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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Salviador

  1. My personal experience of mysticism recently has been a battle of belief. I find the more i read and experience about the power of mysticism (for lack of a better word), the more i read about scientific studies that attribute these experiences to internal beliefs rather than some objective method to affecting reality.

    My current standing on the issue is that you can unlock this tetragramatron which represents a way of paging your unconsicous and communicating with your social, cultural and physical programming, however this has no effect on the outside world, outside of your improved relationship and grasp with the social world.

    The biggest thing in my way i suppose, is the fact that despite the numerous methods that purport to teach you ways of controlling your reality, no examples of people who are visibly weilding this majic exist.

    Its all youre own stuff, and you work through it the best way you can. The tetragramatron is a very direct way of addressing and observing your core makeup, which is probably pretty similar to everyone elses, but you cant impact of physical reality because the laws of physics are much more direct ways of impacting on them.

  2. Ghb works by flooding the ghb receptors and then overflowing into the gaba receptors which gives the feeling of euphoria. ghb receptors influence wakefulness, additionally the over abundance of gaba stmulation inhibits dopamine release. Thus when the ghb is nearly all gone out of your system, the natural stimulation will be present from the ghb receptors as well as the effect of the rising levels of dopamine gives you a come up for a come down!

  3. Yeah thats whats been found to be the amount required to hit alcohol dependence; physical dependence with other social repercussions. Then there is alcohol abuse; "drinking in situations which can cause problems or increase the risk of harm" (Dsm IV), which is what you were talking about Rev. The numbers on those drinking cards are the borderline between alcohol use and abuse, when combined with some other symptoms. As we all know some people can drink a carton a day til theyre 90 with no ill effects and some can binge drink occasionally and have cirrhosis of the liver :P

  4. To become physically dependent on alcohol, and then youre talking delirium tremens, hallucinations and physical pain from no alcohol, you need about a bottle of wine + 1 standard drink per day for a couple of months. Im not 100% on the couple of months tho, it might be less

  5. All fixed now.

    I added the calander entry because no one else had, I hadnt changed it up until now because I wasnt sure if the park had been secured or not, Ill leave the next one up to someone else.

    TEH PARK HAS BEEN SOURCED!!!! plus at this point its free of charge which is fully sikk ey

    however there has been some confusion as to where it is, so everyone who knows everyone let them know tis at roma st top right of the park when looking from the amphitheatre over looking the train station!!!!!

    IM EXCITED :uzi:

  6. Hey guys, just reminding everyone the plan is to meet at the roma st parklands (see my previous post for exact location)

    However we have been fucked around the last couple of days. The probability is that we will still get this location, however in the spirit of keeping everyone up to date, i wish to formally advise you theres no guarantees. The people will reply to us tomorrow and we will know for sure. So worst comes to worst, we can still meet up at roma st and we might not have music. If this eventuates, i will pull out of nazi organiser mode and if the consensus is to meet up at gomaos or the botanicals in mt cootha then so be it. just post and have a vote type thingo.

    As for the bbq, we can still have that, my partner in crime is gonna sort out some kebabs, and im gonna use my hardcore connections with the woolworths mafia to get cheap sausages breads and maybe salads. anyone who want to bring stuff bring stuff.

    Finally weve already taken responsibility to the costs of renting the land, however if you wish to make a donation we will happily accept :)

  7. Well, we cant organise the botanical gardens coz we would need a generator, to power the music, so, roma st parklands it is! Its still a really nice spot and i promise all will have a good time. Its especially good because we will have the parks blessings to be there. Last time we were there a big burly security guard came up and asked for ouvr papers! upon showing them, he told us if we had any rapscallions attending to inform him at once and he would help us out.

    Were thinking of doing some vegetarian, any ideas for bbqable veggie stuff. we could stock up on salads i spose?

    So were booking it from 11-6. Its in the top corner of the park just right of the amphitheatre if youre looking out from the stage (ie not in the audience) overlooking the train station.

  8. I've read studies that say the exact opposite. Smoking is correlated with an increase in schizophrenia. Gimme a meta-analysis (statistical study of numerous studies) or some sort of neurological theory as to why nicotine helps the brain prevent schizophenia.

    Also who funded this research?

  9. Well my friend has emailed roma st and mt cootha, there is gonna be a hire fee. So were gonna have a bbq as well and there will be a donation box there for all who wish to help out.

    Neurofarmer, you are more than welcome to join, most of the brizeb group are relative newbies, and i think thats a strength in a way, we signal the new wave of ethnobotanists YOUNG AND RADICAL YEAH!

    No, but brizeb started with the idea of no politics, leaders, ranks, etc, just fun hanging out in the moment. This may have led to a certain lack of organisation, but thats what the group dynamic is at the moment. im just happy its stuck together, i have certainly made some valuable connections through this forum and im sure others in the group feel that way.

    So please make all the effort were going to for this uber-ultra-awesome-fully-sick-mate-meet worthwhile and come talk plants amongst the plants this November the 5th !!!

  10. I spoke to the man with the speakers, and he agreed that it should be done. These guys have a relationship with the roma st parklands people (in the city, but really nice) And so with enough notice we could have a day there for sure. Rumour has it they have spoken with the mt cootha people as well and something might be organised there.

    But first i wanna hear some noise from people first (esp gomaos to see if you can make it) To make sure people will actually attend and to make sure this is a good idea in peoples opinions.

    So yeah let me know please! Whether you wanna do it or not, and whether mt cootha or roma st is preferable

  11. I'm glad it served you well, however i cannot let this board think that I drink bundaberg rum, when in fact it was WOODSTOCK bourbon aka Woodies. Theyre my bread and butter and taste better than all the others combined (that was a plug for woodstock) :P

    Thanks! ill be sure to check it out

    What a fun doof, such a beautiful scenario, i hear the new area that is being built will be even nicer!!!!!!! wow i find that hard to believe, but can't wait to go!!!

    Finally i must agree with Being, mesq having heard your first set and now this one, you have improved heaps, this set was the awesomest ive ever heard!!!!!! :lol:

  12. If you can make it out, i would like to try and organise a day party type event, my friends got some speakers and we can book a section in the park where we can chill out and listen to nice music whilst talking plants. If that falls through tho i am totally at ease as to what we do, youre place might be nice so everyone can bring their cuttings which are no doubt flourishing at this point in the year.

  13. The garden will offer a new avenue, outside the classroom, to get people talking about the misuse of drugs - most of which grow in nature.

    Coca, opium and to a lesser extent marijuana (due to its inability to kill things), these plants are powerful, medicinal even but not poisonous, they only become poisonous when their essence is concentrated.

    Besides, i think its unnatural, having a garden thats walled off from people who will naturally want to touch the plants. Subconsciously its separating man from nature. Almost like telling people watch out for plants they are DANGEROUS FEAR THEM !!!!!

    *Sigh* we all need to show them more love

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  14. I'm writing it in my diary right now.

    Just thinking of fun ideas we could do

    If weather permits maybe we could go on a mushroom identification foray? - maybe a little earlier

    Just looking through the excursions we had planned there is mention of a general inebriationg session and a bbq

    Alternatively, we could try and book either the botanical gardens / roma st parklands and have a mini daytime party with loud music inebriants and sausages!!! its been done before and was awesomely successful

    - Sound exploration with entheogens (heima of course) – organizer required – discussion and jam, possible musical collaboration, could write a communal track, acoustic and doof…working with acousitic sounds to create space - That one we could do at gomaos, if the space is still on offer this time??

    anything else, i personally like the idea of roma st or botanics, but if you cant make it gomaos, i really like the idea of chilling with you at your sexy plant palace :bootyshake:

  15. Absinthe in Oz doesn't have a very high thujone content. Not really enough to be considered hallucingenic. Plus the alcohol content of the popular brand on the front of the bottle is something like 55% but under the label (if you look through behind the bottle) its more like 65% or something similar. So yeah, its still sorta illegal in the strength issue, but then again its alcohol right, its harmless remember :P

  16. I think its the universes way of balancing out the population. Theres too many of us, and because of our environmental encroachment into nature, these diseases are being released from nature. Or because of the squalor that these birds have to live in because of our waste, these diseases are being borne. It's our fault in the first place.

    When you stretch a rubber band it snaps back into place, nature always tends towards a balance, simple yin yang stuff.

    Still i hope i don't die :P

  17. awesome movie, if youre interested in conscious dreaming theres a link just off the shaman australis main page to claude rifats website, hes got an indepth step by step approach to achieving conscious dreaming.

    The animation is beautiful in this film!!!!
