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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by tonic

  1. tonic

    Pedro pup

    If it has roots [which it does, vigorous ones to be sure], plant it.
  2. tonic

    Lizard thiefs!!!! :x

    Yeah you're probably right Benzito those Lace Monitors are pretty ferocious when they have to be, I knew a guy who had his little finger bitten off by one when he was trying to feed it by hand. No it just reminded of when these kids were pegging rocks at one that was up a tree up my way, they were doing this apparently because it was 'fun'!! Idiots!! Some idea of fun. These Dragons I refer to am pretty they are not Bearded Dragons at all, more like a Water Dragon. They look the same but miniature with a fawn to orange brown head, they grow to about 10cm maximum. Will do a bit of a search and see if I can find out what they are, they seem to be common up around Blackheath and Mt. Victoria. Never saw Bearded Dragons up that far, maybe too cold?
  3. Would you say the same applies for Duboisia myoporoides T?
  4. tonic

    Lizard thiefs!!!! :x

    You should post those warnings Andy. Bloody bastard!!! I deeply symphatise with you Andy, I know what it's like to lose an animal friend.
  5. tonic

    Lizard thiefs!!!! :x

    Oh Benzito do you get those amazing miniature dragons up your way with the orange heads, I used to see them up in the upper mountains, these are one of my favourites. Some local kids had caught some for pets when I was living up there and we told them to release them back into nature. I hope they did. Silly kids, can't blame them for being intrigued but am sure they didn't know the first thing about caring for reptiles.
  6. tonic

    Lizard thiefs!!!! :x

    That is just low. Scum!! I agree with the blow dart stratedgy. Teach those bastards a lesson. Poor dragons, all they want to do is get some sun, cruise around, swim, hunt food etc. people should just let em' be. I love Eastern Water Dragons. All lizards as a matter of fact. I have a couple of resident Lace Monitors that hang around my place, they are great. Would kick anybodies arse who tried to take them or hurt them.
  7. tonic

    sucessfull pereskiopsis graft

    They look alot like an Echinopsis sp. to me, but a little hard to tell at this stage. Good work with the Pereskiopsis graft BTW.
  8. tonic

    Sydney Meet

    I will be there Benzito, am meeting someone beforehand at Hyde Park, so will be in the area. If I don't make it to the initial meet spot on time will wander down to the gardens and give you a text to see where you all are, sound OK? What happened to meeting in Hyde Park anyways? Edit: Probably can't stay for ages, but a good few hours hopefully, get to meet a few of you properly though and have a chat or two.
  9. tonic

    Caespitose loph pics

    Thanks Ace, very cool thread, very nice pics.
  10. tonic

    Sydney Meet

    I really hope you can make it Amulte. Was looking forward to meeting you. If not, maybe we should organise a small gathering for the Central Coast before it gets too cold, I am up towards that way too and I know there is also a few others up the coast. I don't know if you think it's a good idea or not, I'd say there'd be a few Northernites who may be keen to traverse the coastal shores for a smaller meet too. Let me know what you think. ....and anyone else who is keen too. See you all Saturday. P.s. Sida rhomibifolia is great for nasal conjestion
  11. tonic

    E. novogranatense availability.

    No worries. I love bonsai. Admiring them and growing them. Did you used to grow them? Was it Cotoneaster horizontalis that you used to grow?
  12. tonic

    Sydney Meet

    As long as don't sing 'hangin' tough' all should be fine. I know, I know incredibly crap joke! but yeah... I am sure you are most welcome to come along.
  13. tonic

    trichocereus scopulicolus

    That is what I was thinking Ace. If not that severe gas.
  14. Are you sure it is a T. bridgesii/E. lageniformis? Looks alot like a T. pacahanoi just looking at the pup in the photos
  15. tonic

    E. novogranatense availability.

  16. tonic

    Amazing Brug Hybrids

    Some great looking hybrids on this page. $350 for a Plumeria Very nice though. Thanks for that link prier.
  17. tonic

    Visuals on acid

    I'm not saying I don't get OEVs, just not the typical trails of colours and lights everyone else does. Reality bends, warps and drips.... but if its something I know, and have a point of reference for, it just feels like my brain is kicking in and trying to put a stop to it. Sounds like you're doing alright on the visual front to me, maybe just not recognising what is what? If you're seeing demons etc. I'd say that is pretty close to what is meant to be happening [though this could be a reflection of yourself? Or the person you are seeing?]. Try doing it totally alone maybe without any outside influence swaying you into 'wanting what they are having' if you get my drift, introspection of the self and deep reflection of what is occuring and what can be learnt may help free your mind up. Sounds like you might be stuck on something, but not sure exactly what this might be, only you can answer this question, I think. Try meditating beforehand and/or during, you need to find yourself before sharing your journey with others is my opinion. Definitely avoid the TV and do what a few others have said here, semi dark to dark, outdoors, nature. I would avoid harsh music like Rammstein also as this may have negative influences on the experience. I would suggest no music or very calming music if any at all. I guess it all comes down to what works for you as a person. Experiment, but don't burn your brain trying, it truly isn't worth it.
  18. tonic

    Visuals on acid

    Yeah so you know exactly where I'm coming from. I realise you were just having a little dig . I guess I was just trying to emphasize the importance of not overusing a powerful and potentially damaging substance just because the effects aern't the desired effects. It is never good to push these things. I have met some people in my time who have become very messed up from abusing acid. It is not always a pretty sight. On a lighter note I have read a few very interesting accounts of the effects of the now legendary Owsley LSD. Definitley something to be careful with. An unprepared mind can be the most deadly enemy any man/woman can possibly face. A. Hoffman always reccomended quite small doses of LSD 25 as the substance can be dangerous not to mention horrendously unpleasant. From what I know there is really no 25 around in modern times anyhow and would be unwise to try and simulate the same effects by taking huge doses of modern acid to compensate. Possibly I don't know shit from sugar though?! So it is all relative. PEACE
  19. tonic

    Visuals on acid

    No, I am tonic. IMO Ken Kesey abused acid and learned very little from it. Same could be said about other people I guess. edit: Ken Kesey burned his brain from overuse, then told everyone that they should'nt take the very thing that he was promoting in the first place. Talk about contradiction.
  20. tonic

    Visuals on acid

    I am more inclined to stick by my statement shroomy [though your statement could hold alot of weight ], some people are just not ready or not even allowed to SEE. IMHO that is the truth of the matter.
  21. tonic

    which ethnobotanic

    To support two statements made here I have read a lot of reports of Salvia divinorum producing strong childhood memories/flasbacks, or even going back in time to your chilhood and reliving moments in your own history. Only to be used where legal of course
  22. tonic

    Visuals on acid

    Maybe you are not ready to SEE. Maybe you are not meant to SEE. Have you ever considered that?
  23. tonic

    OCG Visit

    I heard this guy does mail order, does anyone know how one would initiate this?
  24. tonic

    Arundo donax?

    Hey no worries mardybum. Apart from being a protected plant IMHO it isn't really worth digging out the large quantities of rhizome needed to do any sort of research with this genus. Lovely plant though. One of my favourite native reeds. Good to sit near the plant and meditate [in any way you choose to meditate ] and just listen to the papery leaves rustling in the breeze, quite calming.
  25. tonic

    Nicotiana sp.?

    Aha! I was trying to remember what that weed was called 'Twiggy Mullein'..... Thanks ferret, that's what I think it is.