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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Salviador

  1. How does one test ph? litmus paper?

    Also the clockwise effect previously mentioned refers to the common feeling people get that they are being pushed in a certain direction, sometimes it clockwise sometimes its anti clockwise, v v strange feeling.

  2. How does one test ph? litmus paper?

    Also the clockwise effect previously mentioned refers to the common feeling people get that they are being pushed in a certain direction, sometimes it clockwise sometimes its anti clockwise, v v strange feeling.

  3. Hello all, im Brenton, im afraid i started off on the wrong foot with all you undoubtedly wonderful people, (refer to dried and put into gelcaps) . So hopefully this post can be a little less contentious :) . I would like to know the status on sending out spore prints of illegal-to-consume mushrooms, i would be very interested in starting a collection of spore prints, but dont want to break the law or anything ... can someone please give me the lowdown on legalities involved in mushroom owning etc.

  4. I didnt see the last bit, when i got my salvia, it the leaves were healthy looking but almost yellow. The reason the person who gave this to me did this was because supposedly most salvias like a slightly acidic soil. A natural way to fix this is to chuck some pine needles into the soil, giving it both nutrients and more acidic soil.

  5. I didnt see the last bit, when i got my salvia, it the leaves were healthy looking but almost yellow. The reason the person who gave this to me did this was because supposedly most salvias like a slightly acidic soil. A natural way to fix this is to chuck some pine needles into the soil, giving it both nutrients and more acidic soil.

  6. When i did grow salvia, the deformation was a curling of the long side of the leaf so that the end product was a smaller ver narrow leaf. Also the veins were more visible and the green was sort of dirtier. It could be the humidity as that comes with cold weather, and because the grow slowed i put more fertiliser in, so i should have reduced the fertiliser and increased the humidity. Its all very confusing, salvia d was definately one of the hardest plants i ever tried to grow.

  7. All this talk of salvias makes me reminisce. When i grew sd back in the good ol days where it was legal and what not, whenever it got cold the leaves would curl and turn a dirty green. I was pretty sure that it was the cold but not 100% has anyone else had these problems? Just out of dumb curiosity and solutions?

  8. Hi, i was wondering if its possible to pollenate a lions tail/ear? plant (Leonotis leonuris) with its own pollen? If so is this bad for the seeds then produced. Also where abouts do the seeds form? Im new to the whole propogating by seed thing so anticipated thanks for your help :)

  9. Hello, I have schizophrenia and my friend is telling me that i have to find out how many 000 (137 ml i think)size gelcaps are needed for a small, moderate, strong dose otherwise he will make me do bad things again........ They are the gold tops that fade from the centre to a lighter colour that bruise blue with the purple ring and are found in cow paddocks. Ps my friend is new to this and wants a store over winter coz they don't grow then do they?
