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Posts posted by gerbil

  1. hey mesq, well went to have a closer look today, and by the time i finish work and get there, they are long shut.

    Just from the window though, it looks like a pressure cooker to me, big screw on lid, guages etc. Couldn't see what the guage was measuring though as it was facing the other way. It might be a boiler though.

    If they let me in before hours tomorrow i'll find out specs and cost.

  2. Mesq, there was someone on EA boards selling pressure cookers that they picked up from Op shops, best to get into contact with them i'd say, they might have what you are after.

    Sorry, not too helpful but thought it's worth a mention.

    good luck

    Edit: actually i saw what looked like a large pressure cooker today in a air-compressor pump shop, will have a closer look tomorrow...came up to about knee height.

    [ 25. August 2003, 20:59: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  3. Torsten:

    Yeah, Vlado is great. Helpful and cheap. I just don't agree with the limitations he puts on his mescaline containing cactus seed. It's like, you have to buy 5 other packs for each active one.

    Yeah, the limitation did seem a little tight, yet on his site now i think he did review that 5 packet minimum, I think it has been reduced to 2, can't remember off the top of my head.

    I ordered about 6 Ethnobotanical cacti seeds, and 1 or 2 non-ethno, and he didn't say a word about it...though they weren't T. pach, or any lophophora species, maybe these are the obvious ones he doesn't like people ordering in bulk and by themselves?

    [ 25. August 2003, 20:28: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  4. sorry for the advertising, think it's okay with torsten though.

    arizona cactus garden in Vic, have just recieved an order the other day, they have really good prices and stock over 4500 species of cacti seeds, a fair few succulents and about 5 other botanicals

    Support SAB of course, but for stock they don't have, these guys will most likely have it.

    Not sure if there latest list is uploaded as it was just finished, but i'm sure they will be more that happy to send one out.

    The guys name is vlado, and is really friendly to deal with.


  5. "but my take is that it's the drugs themselves that change peoples attitudes(or not- eg:alcohol), so whatever brings someone to a drug experience is fine, it's what they take away which is important" -nabraxas

    But what if these people (the ones i spoke about) take absolutely nothing away from the experience...or maybe not so much nothing, but more of a "this drug makes us see cool colours", nothing more than that. They aren't really in the whole experience for deep understanding or whatever it may be, more of a cheap thrill. I mean, these people endanger themselves to extreme degrees, the person i spoke to had NO knowledge about mescaline or any of the other actives in the cactus, you could have replaced mescaline with the word "shafijdpgds" and they still would have gobbled it down without a second thought.

    I agree that we don't really have the right to say "you can't take this, because i don't feel it is for you", though i do think anyone has the right to say don't touch it because you will endanger your life, and other peoples...this person even drove whilst under the influence of mushrooms because they wanted to go home. So when human safety is at risk, i strongly believe people have the right to say, don't even think about touching that substance, since you have such blatent disrespect for everything.

    hypothetically, If knowledge about all types of entheogens were handed out to 100% of the general public and 50% decided to use them, i strongly believe there will be a great decline in living plants, and possibly extinction (or maybe not that extreme) of certain species, since they have no interest in the conservation of anything. They will just look back and think "oh, where did all those plants go"

    just my take on it though :)

  6. Auxin:

    "maybe i'm looking for reclaiming the role of shaman in our society."

    Only problem it the gov't would not see you as a shaman, they would either label you a drug dealer or a cult leader. Drug dealers are jailed, cult leaders are shot. But on the plus side one more martyr might help our cause.

    no, we won't be killing t st lol

    Bring information to the public is important of course, though i know alot of people that i constantly attempt to explain to, the use of ethnobotany, especially entheogens. These people reply "yeah of course, i'm in it for the spiritual guidance, to learn more about myself and surroundings" yet in the same sentance they say "oh i plan on getting absolutely fucked on this shit, this will be awesome", then i repeat exactly what i had said previously...plus a few words of anger, and they reply with exactly the same words. It makes it hard to spread useful knowledge when alot of people are so ignorant. Is it right to basically give these people the information on a silver platter, knowing that they will be abusing it in such a fashion? If they truly have an interest in such things they will take the time, and effort to find out more about this, instead of having it all handed to them. The people that i spoke about also have absolutely NO interest in plants whatsoever, only for their substance properties, one went out once they found out about mescaline cacti, bought some beautiful specimens (even said they were nice) then put them straight into a blender without a second thought.

    So i suppose the question i ask, is...

    Should a movement to establish a recognised community, (where substances can be used legally without being prosecuted), be one that has us yelling our intentions at the general public, or should it be a little more subtle, as not to attract a bunch of idiots with absolutely no intention to further this interest of ours, but rather to "get fucking smashed"?

    [ 21. August 2003, 22:25: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  7. have also noticed the anti-depressant effects from S. divinorum.

    Personally, right after the journey is when things are the happiest, though that is coming from a good experience...have never actually been hurt in anyway by the lady come to think of it. Possibly it doesn't have the same effect coming from a bad journey?

    Have noticed the initial day has the anti-depressant qualities, then things tend to drop a little for the next few days, but pick up greatly about day 4-5, depending on situations though.

    Personally the instant anti-depressant effects, i put down to the happenings of the session, the world that was visited, the images and emotions seen and felt and the rest that can't be put into words hehe, though the feelings at day 4-5 i can't explain at all, just to say that the plant certainly has something to do with it, has occured too frequently for it to be a co-incidence.

    [ 18. August 2003, 22:28: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  8. thanks torsten, was wondering why he wasn't mentioned anywhere online, now i know :)

    jason thanks for that, though i'm after the actual book, thanks for the suggestion though.

    When i find a supplier, i'll order a few for people here if people are interested, will let you know when it happens though.

  9. Have been looking for "The age of entheogens and the angels dictionary" by Jonathan Ott, though all bookstores in melb. that i've been to said they know the publisher name, yet have no source for the book itself.

    Does Jonathan have a central distribution for his books? Or does anybody know if he can be contacted via internet?

    Am aslo after a few other titles by him, and again no one can source them.

    any help at all is much appreciated



  10. ridiculous, how much more power do these people want?

    their next argument will be that the spore banks are funded by terrorists, or send spores to terrorists, heh what a joke these countries are.

  11. "So what steps can we take to deschedule it?

    Has everybody signed the petition that is linked from Thomas Munro's website? (www.thomas.munro.com)

    Does anybody know who in the TGA or other government department we can write to?

    chris. "


    Theres a list of health ministers there, i suppose for starters if people get a chance, they could write to their states HM, outlining whats wrong with what they have done, possibly direct them to thomas' site?

  12. Personally, i can't understand how so many reports can compare plants with one another, "more intense than LSD". First off, how do they know that?, have they taken both substances?, second, you can't really compare them since they are so different and have their own unique properties.

    Since the general public has been chocked with anti-drug, anti-lsd crap previously, reports like that just add to the mental library sourced from wankers who feed from corruption.

    every drug effects every single person differently, papers, and especially high ranks in drug enforcement can't make such generalised statements...well they can, but it just gives us a bit of a chuckle at their simple minds.

    I really would love for a huge movement, weather quiet or loud, in australia, for salvia divinorum to be taken off the schedule. I think it is possible, want to give it a go?

    It needs to be done before the US schedule it, after that little johnny can't think for himself (not that he does anyway)

    Michael, i feel it is propaganda,

    "DEA ISSUES WARNING FOR LEGAL HERB STRONGER THAN LSD", i'm not familiar with the newspaper and whether it is news, or a hype-paper, though that is perfect example of it...yet it can be taken two ways, depends on who wrote it, and sarcasim etc.

    Anything is potentially dangerous though,

    the real question is what will create revenue for governments...

    thats just what i feel though

    take care man

    [ 13. August 2003, 22:28: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  13. ah i have been meaning to post that exact question for a while, thanks for doing it.

    I think a quick way to find out basics, would be to actually ask a blind person that you know, or maybe even just run into on the street.

    What i'm curious about is people who are born blind, and people who go blind during life. Seeing if there is a large difference within the visuals, since one has actually experienced vision before.

    The person born blind may even have an advantage, their mind hasn't been filled with images like we see every day, kind of like when a young child paints, not a care in the world and their thoughts are more 'pure' or innocent i suppose you could say.

  14. Originally posted by nabraxas:

    The centre says Angel's Trumpet, also known as datura and moonflower, is a white, trumpet-shaped flower which can act as a powerful psychedelic agent.

    Dillon said that since datura is extracted from a flower

    "With datura you are not getting a measured dose."

    According to Dillon, Angel's Trumpet grows more prominently on coastal regions however instances of datura poisoning are no longer confined to these areas.


    alot of that makes no sense at all,

    so you extract the plant from it's flower?...

    the Angels trumpet refers to brugmansia species doesn't it?

    guess he also doesn't know that alcohol can make people jump off cliffs.

    [ 05. August 2003, 21:14: Message edited by: gerbil ]
