always very wary of the amount of heat i exposed them to and try to listen to the spirit thinking about contaminants and the products being used in the house etc. some of the mushrooms are very divine


    i think for me when i have done it, google can be useful just to form some sort of foundation to go off when trying to interpret what a specific plant wants in its growth. i have added numerous things to soil beds such as tea leaves, sometimes green tea or black.. or composting other plants in the garden i have bonds or from sacred areas


    i think it comes down trusting the heart. sorry i can't be more specific, but it is the general approach i have

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  7. I see it as generally the same upheaval with the politicians and global elite. A particular understanding needs to be presented in as opposed to the current social control memes in the global consciousness. Generally it is still the same as over on pfcn, that we are looking at major earth changes and a large reduction in the population. There would be evacuation procedures in place, off the top of my head spaceships and some other rogue / habitable planets and transition zones and there has been a significant amount of focus on the peaceful termination of a human vehicle.
