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Posts posted by Salviador

  1. For some briz'eb'er's this will be a double post, but I'm pretty sure there are new brizzy people on this ebb who havent found the mailing list... so

    We should have a meet soon, after talking to some people, i think a nice place to meet up would be at a pub that is central, say the paddo for historical reasons (but suggestions welcome). This way we can all just catch up get to know each other better, and whatever needs to be talked about will no doubt eventually come up. At the same time to alay any fears of "nerdy" behaviours the pub atmosphere will ensure long ramblings of any nature deemed interesting (not just ethobotany). I suggest that all who are interested should think of days and dates or start planning some free time starting two weeks from now. This allows people who need to ask for time off work to get time off work. So just throwing ideas around, im thinking sometime around friday saturday or sunday the 28 29 or 30. Of course i can also organise weekdays as well, so basically anyone who is interested please post convenient times for yourself.

    For those who were unaware... the brisbane group mailing list is at [email protected]. You may need to sign up first and the website for that is http://mail.ethnobotanica.org/mailman/list...hnobotanica.org

  2. As far as I know Adhd is due to poor insulation of the dopamine neurons. What speed does is increase the amount of dopamine and thus the loudness of the signal, this way it still gets through even tho the axon is not very insulated. The problem with long term use of speed, and ssris for that matter (same thing cept with serotonin), is the brain notices the unusually increased production/availability of these neurotransmitters and kills them off. To the brain these receptors are faulty.

    The new theory is that taking more omega three fish oil from childhood is the best prevention/cure for adhd, as this will increase the amount of myelin (fat) insulating the axons, increasing the signal clarity.

    Edit- For depression due to lack of serotonin, tryptophan and b vitamins which are precursors to serotonin would be addressing the problem at the cause rather than at the symptom level, much like omega.

    Its frustrating that people still dont acknowledge the importance of nutrition.

    [ 11. January 2005, 15:43: Message edited by: Salviador ]

  3. I think that there is no such thing as a truly atruistic act. Whether giving to a stranger with no one to watch or nursing someone in their deathbed, you are still doing what your conscience directs you to do, essentially you feel better as a human being if you do this act than if you escape the temporary discomfort.

    So i suppose this means that the motivating element of love and hence compassion is, the overriding of other motivators to the conscience?

    [ 04. January 2005, 09:06: Message edited by: Salviador ]

  4. I think compassion is the realisation that when everyone is happy, things are waaay better, even if it is at some personal sacrifice. Its by no means selfless, you are still getting satisfaction from seeing everyone happy and letting that improve your happiness, i suppose it could be seen as not only stopping a vicious cylce but turning it around?



    "Because this is such an important patient population where they have such pain and they have so few options, we felt this drug does offer some real gains," he said.

    So using this quote for say psychedelics, does this still make sense?

    Because this is such an important patient population where they have such spiritual and psychological pain and they have so few options other than religion, we felt this drug does offer some real gains,"

  6. There are of course other methods that would at least disperse the costs. 1) extract the herb, in some cases with the right solvents you can get really clean extract. 2) eat it 3) i bet theres other ways, dmso(skin absorbtion) or somesuch?

  7. http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/alt_a1...1co/default.asp

    Look at the most recent article

    Quite an interesting article for rights and what not, however this bit was hugely alarming. p184 in rtf

    Schedule 1 Prohibited plants

    (see s 162)

    column 1item column 2prohibited plant

    1 Peganum harmala

    2 Amanita cothurnata

    3 Amanita gemmata

    4 Amanita muscaria

    5 Amanita pantherina and other

    6 Amanita spp

    7 Banisteria caapi

    8 Banisteriopsis inebrians

    9 Cannabis

    10 Catha edulis

    11 Conocybe spp

    12 Erythroxylon spp

    13 Gymnopilus spp

    14 Haemadictyon amazonicum

    15 Lophophora williamsii

    16 Papaver oriental (Papaver bracteatum)

    17 Papaver somniferumi

    18 Piptadenia peregrina

    19 Piptadenia macrocarpa

    20 Prestonia amazonica

    21 Psilocybin

    22 Stropharia cubensis

    Someone tell me that i have got this all wrong?

  8. No no no, my friend is a bad influence on me if anything theres no way hes a narc, i was on university grounds where there is a place known as high society, used to be a place of discussion and use, now its just a dealing circle... so cops found out, uni is most cooperative...

  9. I have recently, half unwittingly left my loph out in the rains. the mix is totally coarse sand with some osmocote slow release fert and it is caning! During winter i didnt water and it shrunk and got wrinkly.

    It sounds to me like theyre getting too much sun and not enough water, or at least not enough water. Might i suggest that the roof would be getting hot enough to make the roots uncomfortable?

  10. Hi all, just like to say that eb4 was awesome, quite an assortment of different perspectives :)

    This post refers to an experience i shared with those at eb4. For those of you who didnt already know, i recently tried to buy pot off a undercover police officer. He arrested me and offered me the option of going to a program known as "Drug diversion".

    Drug diversion is a 2 hour long harm minimisation program offered by the government to those who are caught with small amounts of various substances. It offers a way to avoid the courts.

    I was interviewed by a "psychiatric nurse". The interview was structured around a survey that gathered information relating to what drugs i had tried, the frequency of use, and other health related questions such as intention to quit, this information is kept anonymous. For my interview, i answered honestly about my usage and intentions to quit. From here the interviewer assessed my score by summing the number and severity of ticked boxes . Obviously he was not too worried about me as i was out in half an hour. However, they often show a video about the basics of cannabis smoking, i think this includes stuff like warning sign of dependence, steps to quit, and steps to reduce harm such as using j's instead of bongs etc.

    Overall i found this experience to be a good bit closer to what should be happening with relation to drug related "crimes".

    As for subversive tactics and the such, i didnt notice anything much. He was a psychiatric nurse, so i dont think he would have that much experience with psychological techniques and interview. He of course threw in a couple of questionable stats and told me a little about himself to make me feel more comfortable.

    In the end, we discussed the "whose life is it anyway" thing and he tended to agree. Therefore this experience in my opinion is pretty good compared to courts and other such hairy areas.



    Police will test for the “active ingredients of substances” taken in the hours leading up the test.

    Thc itself doesn't stay in the body for long. It get broken down over a period of hours into another chemical that is tested in standard drug tests. Therefore, if a saliva test actually tests for thc molecules in the saliva from the bong they just smoked, then i assume that will only show up as long as you can feel the effects.

    This testing for pot issue was raised by the human rights people, i spose they sorted it out.

  12. http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/index.php?id=297


    Hundreds Protest Attack on Fallujah and U.S. Militarism. A.N.S.W.E.R. Demo Draws Activists and Military Tanks

    Hundreds of protestors converged on the Federal building in Westwood last night to demonstrate against the U.S. attack on Fallujah. Colorful signs, banners and placards lined the busy streets while the crowd militantly chanted "George Bush, we say no - the occupation has got to go!" and "The people of Fallujah are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back!"

    The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition initiated last night's emergency demonstration. It was one of many coordinated actions that took place in cities across the nation protesting the new U.S. invasion of Fallujah. Activists and leaders from various progressive organizations attended, including members of Free Palestine Alliance, CAIR, Coalition for World Peace, Women in Black, U.S. Labor Against War, NION, ADC-LA/OC and more.

    As the demonstration was winding up, two large U.S. military tanks drove past the protestors on Wilshire Boulevard two times. The second time, the tanks stopped directly in front of a group of about 50 protestors for nearly five minutes. Police attempted to provoke a confrontation with the crowd, but the people resisted. Instead, they chanted "Bring the Troops Home Now!"

    We do not know where the tanks came from, where they were going or why they drove past the demonstration. It is an outrage to see military tanks rolling through the streets of Los Angeles.

    If the tanks were meant to intimidate us, they failed. The resolve of the protestors to fight against the occupation was strengthened by their presence. The protestors stuck together and chanted loudly until the tanks sped away and the police dispersed.

    The presence of military tanks on Wilshire highlights the need to step up the fight against U.S. militarism. The U.S. is the most highly militarized nation on the planet with a defense budget of over $700 billion. We must increase the struggle against war, occupation, racism and all forms of bigotry in the U.S and abroad.

    The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has unveiled an action plan to deepen the struggle and further unite the antiwar movement so that it grows even stronger in the months to come. Please join us in building these exciting upcoming events in Los Angeles.

    Note: i did a search to see if any of the larger newspapers in America mentioned this strange occurence and i couldn't find anything... If Queenstreet had tanks rolling throught it, i would expect it to be all over the news...
