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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by immanuel

  1. Thankyou, I don't want him to harm the tree in anyway, so this sounds like the best method for my catfish. He already is attempting to grow some clones of the maidenii, and will start collecting fallen branches etc, he wonders if the leaves contain any alkaloids and would be worth collecting aswell? Thankyou for your help I and my catfish are very thankful.

  2. Thankyou for being so helpful! Yes, I agree it is a magnificent tree!!!

    My pet catfish keeps insisting to strip some bark of these trees, I am uncertain of his intentions. I don't want him to kill or even harm these trees and because there are so many of them he can take little amount thus minimising damage to the trees. How much would you suggest my cat fish takes off each tree in order not to harm the trees?

  3. You could have the reasons why a drugs is illegal. Say marijuana or dmt. The show alcohol and show how the laws of dmt being illegal should apply to alcohol aswell. Alcohol is even more dangerous than dmt or weed. Even show the brain on both subtances compared to the brain on alcohol. I dunno. Make sure it is easy to understand, think about the people who barely know anything about drugs, they wont understand your advertisement unless it is obvious.

  4. Yeah, i'm 90% sure I can indentify acacia maidenii's now, I just want a second opinion, to make sure i'm identifying the right tree. Here are some photo's I have taken of the tree I assume is Acacia Maidenii. It fits all the descriptions, the only thing missing is the pods :unsure: non of the treese have pods? Does anyone know a reason for this? It also has these werid little brown ball things growing on it, I provided a picture, I think it is some sort of fungus which grows on Acacias. Also something strange, I noticed the 'larger' maidenii's seem to have heaps of flowers yet the smalle ones have little or none at all. I am assuming older ones flower earlier or longer than the younger ones, would I be correct?








    Here are thos strange brown balls, disease?



