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Skulking Lurker

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Everything posted by Skulking Lurker

  1. Skulking Lurker

    wanted: Piper methysticum

    That fixes that. Thanks T.
  2. Skulking Lurker

    Who's gonna ?

    The world will catch up one day, Gom, and then they'll all want a piece of you. In the meantime, I'd feel pretty spesh, getting around in an authentic SAB T-shirt. We need some ideas thrown into the ring. Unfortunately I haven't an artistic bone in me, well, not one that I can just whip out at any old time.
  3. Skulking Lurker

    what's the deal with commonwealth land?

    I'm often nude at Swanbourne. If I knew I could be nude at numerous other places without fear of persecution, I would be. Damn that pesky persecution tripe.
  4. Skulking Lurker

    Who's gonna ?

    Feelin' artistic Gom ???
  5. Skulking Lurker

    khat seeds for trade

    My coffea arabica is only now ripening! Most erries stayed green over winter, and all began reddening once we had a few warmer days. Perth's winter lacked many 20+ degree days this year.
  6. Skulking Lurker

    The Mystery Of The Coca Plant That Wouldn't Die.

    Boliviana negra - anyone got any seeds or cuttings to trade? (this is NOT meant to be a joke... just incase you didnt get it.)
  7. Skulking Lurker

    New Scientist

    A window on the mind New Scientist, 13 November 2004 p 36 (box within cover story "The Intoxication Instinct" by Helen Phillips and Graham Lawton) Note: This is the original version, and was slightly edited for publication. Psychedelic drugs provide some of the best evidence we have that the mind is the brain; that our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are created by chemistry. Take a drug, particularly a hallucinogen, and any of these can change, and even our innermost selves can be quite transformed. This means these drugs can be scary, and need to be taken with great care and respect, for they can potentially reveal some of the deepest secrets about our minds and consciousness. A century ago, long before prohibition, the groundwork of a science of intoxication was already being laid down, and the American psychologist, William James, experimented with the anaesthetic, nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”. Our normal rational consciousness, he said, is just one special type of consciousness, while all around it, “parted from it by the filmiest of screens” are other entirely different forms of consciousness, always available if only the requisite stimulus is applied. Other experimenters meticulously described the effects of inhaling ether, chloroform or cannabis, and the strange distortions of time, perception, and sense of humour this induced. More curiously, they also described changes in belief, and even in philosophy. For example, nitrous oxide has the curious capacity to change materialist scientists into idealists. Its discoverer, Sir Humphrey Davy, bravely took the drug himself as an experiment in 1799 and ended up exclaiming that “Nothing exists but thoughts”. Others made similar observations and found their views profoundly shifted by even brief encounters with the other side of that filmy screen. This raises the peculiar question of whether what James’s called “our normal rational consciousness” is necessarily the best for understanding the world. After all, if one’s view of the world can change so dramatically with the aid of a simple molecule like nitrous oxide, how can we be sure that our normal brain chemistry is the one most suited to doing science and philosophy? What if evolution had taken a slightly different turn and we had ended up with brain chemistry less inclined to make us believe in God or the afterlife. Or what if our actual brain chemistry evolved to help us survive and reproduce at the cost of giving us false beliefs about the world? If so, it is possible that mind-altering drugs might in fact give us a better, not worse, insight than we have in our so-called normal state. Take the common experience of losing our separate self, or becoming one with the universe. This may seem, to some, like mystical nonsense, but in fact it fits far better with a scientific understanding of the world than our normal dualist view. Most of us feel, most of the time, that we are some kind of separate self who inhabits our body like a driver in a car or a pilot in a plane. We speak about “my body” and even “my brain” as though “I” were something separate from them both. Throughout history many people have believed in a soul or spirit that can leave the body and even survive after death. Yet science has long known that this cannot be so. There is no observer inside the brain who has our experiences, and no space in the brain from where an inner self can control it. There is just a brain that is made of exactly the same kind of stuff as the world around it. In other words, we really are one with the universe. This means that the psychedelic sense of self may actually be truer than the common dualist view. So although our normal state is better for surviving and reproducing, it may not always be best for understanding who and what we are. Perhaps we could even have sciences carried out in some of these intoxicated states. This was just what psychologist, Charles Tart, suggested in 1972, in the prestigious journal Science. He likened different states of consciousness to different paradigms in science and proposed the creation of “state specific sciences”; new sciences which would be done by scientists working in altered states and communicating their findings to others in those states. These new sciences might only have limited application but this makes the point that our normal state, constrained as it is by the particular chemistry evolution has given us, may not be the only way to try to understand the universe. Since Tart’s pioneering work on mapping altered states, most of the psychedelic drugs have become prohibited and research has largely been stifled. While the cultures that have used these drugs for millennia treat them with great respect, and control them with elaborate rituals and traditions, our culture gives over their control to criminals and tries to deny their amazing mind-revealing capacities. Perhaps one day, when prohibition is finally abandoned, scientists may once again take up the promise offered by those tiny little chemicals that can tell us who and what we are.
  8. Skulking Lurker

    negative mycology?

    Crikey, I piss on the weeds, to kill 'em. Especially effective when I'm dehydrated, and my urine is concentrated. Personally, I'd never pee on a plant I cared for. Why even put it to risk, if it's flourishing with what it has already got?
  9. Skulking Lurker

    WA Seedring

    Got a few things I'll send your way too. A good thing to support, good onya creach.
  10. Skulking Lurker

    Asparagus pee

    Asparagine L-Asparagine is a neutral, genetically coded amino acid. Most authorities feel that the compound that causes the odor in urine after consumption of asparagus is methylmercaptan, which is a sulfur-containing derivative of the amino acid, methionine. This is disputed by a few individuals who claim that the odiferous compound is asparagine-amino-succinic-acid monoamide. Symbol asn n Molecular formula C4H8N2O3 Molecular weight 132.12 Isoelectric point (pH) 5.41 CAS Registry Number 5794-13-8 3D Molecular Model [ 28. June 2004, 17:00: Message edited by: Skulking Lurker ]
  11. Skulking Lurker

    Germinating pituri seed

    Smoke water is made by the staff at the Kings Park botanical garden. The product can be purchased from them. It is now distributed under the name Regen 2000. Check info here
  12. Skulking Lurker

    Proneness to fire

    I have a couple of cacti growing in the ground, in an area that may at some stage soon, be subject to a 'clean up' burn. Does anyone have experience with cacti and fire? Obviously I can and will limit the amount of fuel around the specimens, but I'm also interested to know their level of vulnerability to fire.
  13. Skulking Lurker


  14. Skulking Lurker


    If I send something in to the AFSR's Kardinya address, will it get there? ie, is the address still current?
  15. Skulking Lurker

    cuttings available

    Got any indications as to what they may be ?
  16. Skulking Lurker

    all i want is just one river!

    I may be able to sling you a peruvianus of that calibre.
  17. Skulking Lurker

    Trachelospermum in Perth

    I only know of one. It's down the side of a friends ex-rental in Melville. The more material the better I suppose, therefore this particular specimen may not provide much to work with. It's not a picture of vigor.
  18. Skulking Lurker

    Wanted: penisplant perth.

    They are in fact available from SAB for a minimal charge of $12. Click here for 'DICK'
  19. Skulking Lurker

    Anyone have P.Somniferum seeds to spare?

    I've still got enough fresh tassie strain seed to get you growing, if your still looking.
  20. Skulking Lurker

    Flowering Vines

    Sometimes you can induce flowering in some species by feeding with a higher ratio of potassium. Even out of season. I'd try getting some hydroponic bloom A+B nutrients, and mix up as directed. Some of these products also have flowering stimulants, as well as a higher K ratio.
  21. Skulking Lurker

    Passiflora incarnata

    PMs are full mescalito
  22. Skulking Lurker

    Passiflora incarnata

    Hi everyone, I've aquired some P. incarnata seeds. I don't know if they are of any interest to anyone, but I could do a few lots of 10 for trades of some kind, or I can just give 'em away. [ 03. February 2004, 15:01: Message edited by: Skulking Lurker ]
  23. Skulking Lurker

    real slack post

    If you read the fine print on the cheaper bourbon cans, you'll find that they are actually 'bourbon flavoured alcoholic cola'. Cola, flavour and ethanol. Works the same but. A mate calls Woodstock cans.....'woodstain estapol and cola'.
  24. Skulking Lurker

    evapourating 'Mezcal'?

    What are the documented levels of 'good stuff' allegedly contained within the various species used for the different brands/classes of the said elixir ? I've yet to find out. Could it be perhaps that any actives find themselves in concentrations high enough for subtle effect, from the process of combination, manufacture and distillation ? Or maybe a simple secret 'end of the line' addition before bottling ? hmmm
  25. Skulking Lurker

    Darklight's birfday

    I must also wish upon you merriment and good wishes for your b'day DL. It's also mine, only days before yours. After the solstice/new year celebrations, it becomes quite a long spell of partying. I hope you pull thru better than I.